Kelvin Grove
KelvinGrovePrimary School
This prospectus is designed to give you some useful information about our school. We hope it reflects the positive and happy environment which we aim to create at Kelvin Grove.
We welcome visitors to the school on a regular basis, therefore if you would like to see the school at work, please arrange a visit by telephoning the school office. We would be happy to show you around.
The prospectus should be read in conjunction with our school website:
KelvinGrovePrimary School
Kelvin Grove
Contact us
Tel: 0191 4774186
Fax: 0191 4901899
Kelvin Grove
KelvinGrovePrimary School, Gateshead, caters for children aged between 3 and 11. We provide our children with a safe and stimulating environment in which they develop their academic, physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural lives.
We recognise and value the rich linguistic and cultural diversity in our school and the local community. We endeavour to ensure that each child is able to excel in their achievements and to have the skills, independence and initiative to become good citizens.
Parents are regularly invited into school to work “Bike it” initiative encourages healthy and safe
alongside their children journeys to school
Year 6 pupils published in The Chronicle
Our school ethos reflects the calm and purposeful mission for which we aim.
Kelvin Grove is a larger than average primary school with over 360 pupils. Originally built as separate Infant, Junior and SeniorSchools in 1902 to provide places for 1,480 scholars, the school has a long established tradition in the Saltwell district of Gateshead.
Original Victorian buildings circa 1902
The staff and pupils transferred off site in September 1989 for 18 months while the old buildings were demolished and replaced by the new primary building, which opened in September 1992.
The school is highly regarded in the local community and staff and pupils are very proud to belong to the school. Parents and carers speak positively about all aspects of the school.
Our School Vision is…
“Achieving Success Together”
Believing the African Proverb, “It takes a whole village to raise a child”, we are strongly committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure the best provision for every child.
Engagement with parents and carers is good and there are effective lines of communication which are enhanced through the dedicated family support worker. Strong partnership working with the local authority and other outside agencies provides further effective support, particularly for vulnerable children and their families.
Every Child at Kelvin Grove Matters
The Government’s aim is for every child to have the support they need, whatever their background or their circumstances.
The aims and outcomes for Every Child Matters are as follows:
Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well-being
At Kelvin Grove every child does matter. We constantly review our policy and practice to
ensure we implement these five objectives.
Kelvin Grove is a good multicultural school which provides excellent care, guidance and support for its pupils. Pupils feel extremely safe and thoroughly enjoy coming to school.
School Aims
Our values:
We champion aspiration and self-belief
We work together to realise shared goals
We uphold a strong work ethic
We celebrate and embrace equality and diversity
We cultivate care and regard for one another
We offer:
An inspirational learning environment
An innovative curriculum, bespoke to our children’s needs
Existing and emerging technologies to equip our children for the ever changing world
Equality of opportunity
A nurturing school in which all feel safe
A holistic approach to our children’s needs
We expect everyone to:
Be respectful
Always persevere
Show commitment
Have a sense of pride
Make a positive contribution
The school standard number for admissions is 60. Children are admitted in to Nursery class at the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday. Children are admitted to the main school in the Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday.
Children are admitted to the Nursery and the Primary school in accordance with the Admissions Policy provided by Gateshead Council. This information is available in school. Please contact the school if you wish to have your child considered for a place either in the Nursery or the main school. School tours for prospective parents are warmly encouraged.
School Organisation
We have a 65 place Nursery where children are offered either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions with one additional session per week. There are approximately 350 pupils in school and they are organised as twelve classes between Reception and Year 6. In Reception and Key Stage 1 there are two classes of mixed ability in each year group. In Key Stage 2 pupils are taught in single year groups with additional mixed aged classes in Years¾ and 5/6.
Reception Classes:
Children startReception at Kelvin Grove after their 4th birthday. Each Summer Term we hold a parent afternoon for New Reception Parents to ensure that our children are prepared and confident when they start school. The exact induction arrangements for the Reception Classes can vary each year and will be explained at the New Parents’ Afternoon session in June.
School Times:
Morning Session 9.00am – 11.30am Afternoon Session 12.40pm – 3.10pm
Morning session 8.55am – 12.00pm Afternoon Session 1.00pm – 3.10pm
YEARS 3, 4, 5 AND 6
Morning session 8.55am – 12.10pm Afternoon Session 1.10pm – 3.15pm
Arriving At School/Punctuality
Please make sure that your child arrives on time with all that they need for the day.
The children may be left in the playground from 8.45am when a member of staff will supervise them. Please do not leave your child earlier than this, as we cannot ensure their safety before this time. If it is raining the children should come into school hall from 8.45am.
Collecting Your Child
The children should be brought into the Nursery classroom and left with the Nursery staff. The children should be collected at the end of their session from the Nursery classroom door. At 11.30am and 12.40pm enter and leave school through the lower playground gate.
The children should be collected from the rear door of the classroom, accessible externally by footpath. Please do not proceed beyond the gate until 3.05pm, as this can be disruptive for the children at the end of the day. Please leave with your child promptly unless you need to see the teacher.
YEARS 3, 4, 5 AND 6
The children will be dismissed onto the Upper Playground either from the Main Hall door or Key Stage 2 Entrance. Please arrange to meet your child in a place designated by you. Parents are asked not to enter school unless they need to speak to a teacher. These arrangements will help to ensure the safety of all our children.
In accordance with Department for Education Guidelines, school will not authorise holidays taken during the school term, unless deemed “exceptional circumstances”. When children are absent from school they miss the opportunities offered by the curriculum and can fall behind in their studies.
Authorised Absence
If a holiday during term time is unavoidable, then a request for leave of absence must be made to the Headteacher on a Leave of Absenceform (available from the school office).
Our School Curriculum
The curriculum is effective in supporting pupils' personal development, as well as their academic achievement. Displays around the school highlight the wide range of experiences provided for pupils to enrich their learning and improve their progress.
At Kelvin Grove we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children including the most able and those with special educational needs. We strive to make learning opportunities real and relevant to engage our children through exciting enquiry-based topics.
Reception Pirate Topic Whole school “Science Week”
Year 5 Brazil Study Year 2 local history enquiry
This curriculum is based on the New National Curriculum (2014) and covers the following subjects;
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- Art
- Design and Technology
- History
- Geography
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- PSHE/Citizenship
- French (KS1 & KS2)
All classes from Year 1 are taught these subjects. Our Reception classes follow the Early Years curriculum, which prepares the children for the National Curriculum which starts in Year 1.
The work the children undertake has been planned by the class teachers and HLTAs (Higher Level Teaching Assistants) and is based upon schemes of work prepared by the subject co-ordinators. The class teachers plan the work with their year group colleague to ensure continuity across the year group/phase.
At the start of every term you will be sent written details of the curriculum your child will be studying and any trips or visits planned for the class. If you have any relevant skills or knowledge and can help with any class work the class teacher would always be pleased to hear from you.
The learning and progress of all groups of pupils are good, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, those who speak English as an additional language and those who enter partway through the year. This is because they have well-targeted support and the work is matched well to their individual needs.
Assessment is a continuous process, which is integral to all our teaching. We assess children in order to ascertain what they have learnt, so that we can plan the next stages of their development. Much of the assessment is based on the teacher’s professional judgement of the child’s achievements, backed up by evidence from the child’s work.
Your child will also participate in the following formalised assessments:
• Baseline assessment at the start of Nursery.
• Baseline assessment at the start of Reception.
• Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) in Year 2 that assess a child’s achievements at the end of Key Stage 1.
• Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in Year 6 to assess their progress at the end of Key Stage 2.
• School based assessments in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5.
In addition, further detailed assessments are made for children with special needs.
If you wish to discuss your own child’s results in any test, please contact your class teacher.
Religious Education
The Education Reform Act 1998 states that an Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education “shall reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain”.
At Kelvin Grove we follow Gateshead’s Agreed Syllabus for RE. The children study Christianity and five other World Faiths: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
Collective Worship – Assemblies
At Kelvin Grove we hold daily assemblies in a variety of groupings. All our assemblies reflect our interpretation of worship as a celebration of all that may be considered of real worth.
We hope that all our children will be able to attend our assemblies as we aim to reflect the cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds of our school population. At certain times of the year we celebrate mainly Christian festivals e.g. Christmas, and other multi faith celebrations such as Eid il Fitr, Hanukkah or Diwali.
If any parent wishes to withdraw their child from all or some of our assemblies then please ensure that we are aware of your wish and alternative arrangements will be made for your child.
At Kelvin Grove we recognise that the partnership between home and school is vital in children reaching their full potential. We welcome the opportunity it presents for parents to become more involved in their child’s learning.
With support and encouragement from parents and family, homework can further stimulate interest and enhance learning through extension work and research. A weekly homework activity covers elements of Mathematics, English and a topic related activity. All children from Reception age upwards receive a Home Reader. Nursery children are invited to take part in our Home Learning Programme, which includes stories, games and activities.
We feel that a balance needs to be struck between academic demands and the time and energy devoted to the many sporting, musical, artistic and leisure pursuits which Kelvin Grove children enjoy.
Equal Opportunities
At Kelvin Grove we aim to give the best possible education to every child at the school and we recognise that a feeling of confidence and self-worth is essential for each child to make the most of the learning environment. With this in mind we want to provide an environment where children are free to develop without being discriminated against by gender, race, faith, language, ability or social class.
We recognise that a child’s own culture and language are central to their identity and we try to ensure that the curriculum reflects the varied cultural backgrounds to be found within the school and the wider community.
English as an Additional Language
Children who have English as a second language are well supported in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 by experienced staff funded by the Pupil Premium Grant. School has in place a specific programme of work for children who have English as an additional language allowing children to acquire English in a small group setting. Mrs Ali, from the EMTAS (Ethnic Minority Traveller Achievement Service) is based in Kelvin Grove four days a week to support EAL children and their families.
Special Educational Needs
A key strength of the school is the way it looks after its pupils as individuals, particularly those who are potentially most vulnerable because of their circumstances… Planning to meet individual needs, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language, is robust and the pupils' progress is carefully monitored. OFSTED 2011
At Kelvin Grove we identify special educational needs as early as possible after entry. A thorough system involving the class teacher, Teaching Assistant and the special needs co-ordinator is in operation throughout the school. Children with special educational needs will have targets set on a termly basis. These will be discussed with you as a parent and may involve home learning and suitable activities.
Special educational needs commences at:
* School concerns * School action (Early Years Action) * School action plus (Early Years Action Plus)
* Single Plan
Parents are kept informed of this process. Children with special educational needs are given as much extra support as possible within the class by the teacher and / or support staff. Aseparate pamphlet is included in this brochure for more information. A policy of specialeducational needs and guidelines are available for parents to see on request.
External Support
We receive guidance and support from various external agencies, including the Educational Psychologist Service, Behaviour Intervention Team and the Children and Young Peoples’ Service (CYPS). We have established close links with our cluster primary schools and Joseph Swan Academy, in order to ensure greater continuity in children’s education.
If parents have a doubt or query of any kind about their children’s progress, they should first consult with the child’s class teacher who, knowing that the school’s Special Needs resources are always available to any child, will advise them of what may be required.
In line with the SEN and Disability Act 2001, Kelvin Grove has an Accessibility Action Planto ensure equal access to the curriculum and to enhance the school’s ability to respond positively to children with a range of disabilities.
The school will endeavour to accommodate pupils with disabilities and provide full accessibility. We have a lift which may be used by pupils with a disability to aid movement around school. The school admits any pupil according to our Admission Policy whether they have a disability or not.
Race Equality Statement
The Governors and staff of Kelvin Grove Primary School are committed to working with all our communities to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, and that no member of the school will suffer or be disadvantaged by direct or indirectracial discrimination.
At all times we will be vigilant for aspects of our work and play, which may hurt or disadvantage others. Any acts of deliberate bullying and harassment will not be tolerated. Racism in all its forms is not acceptable and will be challenged generally, but particularly where the provisions of the Race Relations Act are broken. This school will work within the provisions of the law, and do everything to meet the standards for Race Equality as laid out by the Commission for Racial Equality in the document called “Learning for All”.
Child Protection
The Area Child Protection Committee, composed of members from Social Care,
Health Departments, Police, NSPCC, Education Department and others, have published procedures on Child Protection. The procedures give clear instructionsto all schools immediately to inform Social Care if an allegation of child abuse is made. It is the school’s legal duty to follow these instructions. The parents of any child involved are, of course, informed as soon as possible thereafter. The Headteacher is the designated member of staff in the school responsible for Child Protection.