Travel allowances survey results
(Voluntary survey conducted by ESCC in May 2011 at a time when gas prices were increasing and some agencies were evaluating whether to raise their rates in response)
Alzheimer Society of Alberta – Pays 38 cents/km and has been considering raising its rate.
Calder Seniors Drop In Society – Pays 40 cents/km.
City of Edmonton – Is now paying 47 cents/km but the rate fluctuates depending on the price of gas.
Edmonton Meals on Wheels – Is monitoring gas prices and if they increase to more than $1.30/gallon may consider raising its gas allowance rate.
Edmonton Seniors Centre – Recently raised rate to 44 cents/km after being 40 cents/km for three or four years. The rate was raised in response to a staff request resulting from gas prices going up.
ElderCare Edmonton – Pays 40 cents/km.
Government of Alberta – Pays 50.5 cents/km for all business travel throughout the province when an employee uses a private motor vehicle.
South East Edmonton Seniors Association (SEESA) – Pays 44 cents/km.
Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) – Has adopted the following policy: “Staff and volunteers shall be reimbursed for the use of their personal vehicle for SAGE business. The rate for reimbursement shall be the same as the City of Edmonton and shall be adjusted at least annually. The rate shall, at a minimum, be reviewed in November of each year for implementation in January. The rate may be changed during the year in response to changes by the City of Edmonton.” As indicated above, the city is now paying 47 cents/km.
Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council – Has decided to follow the City of Edmonton and SAGE’s lead in both the rate paid and the application of a consistent method of adjusting the rate. The ESCC will therefore now be paying 47 cents/km. We will notify Link-Letter recipients when the rate changes.