SCHOOL PLAN 2013 -2014
Lakemba Public School is situated in South Western Sydney and is supported through National Partnership Low SES funding. The school serves an area that is rich in its cultural diversity with 97.6% of the students coming from language backgrounds other than English. There are a total of 38 languages spoken at the school. The predominant cultural groups are Arabic, Pakistani, Bengali, Indonesian and African countries.
Strong foundations in literacy, numeracy, an integrated curriculum and ‘learning for life’ ensure success for our students. A School as Community Centre (SaCC) supports the families with children from naught to eight years of age make successful beginnings to learning and transition to school.
The school has 16 classes and a number of specialist teachers. All teachers have high expectations for our students, as do our parents who come from low socio-economic background and refugee status. The school has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy programs based on the NSW Quality Teaching Framework.
1.  Greater differentiation of teaching and learning in reading and numeracy based on an expanded range of assessment and teaching/learning practices.
2.  Greater monitoring of progress to ensure that all students build on strong foundations and develop deep understanding from reading and high levels of critical thinking in numeracy.
3.  Increased student engagement through implementation of learning intentions and effective feedback, greater student access to creative and collaborative activities, and enhanced use of technology.
4.  Increased density of leadership to ensure strategic resourcing and effective support of quality teaching and learning. / ·  Improved reading outcomes for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6
·  Improved numeracy outcomes for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
·  Enhanced student participation, connection to and engagement in learning within an integrated curriculum.
·  All students actively direct and assess their own learning.
·  All elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework evident in assessment tasks, class programs and teaching/learning tasks K-6
·  Continued development of leadership skills including in the aspects of strategic resourcing and the coordination and evaluation of curriculum programs (based on the Analytical Framework).
·  100% of teachers using the Quality Teaching Framework in their assessing, programming and teaching.
·  100% of teachers use the NSW DET Literacy and Numeracy Continuums to assess students and inform their planning to differentiate teaching.
·  100% of teachers use an increased suit of strategies to teach reading including teaching metacognitive comprehension strategies.
By 2013:
·  At least 30% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
·  At least 15.5% or more of 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
·  At least 80% of Year 3 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading
·  At least 68% Year 5 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
·  At least 85% of Early Stage 1 students, 80% of Stage 1 students, 69% of Stage 2 students and 52% of Stage 3 students achieve Year levels on the NSW DEC Literacy Continuum.
·  At least 83% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Reading.
·  At least 23% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
·  At least 16% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
·  At least 79%of Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy.
·  At least 68% of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy.
·  At least 90% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Numeracy.
PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE / SED ENDORSEMENT Veronica Kapsimali DATE 30 November 2012
NAPLAN Targets
School Priority Area: Improved literacy an numeracy outcomes for all students
Intended Outcomes / Target 2012 / Target 2013 / Target 2014
Improved Reading outcomes for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. / At least 25% or more of Year 3 students and 18% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading. / At least 30% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
At least 15.5% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading. / At least 32% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
At least 17.5% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
At least 78% of Year 3 students and 70% Year 5 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading. / At least 80% of Year 3 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
At least 68% Year 5 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading. / At least 82% of Year 3 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
At least 70% Year 5 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
Student progress on the NSW DET Literacy Continuum shows that 80% of students K - 6 achieving Year levels on the Literacy Continuum. / At least 85% of Early Stage 1 students, 80% of Stage 1 students, 69% of Stage 2 students and 52% of Stage 3 students achieve Year levels on the NSW DEC Literacy Continuum. / At least 87% of Early Stage 1 students, 82% of Stage 1 students, 71% of Stage 2 students and 54% of Stage 3 students achieve Year levels on the NSW DEC Literacy Continuum.
Improved Numeracy outcomes for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. / At least 25 % or more of Year 3 students and 22% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy. / At least 23% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
At least or more 16% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy. / At least 25% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
At least or more 18% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
At least 75%of Year 3 students and 62% of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy / At least 79% of Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy
At least 68% of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy / At least 81%of Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy.
At least 70% of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy.
An improved % of students achieving at or above State average in Reading and Numeracy / At least 85% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Reading. / At least 85% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Reading. / At least 87% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Reading.
At least 90% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Numeracy. / At least 90% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Numeracy. / At least 92% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Numeracy.
OUTCOME/S / Improved literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students K-6.
Teachers’ classroom practice K-6 reflects a deeper knowledge of syllabuses.
Increased use of current and effective strategies for teaching and learning in Literacy and Numeracy. / TARGET/S / At least 30% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
At least 15.5% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Reading.
At least 80% of Year 3 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
At least 68% Year 5 students achieving at or above National Minimum Standard (NMS) (highest 4 bands) in Reading.
At least 85% of Early Stage 1 students, 80% of Stage 1 students, 69% of Stage 2 students and 52% of Stage 3 students achieve Year levels on the NSW DEC Literacy Continuum.
At least 23% or more of Year 3 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
At least or more 16% or more of Year 5 students achieving proficiency (highest 2 bands) in NAPLAN Numeracy.
At least 79% of Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy
At least 68% of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standards in Numeracy
At least 85% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Reading.
At least 90% of students achieving at or above state average growth in Numeracy.
Four Teacher Leaders (2 x DP and 2 x AP) employed to lead teams and to coordinate actions to enhance the quality of teaching in literacy and numeracy including:
-  Revised individual professional learning for all teachers in the use of SMART data using the e-learning modules.
-  Students not meeting minimum standard in literacy and/or numeracy identified assessed using a variety of instruments and participate in individual learning programs.
-  Teachers released for fortnightly professional learning sessions to develop professional knowledge and refine practice in the assessment, planning and teaching of literacy and numeracy. Emphases to include:
o  differentiating teaching to meet student needs.
o  embedding the Four Resources model in planning of literacy teaching.
o  using specified comprehension strategies.
o  focusing on elements of the QT Framework.
o  the use of ICT to enhance learning.
o  planning a variety of assessment strategies including embedding the K-6 Literacy Continuum.
o  explicitly teaching the language of mathematics. / Number of teachers using a shared understanding of the data analysis of NAPLAN e.g. SMART e-learning.
Individual learning plan developed and taught for each student scoring below minimum standard. Professional Learning on developing individual learning plans.
Number of teachers’ Literacy programs based on syllabus outcomes and incorporate the Four Resources model.
Classroom Walkthrough data that reflects classroom practice and deeper knowledge of syllabuses and focused Professional Learning.
Student achievement outcomes as listed in targets. / 2013
T1-4 / 2014
T1-4 / Executive team
Executive and teachers
Executive and teachers
Executive and teachers
Executive and teachers / 1
3, 1
5 / NP
Employment 2 x DPS 1 x AP NP-
(Relieving at a higher allowance) Employment of 4 classroom teachers $371,737
NP: $1,200 accountability
Release of teachers fortnightly
NP: $35,691
A variety of professional learning strategies included into fortnightly professional learning sessions. These include:
o  lesson study
o  action research
o  walkthroughs and formative assessment. / INDICATORS
Classroom Walkthrough data that indicates the teaching of Reading K – 6 demonstrates focused Professional Learning. / 2013
T1-4 / 2014
Executive and teachers / Reform / FUNDING SOURCE
Professional Learning funds
Updating resources for teaching of literacy and numeracy to complement changed teaching practice. / T1-4 / T1-4 / Executive and teachers / Professional Learning funds
Continue to support the learning needs of individual students through the provision of Reading Recovery and L3. / Student achievement outcomes as listed in targets. / T1-4 / T1-4 / Executive and teachers / TPL:$10 000
Develop practices to cater for the needs of higher achieving students. / The number of extension groups established across the school. / T1-4 / T1-4 / AP Early Stage 1 / Global Literacy and Numeracy: $4000
Continue to develop differentiated learning by extending higher achieving students both in the classroom and in extension groups. / T1-4 / T1-4 / Executive and teachers / Global $2,000
A Speech Therapist employed to work with teachers to develop teaching and assessment strategies to develop students’ oral language skills. / IEPs developed for all students with speech or language disorders.
Data collected on number of students with speech and language disorders / T1-4
T1-4 / T1-4
T1-4 / Executive, teachers and
Speech Therapist
Executive and teachers / 6 / Speech therapist: $10,000 Global budget
Identify teacher professional needs in relation to the National Curriculum develop a sequence of activities to meet these needs.
o  National Curriculum English
o  National Curriculum Mathematics / Stage data collected that indicates planning for and understanding of the National Curriculum. / T1-4 / T1-4 / Executive and teachers / Professional Learning funds $5,000
Global : $2 000
Teacher development in using the Literacy and Numeracy Continuums / Reading comprehension and vocabulary focus
Teachers assess against the Literacy Continuum. / T1-4 / T1-4 / Executive and teachers