

Issued by Occupational Safety Team

Swimming Pool Audit

School Name:



Date of Audit:

Those Present:

  1. Administration
1.1 Is health and safety information supplied by the Occupational Safety Team available and brought to the attention of staff? A copy of “Managing health and safety in swimming pools” (HSG 179) must be kept readily available on site. (ISBN 0-7176-1388-7) / Comments
1.2 Does the pool have Normal Operating Procedures – written and readily available? Included/referenced in School Safety Policy?
1.3 Are emergency procedures displayed for staff to follow?
1.4Is there a “Pool Plan/Layout” available/prominently displayed?
1.5Defect Reporting Is there a system for the reporting and recording of defects to the Headteacher / Manager? Does this system include action taken?
1.6Accident Reporting / Recording Is there an Accident Book with Accident Record and Reporting forms readily available?
1.7Are Department procedures for reporting accidents available?
1.8Are Accident Reporting Procedures followed? By who?
1.9First Aid Is there a clearly marked First Aid Box?
1.10 Is the location shown on Pool Plan?
1.11 Are the contents of the First Aid Box as prescribed in Guidance on Occupational Safety website?
1.12 Are there trained First Aiders?
1.13 Are First Aider signs displayed?
1.14 Does a First Aider/an Appointed Person check and maintain the First Aid Box Contents?
2.1Is there a fire alarm, readily accessible fire actuation points, audible in all areas including changing areas?
2.2Fire exits? Marked, unobstructed, proper fittings / unlocked?
2.3Fire drill procedures – displayed? Are special arrangements made during fire drills for swimmers? (Survival Blankets available etc?)
2.4Are fire alarm tests/drills recorded in Premises Fire Register?
2.5Fire extinguishers? Regularly serviced? Unobstructed? Staff trained in use?
2.6Is there emergency lighting? Checked and serviced?
2.7Special arrangements for disabled?
2.8Are all above marked on Pool Plan?
  1. Signs
  2. Are “No Running” signs displayed? What other signs are there? (No Diving, No Dive Bombing etc) Are they to the requirements of the Safety Signs Regulations? (Red border, black symbols, white background)

3.2Are pool depths shown? How? Signs around pool? In the tiling at poolside? Are they clear? In Metric, Imperial or both?
  1. General Pool Layout
  2. Does the pool shelve gradually?

4.2Type of flooring surrounding pool? Non-slip tiling? Condition?
4.3Is there glazing around pool (doors; panels etc). Is it safety glass?
4.4Steps/Stairs in and around pool hall? Handrails provided?
4.5Access to pool/location of changing rooms? Disabled facilities?
4.6Circulation areas around pool – sufficient width?
4.7Steps into the pool – what type? Are barriers provided to prevent bathers from jumping onto pool access steps from surroundings?
4.8What type of guardrail / grab rail is there around the pool? Are they recessed into the pool walls or projecting into the pool?
4.9What type of heating is provided to the pool hall? Is it maintained regularly? By who? Part of Sport and Leisure Service Maintenance Schedules?
4.10 Is there adequate ventilation?
4.11 Any condensation problems?
4.12 Is lighting adequate? Are light
fittings protected above water?
Suitability sealed / cased against
4.13 Use of electricity in pool area?
Location of sockets?
4.14 Changing rooms – hairdryers used?
4.15 Is there a pool cover?
4.16 What is the system for applying /removing the cover?
4.17 What are the storage arrangements for the cover? Is this satisfactory?
  1. Emergencies
  2. Is there a pool ‘emergency’ alarm?

5.2Sufficient actuation points? Shown on Pool Plan?
5.3Where does the alarm sound?
5.4Who hears it and what is expected of them? Are they trained for this and are there written Emergency Action Plans/instructions readily available?
5.5Is there access to a telephone? At all times? Landline/mobile?
5.6Emergency aid equipment available? E.g. “grab hooked poles” life buoy rings, spinal injury boards.
  1. Supervision / Swimming Activities
  2. Who / Which groups use the pool? E.g. School classes only during school day? After school activity groups? Mums / Toddler groups? Staff at lunchtimes? Clubs? (E.g. Youth Clubs). Other schools during school day?

6.2Does/can anyone use the pool without supervision? (This applies to staff, pupils, public and contractors) N.B. This should NOT be allowed at any time.
6.3What is the maximum number of persons to be in the pool?
6.4What is the pool capacity for different activities?
6.5Are risk assessments undertaken and recorded for all pool activities?
6.6Are specific risk assessments undertaken for pupils with disabilities?
6.7What are the levels and qualifications of supervision? (LEA policy is 1 NPLQ or National Rescue Award + 1 Adult as pair of eyes for up to 30 pupils, extra NPLQ or National Rescue Award required for over 30).
6.8Are the supervising staff Sport and Leisure or Education?
6.9 Do the supervising staff remain on the poolside throughout? (NB. They should not be in the pool). Are they always watching the water?
6.10 Is there a basic safety talk given prior to swimming lessons, particularly newcomers to the pool, by staff?
6.11 What happens with group bookings/hirers? Are they provided with ALL information relating to Normal Operating Procedures/Emergencies?
6.12 Is everyone, swimmers as well as supervising staff, aware of what to do in the event of an emergency ie. If pool emergency alarm / whistle sounds? Are these instructions included in written Emergency Action Plans?
6.13 Is everyone aware of who the supervising staff are? Are uniforms provided/worn?
6.14 Is there a procedure for staff to be made aware of any relevant medical condition of swimmers?
6.15 Are swimming aids readily available eg. Float boards, arm bands, rings. Are they regularly disinfected? Are risk assessments in place to identify any new equipment required/provided/used?
6.16 Are swimming aids actually worn?
6.17 Are inflatable available / used?
6.18 Are diving boards installed? Is there a maintenance regime in place for these?
6.19 Is diving allowed? If not, are there signs indicating this?
6.20 Is the pool used solely for general/programmed swimming where use is ‘disciplined’ e.g. Lessons? Or are there play/relaxation sessions?
6.21 Is the pool hired out to private parties? If so are there: -
i) Proper hiring out contract documents?
ii) Proper supervision / qualified staff?
iii) Emergency procedure eg. Access to a telephone? Landline/Mobile?
iv) Safety talks given to users prior to any entry of the water. This to include limiting non-swimmers to shallow-end, provision / wearing of arm bands, no running on poolside.
v) Is someone from the school available during private hiring’s?
vi) Does the hirer receive a copy / have ready access to all Normal Operating Procedures and Emergency Action Plans for the pool?
vii) For private hiring does everyone ‘swim’ or are there spectators? If so, where are they located?
6.22 Are poolside supervisors aware of their responsibilities, can they work as a team?
6.23 Is there a system for ‘patrolling’ the pool, e.g. one half each?
6.24 What spells of duty are undertaken? Are there sufficient breaks?
6.25 Is food / drink provided and/or consumed?
6.26 Are any specialised activities e.g. Canoeing, subaqua carried out?
6.27 Are there any slides used at the pool?
6.28 Is the pool area locked when not in use? Can anyone gain access to the pool when the pool is unsupervised? Security arrangements?
7Pool Treatment / Plant Room
7.1Pool treatment room restricted access?
7.2Is it kept locked?
7.3Who tests the pool water? (Must be done at least three times per day and recorded.)
7.4Who treats and/or cleans the pool/pool area?
7.5Name of trained pool plant operators
7.6Date of last training
7.7Training delivered by
7.8Is microbiological sampling undertaken. If so, by who.
7.9Substances used? Sodium Hypochlorite Dry Acid Alum Sodium Bicarbonate
7.10Are COSHH assessments carried out/recorded?
7.11Is storage of pool treatment substances satisfactory – where are they stored?
7.12What are the arrangements for the delivery / collection of pool treatment substances?
7.13Protective clothing / equipment? Overalls Gloves Wellingtons Respirator
7.14Is the “Safe Operations of Water Treatment Systems Guidance” manual available?

Other Matters Raised

Following this audit an action plan will be required with timescales and records kept.

Occupational Safety Team Page 1 of 13 Reviewed July 2017