LIBS 6010 Paper

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/ Below Proficient / Proficient / Above Proficient / Score/Level /
Legal and ethical topic chosen and articulated / No evidence that topic is of legal or ethical nature; introduction fails to articulate topic well / Legal or ethical issue identified within a non-legal/ethical topic; articulated in introduction sufficiently / Proper legal or ethical issue chosen and articulated in introduction
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2011)
Standard 3: Information and Ideas As an information specialist, the school library media coordinator plays a vital role in a democratic society: to provide access to information and ideas representing all points of view through resources in a variety of formats for students and staff who must function as well-informed and literate citizens in making choices and decisions. The school library media coordinator also has a fundamental responsibility to help students develop their information literacy skills to find, analyze, and use information effectively. At the same time, the school library media coordinator creates a culture and learning environment that fosters reading literacy for information and for pleasure.
3.4 Adheres to and communicates copyright as well as other laws and guidelines pertaining to the distribution and ethical use of all resources;
3.5 Advocates for the principles of intellectual freedom.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical principles including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators (effective June 1, 1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.3 Library personnel demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development, maintaining and enhancing knowledge and skills for themselves and their coworkers.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1A. The ethics, values, and foundational principles of the library and information profession.
1B. The role of library and information professionals in the promotion of democratic principles and intellectual freedom (including freedom of expression, thought, and conscience).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and interests of all readers.
2.3 Respect for diversity Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and information materials in print and digital formats that support the diverse developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs. Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and communicate information.
3.2 Access to information Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop solutions for addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate access to information in print, non-print, and digital formats. Candidates model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education, management, and administration.
5.2 Professional Ethics Candidates practice the ethical principles of their profession, advocate for intellectual freedom and privacy, and promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Candidates educate the school community on the ethical use of information and ideas.
Literature review / Contains some irrelevant or inappropriate sources or relies too much on non-professional sources, insufficient professional sources / Most sources are appropriate, substantial, professional, with a few more general or less relevant; minimum number of professional sources / All sources are appropriate, substantial and professional; more than minimum number of professional sources utilized
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues.
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model, promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Argument discusses multiple viewpoints / Evidence/discussion relies too heavily on student’s ideas/discussion; no evidence of multiple viewpoints / Evidence/discussion of what other authors say about the topic is sufficient; multiple viewpoints in some evidence but significantly / Evidence/discussion of what other authors say about the topic is extensive; multiple viewpoints discussed well
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.5 Library personnel collaborate with campus partners to provide opportunities for faculty professional development.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1I. The techniques used to analyze complex problems and create appropriate solutions.
Opinion on topic articulated and based on analysis of evidence / Student author’s thoughts and analysis are not clearly stated in appropriate sections / Student author’s thoughts and analysis are stated well enough in mostly appropriate sections / Student author’s thoughts and analysis are clearly stated in appropriate sections
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
7. Management/Administration: Libraries engage in continuous planning and assessment to inform resource allocation and to meet their mission effectively and efficiently.
Performance Indicator:
7.2 Library personnel participate in campus decision making needed for effective library management.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Conclusion / Conclusion is not adequate and based mostly on student’s opinion / Conclusion is adequate and based on mostly appropriate analysis of the evidence / Conclusion is substantial and based on appropriate analysis of the evidence
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
Follows correct APA rules to cite evidence / Evidence cited is not appropriate and does not enhance the discussion well or at all; Numerous mistakes in applying the rules for citing evidence using APA style / Evidence cited is mostly appropriate and helps the discussion adequately; Rules for citing evidence using APA style has some concerns or lacks consistency / Evidence cited is very appropriate and enhances the discussion; Rules for citing evidence using APA style is perfect
Design, construction and presentation / Structure has some concerns, Style often does not follow requirements; Numerous grammar, spelling and/or punctuation concerns / Structure, Style follows requirements closely; Grammar, spelling and/or punctuation has only a few concerns / Structure, Style follows requirements perfectly; Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation is used
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).

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