School of Social Work
Training Stipend Criteria Form
This form should be completed for all students receiving a training stipend award (subcode 5820).
· Is the student registered in a SSW graduate program _____Yes ____ No
· Will the student be participating on a project that provides direct and supervised training/mentoring by a SSW faculty member or field liaison.? _____Yes _____No
· Any support to a research project or program provided MUST be within the context of training. Can the faculty member confirm that the student is not being recruited and compensated for a specific service or duty? ______Yes _____No
· Is the training directly related to the student’s academic program? ______Yes _____No
· Can the faculty member confirm that the student will be working on the development of skills applicable to their career goals and education? ______Yes _____No
· Is the training period over a pre determined specific time period? ______Yes _____No
Student Name: ______
Faculty Mentor: ______
Project account number: ______
Paid Field ______Training grant ______Research grant ______Internal training ______
Monthly stipend amount: ______
Effective Dates of training: ______
Total hours of training: ______
Signature of Mentor: ______
A training stipend is a fixed, periodic sum of money paid to a student to defray expenses during that student’s education and training period. This award has not been taxed, it is understood that stipend payments are subject to IRS regulations and will be reported to the IRS as taxable income if applicable.
______I Accept this Appointment ______
Student Signature
Student trainees are eligible for health , vision and dental coverage through the University by paying the full premium cost through payroll deduction. Coverage is in force only in months in which a paycheck is received and deductions are made. Please call the benefits office at 624-8160 with any questions regarding health insurance.
Student Stipends • Payroll Information
School of Social Work
University of Pittsburgh
2117 Cathedral of Learning • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 • (412) 624-6327
All items listed below must be provided to the School of Social Work Payroll office by the first day of the month that payment should be received. All paychecks are issued on the last day of the month. If these items are not delivered in time, payment will not be received until the last day of the following month.
Bring the following items to Colleen Scholl at 2117 Cathedral of Learning
ü Stipend request form with original signature from Director or Faculty mentor
ü Drivers License
ü Social Security Card
ü Voided check for Direct Deposit
Please call Colleen at (412) 624-6327 to make an appointment to drop off the items listed above and to complete the following paperwork:
· Demographic Data Form
· Employment eligibility verification (I9)
· Direct Deposit Form
Student interns are eligible for health coverage through the University health plan by paying the full premium cost through payroll deduction. The University also makes available a vision plan and a choice of two dental plans, by paying the full premium costs through payroll deduction. Coverage is in force only in months in which a paycheck is received and deductions are made.
Benefit information is attached, please refer to the following website for more information and enrollment:
Please call the benefits office at 624-8160 with any questions.