Supplemental table.Results of the hierarchical approach forinsulin resistance (HOMA-IR>3.99).Bold cells denote statistically significant associations.
Unadjusted OR (95% CI) / Adjusted OR(95% CI)
Level 1. Immutable demographic features and early life parameters
Sex (male vs. female) / 0.59 (0.32-1.08)a
Age (older vs. younger)§ / 2.03 (1.11-3.72)a
Siblings (yes vs. no) / 1.32 (0.53-3.28)a
Birth weight (high vs. low)§ / 0.86 (0.46-1.63)a
Gestational age at delivery (older vs. younger)§ / 1.76 (0.75-4.14)a
Breastfeeding (longer vs. shorter)§ / 1.05 (0.52-2.14)a
Menarche age (older vs. younger)§† / 3.90 (1.26-12.08)a
Level 2. Current anthropometric measures
Obese (vs. overweight) ‡ / 2.38 (1.05-5.41) / 3.74 (1.10-12.70)b
Body weight (high vs. low)§ / 4.15 (2.19-7.85) / 5.41 (2.02-14.47)b
Body height (high vs. low)§ / 1.53 (0.77-3.04) / 2.24 (0.90-5.60)b
Level 3. Insulin resistance
Reference level
Level 4. Unfavorable clinical conditions
Hypercholesterolemia (yes vs. no) ‡ / 1.83 (0.70-4.75) / 3.78 (1.03-13.94)c
High LDL (yes vs. no) ‡ / 1.66 (0.51-5.38) / 2.08 (0.48-8.96)c
Low HDL (yes vs. no) ‡ / 2.44 (1.11-5.36) / 1.70 (0.57-5.08)c
Hypertriglyceridemia (yes vs. no) ‡ / 6.26 (1.97-19.93) / 3.16 (0.78-12.77)c
Hyperuricemia (yes vs. no) ‡ / 2.93 (1.04-8.21) / 3.67 (0.95-14.18)c
Systolic hypertension (yes vs. no) ‡ / 2.86 (1.38-5.94) / 3.64 (1.38-9.63)c
Diastolic hypertension (yes vs. no) ‡ / 2.03 (0.92-4.51) / 2.15 (0.81-5.75)c
High SGOT (AST) (yes vs. no) ‡ / 3.03 (0.27-34.1) / Not estimable due to small numbers
High SGPT (ALT) (yes vs. no) ‡ / 3.70 (1.09-12.55) / Not estimable due to small numbers
Acne (yes vs. no) † / 0.77 (0.30-2.02) / 0.97 (0.27-3.50)c
Hirsutism (yes vs. no) † / 0.48 (0.13-1.74) / 1.02 (0.20-5.26)c
Level 5. Social parameters
Low school grades (good/almost good vs. excellent/very good) / 2.19 (1.10-4.37) / 2.83 (0.84-9.52)d
§the median has been adopted as the cut-off value; †analyses were performed on females only, as appropriate; ‡the definitions of these clinical conditions are provided in the Methods section; aonly unadjusted ORs are provided, as these variables belong to the first level of the hierarchical model; badjusted for sex, age, siblings, birth weight, breastfeeding; cadjusted for sex, age, siblings, birth weight, breastfeeding and BMI (obesity); dadjusted for sex, age, siblings, birth weight, breastfeeding, BMI (obesity), low HDL, hypertriglyceridemia and systolic hypertension