Midway Elementary
School of Science and Engineering
Home of the Mighty Stingers!
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Midway Elementary School of Science and Engineering! We, the faculty and staff, appreciate the challenge of working with your child this school year. Each year brings with it new and varied opportunities for students, teachers, and parents.
Our faculty is committed to providing an instructional program that is adaptable for each child and a school environment that is conducive to valuable learning experiences.
One of the key factors in maintaining an outstanding educational program is to have a cooperative relationship with our parents and the community. To help us fulfill our commitment, PLEASE REVIEW THIS HANDBOOK AND ITS CONTENTS WITH YOUR CHILD.
We are grateful for your cooperation and support as we work with you and your child this year.
The school’s office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 716-3800 if you have any questions or concerns.
Brenda S. Kelley
Preparing students to be exemplary citizens by providing quality education
The mission of Anderson School District Five is to educate all students, preparing graduates with the knowledge and skills to be lifelong learners, individuals of ethical character, and citizens who contribute to an ever-changing global society by assuring quality improvement in every facet of school life, incorporating the resources and diversities of our community.
The mission of Midway Elementary School of Science and Engineering is to establish a positive foundation by providing a nurturing and challenging problem-based learning environment dedicated to the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an ever-changing world.
· Students will utilize, evaluate, and refine the use of multiple strategies to solve a variety of types of problems.
· Students will communicate with clarity, purpose, and understanding of audience. Students will recognize, analyze, and evaluate various forms of communication.
· Students will reflect on and evaluate their learning for the purpose of improvement.
· Midway Elementary School of Science and Engineering will recruit and retain highly qualified teachers for every classroom by assuring that all teachers meet the NCLB “highly qualified” definition.
· The school and community will provide a safe learning and working environment.
o All students are capable of learning.
o A safe, secure, positive environment is essential for learning.
o Teacher, parent, and community involvement is critical in the educational process.
o Each student is a unique and valued individual whose self-esteem is enhanced by
mutual respect between students and staff.
o Students learn best when they are actively engaged in meaningful learning opportunities.
o With every right comes responsibility.
o The curriculum will include innovative and integrated approaches to STEM education that accommodates the different strengths and learning styles of students.
o Instruction will provide foradvances of an ever-changing world.
o Lifelong health habits are vital in creating citizens who are
physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared for the future.
o Students will understand and appreciate people from other nations,
who speak other languages and have different cultural backgrounds.
o Students will see the world through the eyes and minds of others.
o Students will be equipped with the 21st century skills necessary to be successful in our global society.
o Enable students to become lifelong problem solvers through the
utilization of an engineering design process
o Students will learn how to be good stewards of our planet
“Today, more than ever before, science holds the key to our survival as a planet and our security and prosperity as a nation. It’s time we once again put science at the top of our agenda and work to restore America’s place as the world leader in science and technology.”
President Barack Obama
Midway Faculty and Staff 2013-2014
Brenda Kelley, Principal
Travis Chapman, Assistant PrincipalJoy Farr, Instructional Specialist
Sandy Bradshaw, Gifted/STEM Teacher Leader
Donna Anderson, Secretary
Jan Metz, Data Clerk
Debbie Hedden, Nurse
Amy Campbell, Room 1
Gloria Richards, Assistant
Amanda Vickery, Room 2
Peggy Dortch, Assistant
Marcia Selman, Room 3
Michelle Mullane, Assistant
Anna Caldwell, Room 4
Rebecca Swavely, Assistant
Cindy Dove, Room 5
Maria Yoder, Assistant
Nancy Witcher, Room 11
Janice Smith, Room 12
Anna Osborne, Room 13
Laurie Hiott, Room 14
Michelle Traynum, Room 16
Jennifer Poag, Room 17
Nancy Bramlette, Room 18
Staci Stein, Room 22
Dana Coker, Room 23
Mary Ann Reno, Room 24
Erin Best, Room 25
Chandler Herbert, Room 26
Lauren Glenn, Room 27
Veronica Davidson, Room 28
Anna Dunlap, Room 32
Whitney Jackson, Room 31
Amy Strom, Room 34
Keri Davis, Room 35
Robin Twitty, Room 36
Caroline Berkey, Room 33
Teta Lewis, Room 41
Katie Brock, Room 43
James Rash, Room 48
Bethany Comstock, Room 49
Charlotte Schulte, Room 42
Candice Bradshaw, Room 47
Heather Uhall, Room 45
Leigh Ann Buckner, Room 50
Eva Addison, Room 51
Courtney Brunetti, Room 52
Robin Echols, Room 53
Kurtis Holzshu, Room 57
Joye Clardy, Room 58 / MEDIA CENTER
Melinda Butler, Room 141
Janet Parnell, Room 129
Stephanie Hopper, Room 134
Allison Agnew, Room 133
Lisa Lipscomb, Psychologist, Room 130
, TMD, Room 6
Michael Anderson, Assistant
Jennifer Roper, ID, Room 8
Pamela Barmore, Assistant
Kristin Watkins, ID, Room 61
Etha Jackson, Assistant
Melissa Pinner, ID, Room 63
Mary Kay Coy, Assistant
April Tucker, Speech, Room 74
Pauli Thomason, Speech, Room 75
Susan Walker, Resource, Room 59
Caroline Fredrickson, ERI, Room 163
Brett Bodell, Room 39B
Lisa Ashley, Room 39A
Beth Cartlidge, Room 44
Jason Hallman, Room 217 (Gym)
Stuart Fowler, Room 217 (Gym)
Michelle Stempniak, Room 82
Sydney Phillips, Room 81
Lisa Costanzo, Room 152
Holly Atkins, Room 92
Suzanne Campbell, Room 91
Connie Hawkins, Head Custodian
Cathy Fortner, Lunchroom Manager
Lynn Hollis, Assistant Lunchroom Manager
PO BOX 439, ANDERSON, SC 29622
TELEPHONE 260-5000 FAX 260-5074
Mr. Thomas Wilson District Superintendent
Mr. Mike Mahaffey Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services
Mr. Tripp Dukes Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Mr. David Brooks Assistant Superintendent for Financial Services
Mr. Darryl Webb Director of Transportation (260-5070)
Dr. Lynn Dowis Director of Special Education
Mrs. Lesia Patterson Director of Instructional Support Services
Mrs. Cindy Martin Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs
Mr. Wess Grant Director of Technology
Mr. Don Colman Executive Director of Operations
Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Chairman (Area Six)
Mr. Jay Blakenship (At-Large)
Coach Dickie Smith (At-Large)
Mrs. Ann Huitt (Area One)
Mrs. Margaret Mack (Area Two)
Mr. Tommy Price (Area Three)
Mr. Paul Zugg (Area Four)
Mr. Al Norris, Jr. (Area Five)
Mr. John P. Griffith (Area Seven)
School Board policies can be found on the district’s web site ( under the heading “District Information.”
Executive Board
Mrs. Robin Mackie, President
Mrs. Jamie Mixon, President-ElectMrs. Kristy Scarborough, Past President
Mrs. Ame Lustig, Secretary
Mrs. Deedi Richardson, Treasurer
Mrs. Kerri Wentzky, Treasurer-Elect
Mrs. Jesse Fuller, Volunteer/Membership Chair
Mr. Travis Chapman, Ex-Officio, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Brenda Kelley, Ex-Officio, Principal
SIC MeetingDates/Times:
/ PTA Board MeetingDates/Times: / General PTA Meeting
July 24 @ 9:30 AM
September 4 @ 9:15 AM / September 4 @ 10:45 AM
October 9 @ 8:15 AM / October 9 @ 9:15 AM / October 9 @ 10:45 AM
November 6 @ 8:15 AM / November 6 @ 9:15 AM / November 7 @ 5:30 PM
December 4 @ 8:15 AM / December 4 @ 9:15 AM / December 4 @ 10:45 AM
January 8 @ 8:15 AM / January 8 @ 9:15AM / January 8 @ 10:45 AM
February 5 @ 8:15 AM / February 5 @9:15 AM / February 6 @ 5:30 PM
March 5 @ 8:15 AM / March 5 @ 9:15 AM / March 5 @ 10:45 AM
April 2 @ 8:15 AM / April 2 @ 9:15 AM / April 2 @ 10:45 AM
*Meeting minutes are posted on the school’s website:
PTA Sponsored Parent Information Sessions:
“Teacher Toolbox Talks”
This is an opportunity to learn more about grade-level requirements, instructional strategies, STEM, and expectations. Teachers will share activities and events planned for each grade level. / “Coffee with the Principal”
Parents learn more about the school’s curriculum and standards. Students join their parents for an interactive learning session.
August 29, Kindergarten Parents, 6:15 PM / September 20, Grade 1 Parents, 8:00 AM
August 29, Grade 1 Parents, 5:30 PM / October 18, Grade 2 Parents, 8:00 AM
August 26, Grade 2 Parents, 6:15 PM / Nov. 22, Kindergarten Parents, 8:00 AM
August 27, Grade 3 Parents, 5:30 PM / January 17, Grade 3 Parents, 8:00 AM
August 27, Grade 4 Parents, 6:15 PM / February 28, Grade 5 Parents, 8:00 AM
August 26, Grade 5 Parents, 5:30 PM / March 14, Grade 4 Parents, 8:00 AM
PTA Open House and Student Performance Nights – 5:30-7:00 PM
November 14th for Grade 3 / February 27th for Grade 4
December 17th for Grade 5 / March 20th for Grade 2
January 28th for Kindergarten / April 10th for Grade 1
PTA Sponsored Programs and Events:
Coffee with the Principal / Book Fair
Technology Enhancements / Student Agendas
Skate Nights / Tutoring/Mentoring Program
Engineering Express with Santa
(Dec. 6th, 6:30 – 8:30 PM) / Family Disco Night (Feb. 7th, 6:00-8:00 PM)
Visiting Authors / Fall Festival (October 26th, 2:00 – 5:00 PM)
Awards Programs / Midway Mighty Reader Program
Student Recognition (Stingers in Action) / Grandparents’ Week
For questions about your Midway PTA or to volunteer your services, email Jesse Fuller at . Also, you can access information, review meeting minutes and email the PTA by visiting the school’s website at
The Mission of the Parent Teacher Association
· To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;
· To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children;
· To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
SIC Initiatives for 2013-2014:· Revise and update School Improvement Plan.
· Evaluate and make recommendations to improve the school’s Parent/Family Involvement Program in the following areas:
o Communicating
o Parenting
o Student Learning
o Volunteering
o School Decision Making and Advocacy
o Collaborating with the Community
The school believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement. Any absence from school represents an educational loss to the student. However, we recognize that some absences are unavoidable.The district will consider students lawfully absent under the following circumstances.
· They are ill and their attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others.
· There is a death or serious illness in their immediate family (those with whom the child resides).
· There is a recognized religious holiday of their faith (need confirmation on letterhead from religious organization).
· There is a doctor or dentist appointment and a statement of doctor’s care verified in writing by the doctor or dentist upon the student’s return to school. Students are required to attend school before or after a scheduled appointment.
· Prearranged absences for other reasons and/or extreme hardships at the discretion of the principal.
The district will consider students unlawfully absent under the following circumstances.
· They are willfully absent from school without the knowledge of their parent/legal guardian.
· They are absent without acceptable cause with the knowledge of their parent/legal guardian.
Any student who misses school must present a written excuse, signed by his/her parent or legal guardian or doctor on the first day back to school after an absence. A valid excuse should include the student’s name, the date(s) of the absence(s), the reason(s) for the absence(s), a parent/legal guardian signature, and a telephone number where the parent/legal guardian can be reached. The school administration will keep all excuses confidential.Doctors/parents may fax excuses to the school at 716-3811 (Attn: Data Clerk). Parents may send excuses to the school’s data clerk via e-mail at .
If a student fails to bring a valid excuse to school by the tenth day back to school after an absence, he/she will automatically receive an unexcused absence. If a student brings a false (or forged) excuse, his/her teacher must refer the student to the school administration for appropriate action.
Tardiness/Late Pick-Up
The district expects students to arrive at school on time and to report to each class on time.Students who enter classrooms late are disruptive to the instructional program and may be
subject to disciplinary actions. Habitually tardy students or students who are picked up late
from school may be referred to the district’s attendance office after school-based intervention
with the parent and student is unsuccessful.
Minimum Day:
A student who misses a portion of a school day for a lawful reason will be counted present if he/she is at school for a minimum of two hours.Consequences for Student Absences:
A student ages 6 to 17 years who has three consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five unlawful absences is considered truant as defined by state board of education regulation.After three consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five unlawful absences occur, school officials will do the following.
· Notify the parent/legal guardian of the absences using the appropriate form.
· Hold a conference with the student and parent/legal guardian at which time they will identify the reasons for the absences and develop a plan to improve future attendance. The student and the parent/legal guardian will sign this plan.
Refusal by the parent/legal guardian to cooperate with the school intervention plan can result in a referral of the student to family court and the filing of a report against the parent/legal guardian with social services in accordance with law.
After 10 unlawful absences, school officials will notify the parent/legal guardian of the absences. School officials will review the plan for improving attendance with the parent/legal guardian and student and re-clarify the consequences of continued absences.
After 10 lawful or unlawful absences, the principal of the school will approve or disapprove each succeeding absence.
If a student transfers to another public school in the state, the district will forward the student’s intervention plans to the receiving school.
Make-up Work: