A Land Remembered Socratic Seminar Questions

Using ample textual evidence, please prepare an extended response to each of the below questions. You will then discuss your answers in a Socratic Seminar.

  1. Consider the term “pioneer”. The definition states a pioneer as a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country, area, or world; a trailblazer. How are the MacIveys "pioneers”? Who are some "pioneers" of the modern age (think more metaphorically, less literally)?
  2. The MacIvey family remains isolated from the world through many major events in U.S. and world history from the period ranging from 1858-1968. Pick two events that took place while the MacIveys were being intentionally insular. How did these events affect American life? Were the MacIveys affected, without even knowing it?
  3. The topic of environmentalism, especially in some endangered areas of Florida, is a critical one today. Discuss how people like the MacIveys both hurt and helped the Florida environment. Compare/contrast the Seminoles' beliefs about the land vs. the MacIveys beliefs about the land.
  4. Discuss the differences between the priorities of the first generation MacIveys and the last generation MacIveys. In today's society where do you see these types of priorities?
  5. The MacIveys usually respond to conflict with violence, it is their go-to response. Could the MacIveys have responded in a different way? Would they have been as successful? Is the use of violence ever warranted? Is this instinctive response true for all of the MacIveys?
  6. Discuss the role of women in the novel. How do each of the male characters treat/view women? What do you think the author is trying to say in regards to this topic?
  7. Think about the emergence of this particular geographic area from a wilderness to the widely popular area it is today. Do you think of this as progress? Why or why not? How has your idea of Florida changed since reading this book?
  8. As we have discussed in class, there are three main protagonists in this novel (Tobias, Zech, and Sol). What theme(s) do each of these characters convey?
  9. Are the MacIveys heroes? Why or why not?
  10. What connections can you make between “A Land Remembered”, “Animal Farm”, “The Book Thief”, and “Private Peaceful”? Do they share any themes, character types, etc.? What are some lessons these stories taught you? (Side note, you have been assigned over 1,200 pages of literature in class this year. To those of you that actually completed all of the assigned reading, I hope you know how proud I am of you!!!!!)