School of Public Health & Community Medicine NVivo Workshop – Registration Form 2016
1. Personal DetailsFamily Name / Given Name
Staff/Student ID #
Email Address
2. Workshop
Workshop you wish to attend / Managing Qualitative Data (3 sessions in total) - $550 (GST included)
Please select preferred workshop / Semester 1 - 11 February (10 am-2pm), 17 March (12-4 pm), 5 May (10 am-2 pm)
Semester 2 – Dates to be advised in early 2016
3. Enrolment
e.g. 1835 PhD in Public Health
Are you a Research student or Staff of SPHCM? Yes No If yes, go to Question 5
NOTE: If you are not a Research student or Staff of the School of Public Health & Community Medicine you will incur a $550 fee (GST included) for undertaking the Managing Qualitative Data workshop
4. Payment
Method of Payment: -
· By cheque: payable to University of NSW and send the cheque to Virginia Bahula, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, UNSW, Sydney 2052
· By cash or credit card: Please contact Virginia Bahula on email: for information
· By internal journal transfer, please complete below chart field
The account from which the workshop should be paid is:
Fund / Dept ID / Project ID
5. Research
a) What is your research topic and research question?
b) Have you done NVivo training before / Yes No If no, go to Question d)
c) If yes provide details (when, duration of training and where)
d) What methods are you using to collect your data? / Structured interviews
in depth semi structured interviews
open ended in depth interviews
focus group discussions
groups interviews
quantitative survey tools
field observations
ethnographic methods such as observation
e) Stage of your research / proposal writing
no data collected yet
data collected but not transcribed
transcripts and/or field notes ready
coding of data started
writing up stage
*Please attach research proposal/abstract if you have one
Please return this completed form to
NB: If you are NOT a student or staff member of SPHCM, please ensure you include payment details.