We are all called to serve God in our daily lives: at work, at leisure, at home, out and about.
But you may feel that God is calling you to something different.
So … what are the possibilities?
Well …
There is a wide range of ministry that you can undertake. It will help if you think and pray about it a bit.
Decide where you would most like to work, in the community or in the church.
Talk to people, to friends, family, or your priest or minister—and ask them to pray for you.
Make an assessment of your gifts and skills.
Find out what further training is available locally to begin to build up your skills.
Some kinds of ministry are self-chosen—people just get on with it. These include helping in the work of a local group, being part of a reading scheme at a school, serving as a good neighbour to others,
getting involved in political or social action, gossiping about the Gospel and inviting others to church.
Other kinds of ministry are authorised or licensed and may include some kind of selection and training. These can be at local, diocesan or national levels.
‘Local’ might include things like being verger, music group leader, helping with Sunday School or youth work.
‘Diocesan’ and ‘National’ might include serving on Synod, using your work-based skills to help the wider church, or becoming a recognised minister.
Recognised Lay Ministries include:
Youth and Children’s Work
Licensed Lay Ministry (Reader)
Church Army Officer
Accredited Lay Ministry
Authorised Worship Leader
(Communion by Extension)
Authorised Preacher
Pioneer Ministry
And much more!
Some people are called to be Monks or Nuns. Their vocation is to the Religious Life. Oxford Diocese has several religious communities and they would welcome your enquiry.
Ordained Ministry may mean serving as a Deacon or Priest. These ministries are directly involved with the care of human souls.
Ordained ministry can be exercised nationally or locally, depending on what is decided during the testing process.
You can decide whether you wish to make a gift of your ministry to the church or whether you need to be paid for it.
These ministries can be located in a particular parish or church, in a specialist area (like a hospital) or in the context of your workplace.
A priest or deacon usually works as part of a team, and sometimes acts as team leader.
All ministries are part of our adult vocation as Christians. They are built on a life of prayer and study, and high personal standards are expected of all who minister in the name of the Church of England.
To take your ideas further, talk to your parish priest, who can put you in touch with a Vocations Adviser, or ring Caroline Windley on 01865 208283 who can help you make contact with your local Vocations Adviser.
Ministry Opportunities
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