MEET 3650Design of Mechanical Components
Instructor: Haifeng Zhang, Ph. D. Spring 2013
Office: NDTPF115W Time: (TR) 9:30-10:50am
Office Hours: Mondays & Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 PM Meeting Place: NDTP B158
Phone: 940-369-8266
Course Description:
Principle of the design of machine elements. Theory to prevent the failure of mechanical components.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you be able to:
1. Know the concepts from mechanics of engineering and the design of mechanical devices.
2. Understand the design process, material and processes, and stresses associated with loading a
2. Understand the failure theories associated with design of new components.
3. Know the general engineering principles of independent design and components that are part of a
power transmission
Course Requirements:
Attendance: Attendence is mandatory. Lectures, videos, and class discussions will contain vital information needed to do well on the exams. Be on time, three “late” arrivals will result in one “nonattendance”.
Required text: Wilson, Charles E., Computer Integrated Machine Design, Prentice Hall, 1997, ISBN 978-002-428390-0
Exams: There will be THREE exams (this includes the final exam). Exams will be based on text readings, handouts, class exercises, videos, and class lectures and discussions. Students are responsible for all text material, regardless of whether we review the text material in class or not.
Missed Exams: You will be allowed to make up a missed exam only if you have adocumented university excused absence.
Assignments:Homework will be assigned every Thursday; it will be due one week later in class. In solving the homework problems, the following four steps should be followed very carefully:
- Briefly summarize the problem statement.
- Provide a schematic diagram of the problem.
- Solve the problem showing your work in detail by stating your assumptions and providing the equations you used and the numerical values you obtained.
- Write a sentence or two discussing your findings.
Grades will be based on:
Attendance 5%
Homework and Quiz 20%
Two Midterm Exams 20% each
Final Project 5%
Final Exam 30%
Grade Distribution
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60 - 69 = D
Below 60 = F
Disabilities Accommodation:
The University of North Texas complies with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The University of North Texas provides academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to individuals with disabilities, as defined under the law. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring accommodation, please see the instructor and/or contact the Office of Disability Accommodation at 940-565-4323 during the first week of class.
Additional Policies and Procedures:
Tardiness: If you arrive late, please enter quietly and sit down. Do not walk in front of speakers or disrupt the class in any other way.
Cell Phones: Please remember to turn off phones prior to class.
Extra Help: PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. If you are having trouble with this class, please come by my office during office hours. I am also available by email at .
Lecture / Date / Topics / Homework Due Date1 T / 01/15 / Chap. 1 Principles of Mechanical Design
2 R / 01/17 / Chap. 1 Principles of Mechanical Design Cont. / #1 due on Thu. 01/24
3 T / 01/22 / Chap. 2 Materials for Machine Design
4 R / 01/24 / Chap. 2 Materials for Machine Design Cont. / #2 due on Thu. 01/31
5 T / 01/29 / Chap. 3 Stress and Deformation Analysis
6 R / 01/31 / Chap.3 Stress and Deformation Analysis Cont. / #3 due on Thu. 02/07
7 T / 02/05 / Chap. 4 Dynamic Loading of Machine Members
8 R / 02/07 / Chap. 4 Dynamic Loading of Machine Members Cont. / #4 due on Thu. 02/14
9 T / 02/12 / Chap. 4 Dynamic Loading of Machine Members Cont.
10 R / 02/14 / Chap. 5 Bending of Machine Members / #5 due on Thu. 02/21
11 T / 02/19 / Chap. 5 Bending of Machine Members Cont.
12 R / 02/21 / Chap. 5 Bending of Machine Members Cont. / #6 due on Thu. 02/28
13 T / 02/26 / Review
14 R / 02/28 / Midterm I
15 T / 03/05 / Chap. 8 Shaft Design
16 R / 03/07 / Chap. 8 Shaft DesignCont. / #7 due on Thu. 03/21
T / 03/12 / Spring Break
R / 03/14 / Spring Break
17 T / 03/19 / Chap. 8 Shaft Design Cont.
18 R / 03/21 / Chap. 8 Shaft Design Cont. / #8 due on Thu. 03/28
19 T / 03/26 / Chap. 9 Gears
20 R / 03/28 / Chap. 9 Gears Cont / #9 due on Thu. 04/04
21 T / 04/02 / Chap. 9 Gears Cont.
22 R / 04/04 / Review / #10 due on Thu. 04/11
23 T / 04/09 / Midterm II
24 R / 04/11 / Chap. 10 Belt Drive / #11 due on Thu. 04/18
25 T / 04/16 / Chap. 10 Belt Drive Cont
26 R / 04/18 / Chap. 15 Fasteners / #12 due on Thu. 04/25
27 T / 04/23 / Chap. 15 Fasteners Cont.
28 R / 04/25 / Chap. 15 Fasteners Cont. / #13 due on Thu. 05/02
T / 04/30 / Review / Project report is due today
R / 05/02 / Q & A
T / 05/07 / Final Exam 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Note: The course outline above is subject to change depending upon the overall course progress.