Bach 1

Jacqueline Bach

Louisiana State University

School of Education; 223 Peabody Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70803; (225)578-6879;


Doctor of Philosophy, Professional Education StudiesDec 2006

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Dissertation The Pre-service Teacher as Subject-in-Process/on Trial

Masters of Arts, English April 2000

University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL

Thesis The Modern Catholic Novel: David Lodge and Mary Gordon Respond to Vatican II

Bachelors of Arts, English/Secondary English Education April 1995 Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL


Acting Associate Dean of Assessment and Accountability, HSE Sept 2016-Present

Steward for College of Human Sciences and Education’s (HSE) academic programs to ensure that all university, college, and academic program requirements are followed. College liaison for all assessment activities and monitors/tracks accreditation and program review activities, oversees undergraduate complaints and grade appeals. Monitors accreditation and program review activities ensuring that effective strategies for achieving and maintaining accreditation and appropriate reporting processes are followed.

Director, Women’s & Gender Studies, HSS Jan 2015-June 2017

Plan, manage, and supervise program’s budget, faculty (5 joint faculty), instructors (1 full-time, one half-time), graduate teaching assistants (3-5 each semester) and office staff. Oversee15-20 undergraduate courses and 3-5 graduate courses with students from across the university enrolled. Secure additional funding for programs and events. Develop and attend recruitment events for undergraduate and graduate students. Oversee promotion and tenure reviews for joint faculty, evaluate instructors and Develop program assessment and supervise three course coordinators for each of WGS’ three general education courses.

Major achievements include working with faculty to develop first online offering of one our general education courses, building and sustaining an assessment process which included the successful renewal of all three of our general education courses, and steadily increasing the number of student credit hours, undergraduate minors, and graduate minors.

Program Leader, Secondary Holmes Program, SOE 2012-2016

Supervise program’s efforts in accreditation, assessment, and recruitment. Major achievements include increasing number of students in program, placing graduates in top-performing schools across the nation, publishing and presenting with program’s graduates.

Program Leader, English Education Graduate Program, SOE 2007-Present

Supervise program’s efforts in accreditation, assessment, and recruitment. Coordinate with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of English on student advising, course offerings, curriculum and policy procedures and planning, field experience issues, recruitment, and retention.

Division Leader, Curriculum & Instruction 2013-2014

Plan and lead division meetings, assist with assessment efforts, assemble data, write and/ or edit reports, attend campus events and meetings, maintain a collection of resource materials and program information (shell already in place on Moodle), mentoring and evaluating graduate students who teach C&I courses, attend various state and national conferences, meetings, and/ or workshops that deal with C&I issues, chair search committees, complete projects assigned by Director.

Major achievements include participation in the planning and organizing of the successful 2012 accreditation visit from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.


Associate Professor, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 2012-Present

School of Education; Elena & Albert LeBlanc Professorship in English Education; Women’s & Gender studies; Curriculum Theory Project

Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 2006-2012

Department of Educational Theory, Policy, & Practice; Women’s and Gender studies;

Curriculum Theory Project

Courses taught: Undergraduate courses in English/Language Arts methods, young adult

literature, film and media arts, and student teaching.

Graduate courses in popular culture and pedagogy, secondary school curriculum, and teacher research.



Bach, J. (2016). Reel Education: Documentaries, Biopics, and Reality Television. New

York: Peter Lang.

Refereed Journal Articles

Bach, J., Cantey, C. LeSaicherre, & Morris, K. (2015). The Book Battle: Using Service

Learning to Collaborate with a Young Adult Library. The ALAN Review. 42(1), 78-87.

Bach, J. (2015). Exploring Queer Pedagogies in the College-level Young Adult Literature

Course. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 1-16.

Rollibard, C., Bach, J. Gulden, M. (2015). Mindful Poetry: Making the Strange Familiar.

English Journal. 104 (4), 83-89.

Bach, J. & Weinstein, S. (2014). Who’s the Teacher? What Tony Danza Taught Us about English Education. English Education. 46(4), 300-326.

Brown, A. with Kaywell, J., Bach, J., Buehler, J., Crowe, C., Richmond, K. J., Glenn, W.,

Scherff, L. & Bickmore, S. T. (2014). The Look of Classic Young Adult Literature. The ALAN Review. 41 (2), pp. 6-14.

Allen, C., Edmonds, C., Parker, B. & Bach, J. (Fall/Winter 2012). Using

LGBTQ Young AdultLiterature with University Student Affairs Professionals. Signal. 35 (1) :332-36.

deGravelles, K., Bach, J., Hyde, Y., Hebert, A., with Hale, D., Cavanaugh, A., &

Kimbrough, M. (March 2012). Novelzine: Reading and Writing Community. English Journal. 101 (4) : 55-63.

Sulentic-Dowell, M. M. & Bach, J. (2012). A Comparative Case Study of Service-Learning

in Teacher Education: Rethinking Benefits and Challenges of Partners and Placements. PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement. 1 (2) : 184-199.

Bach, J., Choate, L., Parker, B. (2011). Young Adult Literature and Professional

Development. Theory intoPractice. 50 (3) : 198-205.

Bach, J. (2011). How Teachers Negotiate the Use of Reality Television in their Pedagogy.

Pedagogies: An International Journal. 6 (2) : 144-153.

Bach, J. & Jolly, J. L. (2011). Chalking the Profession: Unintended Lessons about

Teaching. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. 27 (1) : 87-98.

Trousdale, A., Bach, J., & Willis, E. (2010). “One Questions Leads to Another”: The Value

of Talk in the Choral Reading of Poetry. Voices from the Middle. 18 (2): 46-54.

Trousdale, A., Bach, J., & Willis, E. (2010). Freedom, Physicality, Friendship and Feeling:

Aspects of Children’s Spirituality Expressed through the Choral Reading of Poetry. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. 15 (4), 317-329.

Cantey, C., Bach, J. & Bickmore, S.T. (Fall 2009/ Winter 2010). Why We Read What

Middle School Boys Are Reading. Signal. 33 (1): 3-7.

Bach, J. (2009). One Size Does Not Fit All: Cinematic Representations of the

Teaching of Shakespeare. ChangingEnglish. 16 (3): 323-331.

Parker, B. & Bach, J. (2009). Using YAL in a Book Group Setting for Professional

Development on Gender Variant and Transgender Issues. English Journal. 98 (4): 96-101.

Bach, J. (2008). Project Teach: Using Reality TV Shows to Teach Methods Courses.

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. 10 (1&2): 41-53.

Bach, J. (2008). Subjects-in-process/on-Trial: The Construction of Teacher Subjects in an

Early Field Experience Course. Paideusis.17 (1): 3-12.

Bach, J. (2008). A Problem-Based Learning Approach Based on Reality TV?

Academic Exchange Quarterly. 12 (1): 153-7.

Eppert, C. Ethridge, K. & Bach, J. (2007). “Bridging the Gap: Using Young Adult

Literature to Teach a Just and Sustainable World. Talking Points. 19 (1): 10-20.

Bach, J. (2006). “From Nerds to Napoleons: Thwarting Archetypical Expectations in High

School Films. JCT: Journal of CurriculumTheorizing. 22 (2): 73-86.

Book chapters

Bach, J. & Allen, C. (2015). Exploring the tensions of reading LGBTQ YAL with Higher

Education Student Affairs Professionals. In Beyond Borders: Queer Eros and Ethos (ethics) in LGBTQ Young Adult Literature. Edited by Darla Linville & David Lee Carlson. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 141-151.

Hundley, M. K., Bickmore, S. T., Binford, P. E. & Bach, J. (2015). Range of Reading and

Text Complexity: Bringing Young Adult Historical Fiction to Life with Informational Texts. In Young Adult Nonfiction: Gateway to the Common Core. Edited by Judith A. Hayn, Amanda L. Nolen, and Heather A. Olvey. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. pp. 33-50.

Bach, J., Hundley, M., & Tarver, E. (2015). Unwinding Ethical Questions Using Dystopic

Young Adult Novels. In YA Books in the College Classroom:Essays on Instructional Methods. Edited byEmily Dial-Driver, Jim FordSara N. Beam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press. pp. 127-135.

Bach, J., Broussard, J., & Hundley, M. (2012). Buffy Versus Bella: Teaching Place and

Gender through Adolescent Fiction, Film, and Television. In Fantasy Media in the Classroom. Edited by Emily Dial-Driver, Sally Emmons, &Jim Ford. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press. 182-202.

Stover, L. & Bach, J. (2012). Young Adult Literature as a Call to Social Activism. In

Teaching Young Adult Literature Today: Insights, Considerations, and Perspectives for the Classroom Teacher. Edited by Judith A. Hayn and Jeffrey S. Kaplan. 203-222.

Bach, J. (2010). “Welcome to the Hellmouth: Buffy's music arc.”In Buffy, Ballads, and Bad

Guys who Sing: Music in the Worlds of Joss Whedon. Edited by Kendra Preston Leonard. Foreword by Rhonda V. Wilcox. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 7-28.

Bach, J. (2008). Not Just another Love Song: Buffy’s Music as Representation of

Emerging Adulthood. In The Truth of Buffy: Essays on Fiction Illuminating Reality. Edited by Dial-Driver, E., Emmons-Featherston, S., Ford, J., and Taylor, C. A. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press. 38-54.

Invited/ Non-refereed Publications

Bach, J. and Watson, J. A. (2014). What’s Worth Sharing. In Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom. Edited by Tom Liam Lynch. English Journal. 103 (3), pp. 108-111.

Hundley, M., Bickmore, S. T., Bach, J., Binford, P. E. (2014). Enhancing the Canon with

Historical Fiction and Informational Texts: The Interdisciplinary Connection.

The ALAN Review. 41 (2), pp. 95-101.

Hayn, J. & Bach, J. (August 2011). Introduction to the Issue. Theory into Practice. 50 (3): 1-


Bach, J. & Bickmore, S. T. (2010). Panning for gold: Finding poetry in children’s and young

adult literature. First Reactions, Second Opinions. 3:1.7-9.

Bach, J. (2010). Lacanian Thought. Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Editor Craig

Kridel. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

Bach, J. (2010). Journal of Curriculum Studies. Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies.

Editor Craig Kridel. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

Bach, J. (2010). Praxis. Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Editor Craig Kridel.

Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

Bach, J. (2009). Battling Greek Mythology, History, andReluctant Readers:An Interview

with Rick Riordan. The ALAN Review. 37 (1): 58-61.

Bach, J. (2005). “Imagining the Future with Aaron Douglas and Maxine Greene.” Journal of

Philosophy and History of Education, 55 (1):6-10.

Bach, J. (2000). “Adventures into Imagist Poetry.” English Journal. 91(3): 26.

Book reviews

Bach, J. & Ramsey, S. (2013). Review of I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I’ve Ever

Had: My Year as a Rookie Teacher at Northeast High by Tony Danza. Curriculum and

Teaching Dialogue. 15 (2), pp. 115-120.

Bach, J. (2012). Review of Feel these words: Writing in the lives of urban youth, by

Susan Weinstein. International Journal of Qualitative Studies. pp. 205-208.

Bach, J. (2007). Review of The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Sleznick. TheALAN

Review. 35 (1): A-4.

Bach, J. (2006). “Review of Teachers for Life.” Kappa Delta Pi online extra.”


Bach, J. (2003). Review of Flight to Freedomby Ana Veciana-Suarez.TheALAN Review.

30 (2):38.

Book reviews written for The ALAN Review 2009-Present (during time as editor)

Bach, J. Hollywood & Maine by Allison Whittenburg. TheALAN Review.

Bach, J. 3Willows by Ann Brasheres. TheALAN Review.

Bach, J. GringolandiabyLyn Miller-Lachmann. TheALAN Review.

Bach, J. Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey. TheALAN Review.

Bach, J. The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named HamletbyErin Dionne. TheALAN Review.


Bach, J., & Cantey, C. (Eds). (2016). First Opinion, Second Reactions. [Special Issue on

Home]. 9(1).

Engaging Texts Section Editor for The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. 2013-2016

Co-editor of The ALAN Review with Steven Bickmore and Melanie Hundley 2009-2014

Guest editor with Judith Hayn for Theory into Practice themed issue on young adult literature 2011


Bach, J. (November 2016). I’m Emery’s Mom: Conducting Research in your Child’s

School. National Conference for the Teachers of English. Atlanta, GA.

Bach, J. (April 2016). Examining the College-level YA literature course for Pedagogical

Approaches to LGBTQ and Gender Variant Themes and Characters. American

Education Research Association. Washington, DC.

Bach, J. (November 2015). Healthy Approaches for Navigating the Academy. National

Conference for the Teachers of English. Minneapolis, MN.

Bach, J. & Weinstein, S. (November 2014). Reality Teaching: Our Story of Using Tony

Danza’s Show with Pre-service English Teachers. National Conference for the Teachers of English. Washington, DC.

Bach, J. (October 2014). “Who’s the Expert?” Teach: Tony Danza’s Role in Conversations

about Education. Teachers, Teaching and the Media. St. Mary’s College. Moraga, CA.

Bach, J. (October 2014). Getting “Real” in Education: The Pedagogical Aspects of Reality

Television. Bergamo. Dayton, OH.

Bach, J. (April 2013). “I love this book, but I can’t teach it”: Queer Pedagogy and Young Adult Literature in the session "Queering LGBT-Themed Literature with Teachers and Students. American Education Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Bach, J. (July 2013). Service-learning and the young adult literature course in the session Moving the Adolescent Literature Course Forward: A Roundtable Conversation on Common Core, the Adolescent Reader and Syllabi. The Conference for English Educators. Fort Collins, CO.

Ramsey, S. & Bach, J. (October 2013). Teachers’ Stories: An Examination of the Role of Teacher Memoirs in a Curriculum Course. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Chicago, IL.

Bach, J. (November 2013). Contemporary Teacher Memoirs and Their Potential Role in Curriculum Courses.Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Bach, J. (November 2013). Innovation Just Doesn’t Happen in the ELA Classroom: (Re)inventing Our Relationship with School Media Centers. National Council of the Teachers of English Conference. Boston, MA.

Bach, J. & Weinstein, S. (April 2012). What Viewers Think Tony Danza Knows about

Teaching: An Examination of the Reality Show Teach’s Discussion Forums. American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, CA.

Bach, J. & Ramsey, S. (Oct. 4, 2012). Who evaluates Hollywood's teachers?

Representations of Contemporary Bad Teachers. Association for Teaching and Curriculum. San Antonio, TX.

Bach, J. (2012). Eight Great YA Authors: Lois Lowry. National Council of the

Teachers of English. Las Vegas, NV.

Bach, J. (2012). Is this Real?: Teaching with Tony Danza. Curriculum and Pedagogy

Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Bach, J. & Ramsey, S. (Oct. 14, 2011). “Reflecting on Tony Danza’s Teaching: How Much

is Too Much?” Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Denver, CO.

Bach, J., Groenke, S., Hayn, J., Hazlett, L., & Kaplan, J. (June 17, 2011). “How Should We

Teach the Young Adult Literature Course?” Conference on English Education. New York, NY.

Lindblom, K., Bach, J., Gorlewski, J. A., Whitney, A. E., & Burke, J. (November 20, 2010).

“Becoming a Teacher-Scholar: How (and why) to Publish about Your Teaching in Professional Journals.” National Conference for Teachers of English. Orlando, FL.

Trousdale, A. & Bach, J. (May 4, 2010). A Qualitative Study of the Role Choral Reading

Plays in Supporting Children’s Spirituality.American Educational Research Association. Denver, CO.

Bach, J. (May 4, 2010). “Just Reading the Book is Not Enough”:Enacting Revolt with

Middle and High School Students. American Educational Research Association. Denver, CO.

Kridel, C., Null, W. Boostrom, B., Craig, C., Flinders, D. . . Bach, J. (Oct. 8, 2010).

Retrospective Session: Craig Kridel and the Nature of Curriculum Studies. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. St. Louis: MO.

Ramsey, S., Bach, J. & Sikes, V. (Oct. 8, 2010). Finding Your First Academic Job.

American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. St. Louis: MO.

Bach, J. (April 8, 2010). “It’s Glee Club, Not Crunk Club” How Fans of Glee Discuss

Diversity.” Teachers, Teaching and the Movies. Vassar College: Poughkeepsie, NY.

Bach, J. (November 20, 2009). Using Classic Young Adult Novels in New Ways. National

Conference for Teachers of English. Philadelphia, PA.

Bach, J. (October 1, 2009). Cinematic Representations of the Teaching of Shakespeare.

American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Arlington, VA.

Ramsey, S., Bach, J. & Sikes, V. (October 2, 2009). Getting to the Right Place at the Right

Time: Looking for your First Job in Higher Education. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Arlington, VA.

Trousdale, A., & Bach, J. (June 17, 2009). Pedagogical Practices which Incorporate

Children’s Spiritual Formation—A Workshop. Children’s Spirituality Conference: Christian Perspectives. Concordia University. River Forest: IL.

Trousdale, A. & Bach, J. (June 16, 2009). Supporting Children’s Spiritual lives through the

Choral Reading of Poetry. Children’s Spirituality Conference: Christian Perspectives. Concordia University. River Forest: IL.

Bach, J. (March 28, 2009). “Who gets Shakespeare, Who Doesn’t, and If They Do, in What

Form?Cinematic Representations of the Teaching of Shakespeare.” Teachers, Teaching and the Movies. St. Mary’s College. Moraga, CA.

Bach, J. (Dec. 12, 2008). From Iron Chef to Project Runway: Getting Real with Pedagogy.

First International Conference on Popular Culture and Education in Asia, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

Bach, J. (Oct. 8, 2008) Leaving its Mark: What a Mockumentary Can Tell Us about

Teaching. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Austin, TX.

Bach, J. (June 8, 2008). Everything Old is New Again: the Humanities Extant in Buffy the

Vampire Slayer. Slayage. Hendersonville State University. Henderson, AR.

Eppert, C. & Bach, J. (March 25, 2008). “Everybody Can Make a Difference”: The

Challenges of Using Young Adult Literature to Initiate Social Change.” American Educational Research Association. New York City, NY.

Bach, J. (November 16, 2007). Promising New Scholars: Emerging Trends in YA. National

Council of Teachers of English Convention, New York, NY.

Trousdale, A., and Bach, J. (November 8, 2007). From Delight to Wisdom: The Spiritual

Gifts of Poetry. The 3rd Annual Child Spirituality Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

Bach, J. (October 6, 2007). Project Teach: Using Reality Shows as a Framework for

Teaching Methods Courses. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Cleveland, OH.

Bach, J. (April 9, 2007). “Future Teachers? Teacher Candidates? Prospective Teachers?

Examining the Split Identities of Preservice Teachers,” American Educational

Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Bach, J. (April 9, 2007). “Building Really Useful Engines: Thomas the Tank Engine’s New

Curriculum,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Bach, J. (March 17, 2007). Blissful Moments: How Pleasure Gets in the Way of Learning.

Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Bach, J. (October 12, 2006). “Putting the Teacher-making Process on Trial: The Early Field

Experience Student,” American Association for Teaching and Curriculum,

Charlotte, NC.

Bach, J. (November 2005). “Expanding YAL and Reading in the Community,”

National Council of Teachers of English Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

Bach, J. (October 7, 2005). “Thwarting Archetypical Expectations in School Films and the Conversation in the Faculty Lounge,” American Associationfor Teaching and

Curriculum Conference, Austin, TX.

Bach, J. (April, 2005). “Fragmentation, the Larger Discourse, and the Piece You See in the Classroom,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,

Montreal, Canada.

Bach, J. (April, 2005). “Revealing Unknown Worlds: Arts and the Imagination in