Seventh Grade Vocabulary Lists: Second Semester
For each word below (1)spell the word, (2) identify the part of speech, (3) copy the pronunciation guide, (4) write the definition, (5) use the word correctly in a sentence (underline the word). There will be weekly quizzes and periodic tests.
You are responsible for knowing all aspects of each word.
Date:List One
am, amor: “love, liking, friendliness”
anim: “mind, will, spirit”
- amateur
- amiable
- amicable
- amity
- amorous
- enamored
- animosity
- animus
- equanimity
- magnanimous
- unanimity
- unanimous
List Two
fin: “end, boundary, limit”
flu, fluc, flux: “flow”
- affinity
- confine
- definitive
- finale
- finis
- fluctuate
- fluent
- fluid (2)
- flux
- influx
List Three
gen, gener, genit:”birth, kind, class”
greg: “gather, flock”
- degenerate
- engender
- genre
- progenitor
- regenerate
- aggregate
- aggregation
- congregation
- gregarious
- segregation
List Four
here, her: “stick”
lateral: “side”
- adhere
- cohere
- coherence
- cohesion
- incoherent
- inherent
- bilateral
- collateral
- equilateral
- lateral
- multilateral
- quadrilateral
- unilateral
List Five
litera: “letter”
luc, lum: “light”
- alliteration
- literacy
- literal
- literary
- literate
- elucidate
- lucid
- luminary
- luminous
- translucent
List Six
man, manu: “hand”
pend, pens: “hang”
- emancipate
- manacle
- mandate
- manipulate
- manual (2)
- manuscript
- append
- appendix
- impending
- pendant
- pending (2)
- suspend
- suspense
List Seven
pon, pos: “put”
scrib, script: “write”
- depose
- impose
- postpone
- superimpose
- transpose
- conscript
- inscription
- prescribe
- proscribe
- scribe
- script
- subscriber
List Eight
simil, simul: “similar, like, same”
sol, soli:”alone, lonely, single”
- assimilate
- dissimilar
- similarity
- simile
- simulate
- simultaneous
- desolate (2)
- sole
- soliloquy
- solitary
- solitude
- solo
List Nine
solv, solu,solut:”loosen”
und, unda: “wave, flow”
- absolute
- dissolution
- dissolve
- resolution
- resolve
- soluble
- solvent (2)
- abound
- abundant
- inundate
- redound
- redundant
List Ten
ver, vera, veri: “true, truth”
vid, vis: “see, look, sight”
- aver
- veracity
- verdict
- verify
- veritable
- verity
- envision
- improvise
- invisible
- revise
- video
- videotape
- visibility
- visual
List Eleven
aut, auto: “self”
- authentic
- autobiography
- autocrat
- autograph
- automatic
- automation
- automaton
- autonomous
- autonomy
- autopsy
List Twelve
cracy: “government”
dem, demo: “people”
- aristocracy
- autocracy
- bureaucracy
- democracy
- plutocracy
- technocracy
- aristocrat
- Democrat
- demagogue
- democratic
- democratize
- epidemic (2)
List Thirteen
pan, panto: “all, complete”
chron, chrono: “time”
- panacea
- Pan-American
- pandemonium
- panoply
- panorama
- pantomime
- anachronism
- chronicle
- chronological
- chronology
- synchronize
List Fourteen
mania: “madness, insane impulse, craze”
ped: “child”
- kleptomania
- mania
- maniac
- maniacal
- pyromania
- encyclopedia
- orthopedic
- pedagogue
- pedagogy
- pediatrician
- pediatrics
List Fifteen
ortho: “straight, correct”
gen, geno, genea:”race, kind, birth”
- orthodontist
- orthodox
- orthography
- orthopedist
- unorthodox
- genealogy
- genesis
- heterogeneous
- homogeneous
- homogenize
List Sixteen
meter, metr: “measure”
- barometer
- chronometer
- diameter
- meter
- odometer
- photometer
- speedometer
- symmetry