Seventh Grade Vocabulary Lists: Second Semester

For each word below (1)spell the word, (2) identify the part of speech, (3) copy the pronunciation guide, (4) write the definition, (5) use the word correctly in a sentence (underline the word). There will be weekly quizzes and periodic tests.

You are responsible for knowing all aspects of each word.

List One
am, amor: “love, liking, friendliness”
anim: “mind, will, spirit”
  1. amateur
  2. amiable
  3. amicable
  4. amity
  5. amorous
  6. enamored
  7. animosity
  8. animus
  9. equanimity
  10. magnanimous
  11. unanimity
  12. unanimous
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List Two
fin: “end, boundary, limit”
flu, fluc, flux: “flow”
  1. affinity
  2. confine
  3. definitive
  4. finale
  5. finis
  6. fluctuate
  7. fluent
  8. fluid (2)
  9. flux
  10. influx
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List Three
gen, gener, genit:”birth, kind, class”
greg: “gather, flock”
  1. degenerate
  2. engender
  3. genre
  4. progenitor
  5. regenerate
  6. aggregate
  7. aggregation
  8. congregation
  9. gregarious
  10. segregation
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List Four
here, her: “stick”
lateral: “side”
  1. adhere
  2. cohere
  3. coherence
  4. cohesion
  5. incoherent
  6. inherent
  7. bilateral
  8. collateral
  9. equilateral
  10. lateral
  11. multilateral
  12. quadrilateral
  13. unilateral

List Five
litera: “letter”
luc, lum: “light”
  1. alliteration
  2. literacy
  3. literal
  4. literary
  5. literate
  6. elucidate
  7. lucid
  8. luminary
  9. luminous
  10. translucent
List Six
man, manu: “hand”
pend, pens: “hang”
  1. emancipate
  2. manacle
  3. mandate
  4. manipulate
  5. manual (2)
  6. manuscript
  7. append
  8. appendix
  9. impending
  10. pendant
  11. pending (2)
  12. suspend
  13. suspense
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List Seven
pon, pos: “put”
scrib, script: “write”
  1. depose
  2. impose
  3. postpone
  4. superimpose
  5. transpose
  6. conscript
  7. inscription
  8. prescribe
  9. proscribe
  10. scribe
  11. script
  12. subscriber
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List Eight
simil, simul: “similar, like, same”
sol, soli:”alone, lonely, single”
  1. assimilate
  2. dissimilar
  3. similarity
  4. simile
  5. simulate
  6. simultaneous
  7. desolate (2)
  8. sole
  9. soliloquy
  10. solitary
  11. solitude
  12. solo

List Nine
solv, solu,solut:”loosen”
und, unda: “wave, flow”
  1. absolute
  2. dissolution
  3. dissolve
  4. resolution
  5. resolve
  6. soluble
  7. solvent (2)
  8. abound
  9. abundant
  10. inundate
  11. redound
  12. redundant
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List Ten
ver, vera, veri: “true, truth”
vid, vis: “see, look, sight”
  1. aver
  2. veracity
  3. verdict
  4. verify
  5. veritable
  6. verity
  7. envision
  8. improvise
  9. invisible
  10. revise
  11. video
  12. videotape
  13. visibility
  14. visual
List Eleven
aut, auto: “self”
  1. authentic
  2. autobiography
  3. autocrat
  4. autograph
  5. automatic
  6. automation
  7. automaton
  8. autonomous
  9. autonomy
  10. autopsy
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List Twelve
cracy: “government”
dem, demo: “people”
  1. aristocracy
  2. autocracy
  3. bureaucracy
  4. democracy
  5. plutocracy
  6. technocracy
  7. aristocrat
  8. Democrat
  9. demagogue
  10. democratic
  11. democratize
  12. epidemic (2)

List Thirteen
pan, panto: “all, complete”
chron, chrono: “time”
  1. panacea
  2. Pan-American
  3. pandemonium
  4. panoply
  5. panorama
  6. pantomime
  7. anachronism
  8. chronicle
  9. chronological
  10. chronology
  11. synchronize
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List Fourteen
mania: “madness, insane impulse, craze”
ped: “child”
  1. kleptomania
  2. mania
  3. maniac
  4. maniacal
  5. pyromania
  6. encyclopedia
  7. orthopedic
  8. pedagogue
  9. pedagogy
  10. pediatrician
  11. pediatrics
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List Fifteen
ortho: “straight, correct”
gen, geno, genea:”race, kind, birth”
  1. orthodontist
  2. orthodox
  3. orthography
  4. orthopedist
  5. unorthodox
  6. genealogy
  7. genesis
  8. heterogeneous
  9. homogeneous
  10. homogenize
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List Sixteen
meter, metr: “measure”
  1. barometer
  2. chronometer
  3. diameter
  4. meter
  5. odometer
  6. photometer
  7. speedometer
  8. symmetry