
Amar K. Parai

Office Home

Department of Economics 99 Britannia Drive

SUNY at Fredonia East Amherst, NY 14051

Fredonia, NY 14063

Tel: (716) 673-3403 (716) 688-0860

Citizenship: U.S.A.


Ph.D., Economics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, (straight A’s in course work)

M.A., Economics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

M.A., Economics, (First Class), University of Calcutta, India

B.A., Economics, University of Calcutta, India

Academic Employment:

Professor, Department of Economics, State University of New York College at Fredonia, New York; Fall 1993 – present

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, State University of New York College at Fredonia, New York; Fall 1988 – Spring 1993

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Fall 1981 – Spring 1988

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Fall 1979 – Spring 1981

Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas; Fall 1976 – Spring 1979

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Burdwan, India;


Administrative Appointment:

Chair, Department of Economics, January 2003 – Spring 2012

Chair, Department of Economics, September 1994- December 1995

Acting Chair, Department of Economics, September 1990-August 1991

Teaching Areas: International Trade and Finance, Comparative Economic Systems, Principles of Micro and Macro Economics

Research Interests: International Trade and Investment Theory and Policies, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Economic Development


“Does a cutback in external funding reduce incidence of foreign sponsored terrorism? Applied Economics Letters, 2015, Vol. 22, No. 18, pp 1465-68.

“Computer Use and Wage Differentials: Domestic and Foreign Born Male and Female Workers”, with S. Banerjee and R. Parai, in Applied Economics Letters, 14, May 2007, pp.109-14.

“Foreign Capital Inflow and Economic Growth in LDCs”, Applied Economics Letters, 10, 377-79, May 2003.

“Profit Tax and Tariff under International Oligopoly”, International Review of Economics and Finance, October 1999.

“Labor Immobility and Unemployment in LDCs: Reply”, (with H. Beladi), Southern Economic Journal, July 1998.

“Labor Immobility and Unemployment in LDCs”, (with H. Beladi), 64(1), Southern Economic Journal, July 1997.

“Rational and Adaptive Expectations in Present Value Models of Hyperinflation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1993 (with H. Beladi and Munir A.S. Choudhary).

“Sluggish Intersectoral Factor Movements and Alternative Trade Policies”, Southern Economic Journal, 59, April 1993, pp. 760-767 (with H. Beladi).

“The Incidence of Corporate Income Tax under Variable Returns to Scale: Reply”, Public Finance, 46(2), 1991-92, pp.337-338.

“Imperfect Labor Mobility and Corporate Tax Incidence”, International Economic Journal, 6(3), 1992, pp.75-82 (with Munir A.S. Choudhary).

“Budget Deficit and Inflation: The Peruvian Experience, Applied Economics, 1991, 23, pp. 1117-1121 (with Munir A.S. Choudhary).

Labor Immobility, Technical Progress and Welfare”, International Economic Journal, 1991, 5(3), pp. 1-16 (with Eden S.H. Yu).

“Tariffs and Income Distribution under Domestic Monopoly”, Journal of International Economic Integration, 1991, 6(1), pp.52-63.

“Anticipated Monetary Policy and Real Output: Evidence from Latin American Countries”, Applied Economics, 1991, 23, pp.579-586 (with Munir A.S. Choudhary).

“Endogenous Wage Differentials, Imperfect Labor Mobility and Customs Unions Theory”, Journal of International Economic Integration, Spring 1989, 4(1), pp.15-26 (with Eden S.H. Yu).

“Factor Mobility and Customs Unions Theory”, Southern Economic Journal, April 1989, 55(4), pp. 842-852 (with Eden S.H. Yu).

“The Incidence of Classified Property Taxes in a Three-Sector Model with an Imperfectly Mobile Population”, Journal of Urban Economics, January 1989, 25, pp.72-92 (with John H. Beck).

“Factor Immobility and Gains from Trade”, Southern Economic Journal, January 1989, 55(3) pp.601-609 (with Eden S.H. Yu).

“The Incidence of Corporate Income Tax under Variable Returns to Scale”,

Public Finance, 1988, 43 (3) pp. 414-424.

“Trade Creation, Trade Diversion and Elastic Labor Supply”, Mathematical Social Sciences, Fall 1988, 16, pp.171-179.

“Customs Union and Unemployment in LDCs”, Journal of Development Economics, 1987, 26, pp.311-319 (with R.N.Batra).

“Tariffs and Welfare under Variable Labor Supply”, The Journal of Economics, 1987.

“Tax Incidence in an Open Economy with Unemployment of Labor”, Atlantic Economic Journal, 1986, 14(3).

“The Impact of Domestic Content Protection”, The Regional Economic Issues Review, 1985, 2(2), pp. 28-34.

“Effects of Basic and Applied R&D on Industrial Growth”, Annual Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, 1985, Volume 2, pp.952-954 (with Alfred J. Francfort).

“Optimal Policy to Achieve Debt Repayment by the LDCs”, Journal of Development Economics, 1985, 18, pp. 479-483 (with B.B. Mohanty).

“Unionization and Distribution of Income under Variable Returns to Scale”, Economic Letters, 1985, 19, pp. 95-98.

“Optimal Tariff under Domestic Distortions”, Journal of International Economics, 1982, 12, pp. 371-375.

“Multinational Corporations, Factor Endowments, and Factor Prices”, in The Theory and Structures of International Political Economy, edited by Todd Sandler, Westview Press, 1980, chapter 10, pp. 199-213 (with R.N. Batra).

Completed Paper/s and Research-in-Progress

“Fiscal and monetary expansion in LDCs and combat of foreign sponsored terrorism”, (work in progress)

"Exchange rate policies and foreign remittances in LDCs" (on-going research)

"Privileges and perils of porous borders: A closer look at the Great Moderation under increasing threats to global security" (on-going research)

Journal Article Review: (Since 2009)

Refereed the paper titled “Sector-Specific Technical Progress and Aggregate Skill Formation in a Developing Country” for the Review of Development Economics, February 10, 2012.

Book Review:

Equilibrium Unemployment Theory by Christopher A. Pissarides, Oxford and Cambridge, MA, Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1990, in Southern Economic Journal, 58(2), 1991, pp. 558-559.

Research Grants:

Won the 1986 Summer Faculty Research Competition of the Regional Economic Issues Center of the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, and obtained a grant jointly with John H. Beck; the project was on the Regional Analysis of Classified Property Tax.

Won the 1984 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship Competition of the Regional Economic Issues Program of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank, and obtained a research grant; the project was on the Efficiency Impact of Domestic Content Protection Legislation for the U.S. Automobile Industry.

Won the Sixth Round of Ford Foundation Research Competition on the International Economic Order, 1980; and obtained Ford Foundation Grant

(N 805-0157) (with R.N. Batra); the project was on Multinational Corporations.

Professional Services:

Referee for: Review of Development Economics, Economica, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Economics, Public Finance, Pacific Economic Review, Journal of International Economic Integration, Journal of Comparative Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance.

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