Directions for School Leadership Team: As part of the February School Improvement Training we will engage in collaborative conversation and share best practices based on each school’s Mid Year School Improvement Reflections. After input from the leadership team, each school is asked to bring this completed form to the training.

1. Has your school made progress towards achieving the goal?

A. How do the structures and systems in place at your school ensure all facets of the school culture create

predictable environments and a school climate that supports your SIP goal?

B. What are the gaps that exist between your current state and your desired state?

C. How will you address them between now and the end of this school year?

PLCs meet twice a week every morning, which is a continuous and predictable occurrence which contributes to the expectation of collaboration between those teaching the same course. The current state is that last year on the EOC only 63% of students who took the exam received a passing score, and the students in the regular classes only passed with a 30-40% rate. There are two new teachers this year for the subject which also contributes to the gap, but whom we hope will fill the gap. The gap is being addressed through quarterly TDA’s for the group to plan each quarter with the Dept Chair, and an after school camp to help the students review for the EOC two weeks prior to the EOC. The teachers are also enlisting the help of the county SS dept, to have their trainers come and work with the kids.

2. Have alterable barriers been eliminated or reduced? (Alterable barriers are in-house infrastructure mechanisms such as scheduling, class structures, teacher attendance, student attendance, staff development plan, etc.)

A. What evidence do you see that a barrier has been reduced or eliminated?

B. What evidence do you have that the barriers are wide-reaching and will help you achieve your goal?

C. If progress towards eliminating the barrier is not sufficient, where or what is the breakdown?

D. Did you identify other barriers that could serve as effective re- entry points into the plan?

There is a noticeable difference in the CFA data between this year and last year. We are noticing that the newer teachers are attaining better grades from their students. We will not know if it is achieved until the EOC is taken in May. Teachers are receiving a TDA to work together on curriculum once a quarter and are planning their after school review.

3. Are your strategies being implemented with fidelity?

A. Were decisions to continue, intensify, modify, or terminate strategies or action steps based on specific evidence?

The decision to intensify the after school camp and the review process is based on evidence provided by the students that the review and the practice with the question bank help the student. The camp will be held twice a week for two weeks.

4. What are your benchmarks for success?

A. How will you progress towards your goal impact student achievement?

B. What is your desired state?

C. What gaps exist between your current state and your desired state?

Progress is being demonstrated through student scores on the CFAs and the use of the school created test bank. Our desired state is a 10% or more increase in civics scores on the EOC. The gaps that exist are that there are two teachers new to the curriculum this year.