Career Investigation Project

Students should investigate various career opportunities, evaluate the information and obtain hands-on job experiences in order to make wise career decisions. The youth of today are expected to change career fields between 7 and 10 times during their working life. While an individual cannot prepare for all careers at the same time, it is smart to start learning with one career field that interests them. Your task is to investigate a career that interests you and share what you have learned with your peers through a computer generated Power–Point presentation. You will need to use a minimum of three resources to investigate your chosen area and include all of the required information in the presentation, which will be presented in class the week of ______.

The project will be scored based on the following required areas:

number of slides / Content / Weight
2 / Self Introduction (personal information) / 5%
1 / Career areas and specific job title / 5%
3 / Typical job duties and tasks / 5%
1 / Typical wages or wage range / 5%
2 / Working conditions and environment / 5%
2 / Positive and negative aspects of the job / 5%
1 / Employment trends in the field / 5%
2 / Training (how and where to get it, costs involved, time factors, etc) / 10%
2 / Personal qualities and traits necessary for success in field / 5%
1 / Related fields of employment (transferable skills) / 10%
1 / Personal plan for perusing this career / 5%
N/A / Creativity in Power Point slide presentation / 5%
N/A / Oral presentation / 5%
N/A / Self evaluation – written follow up / 10%
N/A / Minimum project requirements
·  turned in on assigned date
·  Used 3 or more sources
·  Power Point included 17 or more slides
***Used class time wisely / 5%


Career Investigation Project Self Evaluation

Area of career research:
Three things I learned about this career area which I had not known before are:
After doing the research and learning about this career I (am/am not) interested in pursuing this career. Explain your answer.
Consider the research you have done and the information you heard from the other presentations. Identify two other career fields you found interesting and explain your choices.
The three most difficult things about this project were…
The three easiest things about this project were…
If I had this assignment to do over again, I would do the following things differently…
The three sources I used in researching this career area are:
I think my project deserves a grade of ______% because…

Summary of student evaluations: