School Governance Team (SGT) Meeting
April 20, 2017
Principal: John Hill
Assistant Principals: CT Hussion & Jennifer Ludlum
Teachers: Alicia Covington & Alecia Frizzell (Vice-Chair)
Parents: Heather Byers & Kathy Mancuso (Secretary)
Community: Jack Lance (Chair) & Luke Colwell
School Employee: Jerry Bavero
Student Representatives: RJ Banton & Madison Yost
Not Present: Luke Colwell & Heather Byers
Action Items
Approval of Agenda
Moved to accept agenda with change for next meeting date to 5/18/17 by Alecia Frizzell
second by RJ Banton
Approved by all.
Approval of Minutes
Moved to approve 3/16/17 minutes by RJ Banton
second by Madison Yost
Approved by all.
Approval of School Fundraisers
Motion to approve collectively all fund-raising requests.
Moved by Alicia Covington
Second by RJ Banton
Approved by all.
Approval of MOWR Eligibility/Release Letter
The rigor of these classes exceed typical high school courses. We will include information to indicate that poor performance in a dual-enrollment course could affect the student’s ability to graduate on time.
Moved to accept MOWR Eligibility/Release Letter by Alecia Frizzell
Second by Alicia Covington
Approved by all.
Information Items
Handbook Revisions
Counselors will take over academic advising.
Have advisement days based on pathways.
UCHS SGT Graduation Participation
All are invited, just let Mr. Hill know that you want to participate.
Upcoming Events at UCHS
Graduation will be Friday May 26 at 8PM.
Inclement Weather Plan.
UCHS Fishing Club
First Tournament is this Saturday and they will compete against other schools. This is not a GHSA sport but there are many college scholarships and other opportunities related to fishing.
YHC Curriculum offerings (2017-2018)
This is for our current Sophomore STEM students and the classes they will take as a Junior and Senior.
Move to Adjourn Next meeting 5/18/17.
Moved by Alecia Frizzell
second by Alicia Covington
approved by all.