Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities’s activity
Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities’s activity, called further in the document The Center, is based on strategic aims, based on Strategy for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities and supports making of government politics for educational wants for children and students of ethnic minorities having for its framework the National program for the development of school and preschool education and preparation 2006 – 2015. The aim of the activities, which were planned in 2009, had been to perform two basic directions set in the Three–year program for the Center’s activity.
1. Drawing up finances outside the state budget for the realization and support of projects.
2. Financial support for projects by the Centre
Direction 1. Drawing up finances outside the state budget for the realization and support of projects
It is completed Competitive procedure (CP) 33.2-2008, which has been made out with Roma education fund – Hungary. 13 projects offers have been financed by Component 1 to a total value of 500000 BGN and 15 projects offers by Component 2 to a total value of 150000BGN.
Attracted resources by Roma Educational Fund – 489000 BGN in 2008 year.
There are no attracted resources from other international donors in 2009 year.
Direction 2. Financial support for projects by the Centre
Center announced two Competitive procedures for gathering projects offers – CP - 33.5 – 2009 year and CP - 33.6 – 2009 year during its Annual plan with resources from government budget.
Competitive procedure 33.5 – 2009 year with provided 1 000000 BGN from resources on state budget.
Priority 1. Guaranteeing the right for equal access to education of good quality for children and students from ethnic minorities
By thematic plan from The Three-year program
1.1 Plans directed to adaptation of children and students in kindergartens and schools to which Bulgarian is not their mother tongue.
1.2 Projects connected with the improvement of the school network in municipalities with small and scattered built-up areas including help for mainstream schools providing quality education in them
Program budget - 500000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 25000 BGN
Applying institutions: communities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and serving sections, realizing projects by themselves or with help from legal organizations with nonprofit aim, performing public activity.
There are received 130 projects offers. 100 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification.
Approved for financing - 20 projects offers.
Priority 2. Preserving and developing the cultural identity of the children and students from ethnic minorities
According to the Three-year program’s thematic plan:
2.1 Projects connected with realization of extracurricular activities for preserving and developing the cultural identity of the children and students from ethnic minorities.
Program budget - 200000BGN to maximum value of one project about 10 00BGN
Applying institutions: communities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and serving sections, realizing projects by themselves or with help from legal organizations with nonprofit aim, performing public activity.
There are received 93 projects offers. 68 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification.
Approved for financing - 20 projects offers.
Priority 3. Creating preconditions for successful socialization of the children and young people from ethnic minorities
According to the Three-year program’s thematic plan:
3.1 Projects and plans for creating preconditions for successful socialization of children, students and young people from ethnic minorities.
3.2 Projects for extracurricular forms of work for creating preconditions for a successful socialization of the children, students and young people from ethnic minorities.
3.3 Projects for educational activities for the teachers, connected with creating preconditions for a successful socialization of the children, students and young people from ethnic minorities.
Program budget is 200000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 10000BGN
Applying institutions: communities, regional inspectorates of education, state universities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and helping units, implementing projects alone or with the participation of legal organizations with non-profit, performing community service.
There are received 135 projects offers. 98 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification. Approved for financing - 20 projects offers.
Priority 4. According to The three-year program’s thematic plan:
4.1 Projects, reflecting and representing cultural diversity in Bulgaria.
Program budget – 100000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 5000 BGN
Competitive institutions: communities, regional inspectorates of education, state universities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and helping units, implementing projects alone or with the participation of legal organizations with non-profit, performing community service.
There are received 48 projects offers. 41 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification. Approved for financing - 20 projects offers.
After publishing of an announcement for CP - 33.5-2009 have been announced two briefing meetings for explaining at “Guidelines for application” which were carried out on 07.04.2009 and 14.04.2009.
Contracts with beneficiaries were not completed because of lack of target funding from state budget by that date.
Competitive procedure 33.6 – 2009 - with provided 500000 BGN from resources from the state budget.
The declared competitive procedure has for its purpose to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and concentration of financing with focus to children and students from Roma community and in implementing policy for educational integration.
Priority 1. Guaranteeing the right for equal access to education of good quality for children and students from ethnic minorities
According to The three-year program’s thematic plan:
1.1 Projects connected with helping the process of desegregation and the following integration
1.2 Projects for improvement of school environment in the integrating kindergartens and schools
1.3 Projects aiming the removal of children without disabilities from special schools.
Program budget – 250000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 25000 BGN
Applying institutions: communities, implementing projects alone or with the participation of legal organizations with non-profit, performing community service.
There are received 24 projects offers. 19 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification. Approved for financing - 10 projects offers.
Priority 2. Preserving and developing the cultural identity of the children and students from ethnic minorities
According to The three-year program’s thematic plan:
2.1 Projects connected with realization of extracurricular activities for preserving and developing the cultural identity of the children and students from ethnic minorities.
Program budget – 100000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 10000 BGN
Applying institutions: communities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and helping units, implementing project offers alone or with the participation of legal organizations with non-profit, performing community service.
There are received 135 projects offers. 109 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification. Approved for financing - 10 projects offers.
Priority 3. Creating preconditions for a successful socialization of the children and young people from ethnic minorities
According to the Three-year program’s thematic plan:
3.1 Programs and projects for organization forms for attracting and adapting to school process dropped out and not included students
3.2 Projects of schools for stimulating activities connected with parents impeding their children from attending to kindergarten and school.
Program budget – 150000 BGN to maximum value of one project about 10000 BGN
Applying institutions: communities, regional inspectorates of education, state universities, state and municipal kindergartens, schools and helping units, implementing projects alone or with the participation of legal organizations with non-profit, performing community service.
There are received 49 projects offers. 39 projects offers are allowed to second stage after administrative verification. Approved for financing - 15 projects offers.
After publishing an announcement for Competitive Procedure - 33.6-2009 have been announced two briefing meetings for explaining at “Guidelines for application” which were carried out on 09.06.2009 and 16.06.2009.
Contracts with beneficiaries were not completed because of lack of target funding from state budget by that date.
Information to The planned competitive procedure for researches
There are provided 150000 BGN from the state budget for realization in June 2009 with connection with the Three-year program of the Center pursuant Art 6. (6) of The Statute-Book of Structure, Activity and Organization Work.
Information of profits and losses of the Center
Voted budget of the Center is 2631862 BGN for 2009 (2500000 BGN own incomes and 131862l BGN as subsidy).
There are 1097164 BGN released resources for the Center for accounting period, it’s been done correction of the budget in amount of 1000000 BGN from them in December. The same amount has been spent for:
· Charges at § 01-00 “Salaries and wages of personal employed under labor relations” are 58269 BGN for accounting period;
· At § 02-00 “Other wages and payments to staff” are 33779 BGN, of which:
· At § 05-00 “Compulsory social contributions by employers” are in amount of 17125 BGN.
They are in amount of 118403 BGN in paragraph 10-00 "Maintenance" and there are opened subparagraphes for every one kind of charge and they are:
· At § 10-13 “Bedding stock and clothing” are 1946 BGN, which are representative clothing of the employees of the Center;
· At § 10-15 “Materials” are 5818 BGN, which are accessories and materials, 5818 At § 10-20 “Costs for external services” are all in amount of 106906 BGN, which are:
Ø costs of telecommunications services, postal and other costs for external services
Ø costs of postpaid support on: accounting program with company ASOFT program; "Wages" and fees with company OMEGTIM2; subscription to program product APIS
Ø costs to concluded contract for monitoring of funded projects by the Center
Ø costs to concluded contract for inspection in financial and technical reports of projects on procedures 33.2-2008 and 33.3-2008.
· At § 10-69 “Other financial charges” are in amount of 2483 BGN, which are fees to bank’s currency transfers in carrying out transfers to beneficiaries of the Centre:
· At § 45-00 “Subsidies to non-profit organizations” are all in amount of 49929 BGN , which are provided amounts for NGOs’ projects connected with activity of the Center
Total costs during the reporting year – 277505 BGN
Unabsorbed funds in amount of 819659 BGN are restored to the Ministry of Education and Science.
Information for the available audits and external evaluation carried out for the Centre’s activity
An external evaluation has been accomplished of the impact of projects financed by the Roma Educational Fund on tender procedure 33.2-2008. The report offers an assessment of the efficiency of supported projects. The practical benefits of assessment are proposed recommendations for improving competitive procedures, thematic plan and methods of approaching long and short term goals of the Center. The assessment covers both the content of priorities, approaches and working practices for complete integration of children and students from ethnic minorities and competitive procedures management technique and funding plan procedures and support for the project implementation.
It is not carried out an external assessment of the effect of its realization.
Financial audit was carried out of CP 33.2 - 2008 and CP 33.3 – 2008.
By Order № RD 09-1001/11.06.2009 of the Minister of Education and Science has been carried out an audit of the Centre. For the established passes is given an action plan as follows:
Action plan
To implement the recommendations in the audit report № 01-18 from 31.07.2009
№ / Recommendation / Defendant actions / Period / Responsible person1 / To end a civil contract signed with an outside person to perform a preliminary control the legality before a financial commitment and/or spending budget funds of the Center. / Civil contact signed with an outside person to perform a preliminary control the legality before a financial commitment and/or spending budget funds of the Center has been terminated with an agreement by common consent of 01.08.2009 / 01.08.2009 / Dimitar Kavardjikov – director
2 / To update the existing accounting system according to rules with Art 12 of the Accountancy Act having analytical results for every single program on contracts to provide the necessary information on specific programs and contracts. / Leads to analytical report for each program on contracts to provide the necessary information on specific programs and contracts. There are going to be taken the necessary steps to update the accounting product. / 30.09.2009 / Krassimir Levterov – assistant director of FSV
3 / It has to be included a clause regulating the submission of performance bond for good quality or bank guarantee when signing contracts for external services. / When there are signed contracts for externals services, it is going to be included a clause regulating the submission of performance bond or bank guarantee. / Constant / Dimitar Kavardjikov – director
Total number of proceeded project offers for funding by the Center in the year
The total number of proceeded offers from the announced in 2009 competitive procedures are as follows:
1. On the Competitive procedure 33.5-2009 with fund from the state budge:
· total amount of applied – 406 units
· rated – 307 units
· approved for funding - 80 units;
Their distribution among the programs is given in the following table:
Programs / Number of received project applications / Number of project applications not admitted after the administrative verification / Number of assessed project applications / Number of funded project applicationsProgram 1: Guaranteeing the right for equal access to education of good quality for children and students from ethnic minorities. / 130 / 30 / 100 / 20
Program 2: Saving and developing the cultural identity of the children and students from ethnic minorities. / 93 / 25 / 68 / 20
Program 3: Giving rise to preconditions for successful socialization of the children and young people from ethnic minorities. / 135 / 37 / 98 / 20
Program 4: Transforming the cultural diversity into a source and factor for knowing each other and the spiritual development of the growing up and for creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. / 48 / 7 / 41 / 20
Total on programs: / 406 / 99 / 307 / 80
1. On the Competitive procedure 33.6-2009 with fund from the state budget:
a. total amount of applied – 208 units