The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister
· SKL1b: Students will sort living and non living materials and organisms into groups by observable physical attributes. Students will group animals according to their observable features such as size, appearance, motion, where it lives, etc.
· SKL2a: Students will compare the similarities and differences in groups of organisms. Students will explain the similarities and differences among animals.
Brilliant Star Objectives:
· Physical: Relationship to Material Environment: Students will be able to discuss the relationships between animals of a species and between the animals and nature.
· Begin lesson by having groups of students sort cards of various animals that live on land and in water. Have students determine the sort.
· Ask students to discuss what an ocean is and create a KWL chart together about oceans.
· Have students create a list of animals they might see in an ocean.
· The teacher will begin reading the book by completing a picture walk through the book The Rainbow Fish.
· After completing the picture walk the teacher will begin reading aloud to the students.
· Teacher will identify the ocean animals in the book and identify where they live and what they look like.
· Discuss attributes of the ocean and the creatures that live in it.
· Compare ocean animals to land animals using a Venn Diagram.
· Describe the ocean attributes and facts related to the ocean.
· Observation: Create an ocean life scene and draw some creatures that live in the ocean.
· Inference: Create a class report after researching three ocean creatures and writing three sentences about how they live in the ocean.
· Inference: Students choose one animal and create a page for the class “Ocean” book.
· Create Sea Scented Playdough for students to creatively create ocean scene:
o "Sea Scented Playdough Recipe"
3 cups flour
1.5 ounces cream of tartar
3/4 cup salt
3 tbsp. cooking oil
3 cups water
1 tbsp coconut extract
yellow food coloring
gold glitter
o Identify fractions of course.
· Create salt pictures with students drawing pictures of ocean animals and painting over pictures with salt and water mixture.
· Ocean Life:
· - Site containing limited information
· Research sites:
· Ocean crafts:
· Ocean Ideas/Activities:
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