Sample Course Outline
Japanese: First Language
ATAR Year 12
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Sample course outline
Japanese: First Language – ATAR Year 12
Unit 3 and Unit 4
Semester 1
Week / Key teaching points /1–7 / Introduction
Overview of the Japanese: First Language course and assessment requirements
Theme: The individual and the community
Students examine the relationship between individuals and groups, exploring changing attitudes towards family and gender groups.
Contemporary issues
· the family in contemporary society (Week 1–2)
· the impact of a changing society on the individual (Week 3–5)
· gender roles in today’s society (Week 6–7)
Texts and text types: spoken, written and visual texts
· read and write kyoiku kanji and recognise joyo kanji in texts
· grammar appropriate to the theme and contemporary issues
· use monolingual and/or bilingual dictionaries
Task 1: Response: Viewing and reading – Read two texts in Japanese and respond in Japanese or English.
Task 2: Writing in Japanese – Write a letter of approximately 700 ji in Japanese.
8–15 / Theme: Youth culture
Students examine the role of young people in society, taking into account social and educational perspectives.
Contemporary issues
· pressures on young people today (Week 8–10)
· the place of education in young people’s lives (Week 11–13)
· the role of leisure in a young person’s world (Week 14–15)
Texts and text types: spoken, written and visual texts
· read and write kyoiku kanji and recognise joyo kanji in texts
· grammar appropriate to the theme and contemporary issues
· use monolingual and/or bilingual dictionaries
Task 3: Response: Listening – Listen to one text in Japanese of approximately three minutes in length and respond in English. Then listen to two texts and write an article of approximately 300 ji in Japanese.
16 / Examination week
Task 4: Semester 1 examination – A representative sample of the syllabus content, reflecting the ATAR Year 12 examination design brief
Semester 2
Week / Key teaching points /1–6 / Theme: National identity
Students examine Japanese identity and traditional and contemporary culture.
Contemporary issues
· reconciling traditional and contemporary Japanese culture (Week 1–3)
· Japan and the international community (Week 4–6)
Texts and text types: spoken, written and visual texts
· read and write kyoiku kanji and recognise joyo kanji in texts
· grammar appropriate to the theme and contemporary issues
· use monolingual and/or bilingual dictionaries
Task 5: Response: Viewing and reading – Read a text in Japanese and evaluate the perspective discussed, and then write your opinion of approximately 700 ji in Japanese.
Task 6: Writing in Japanese – Write the script of a speech of approximately 700 ji in Japanese.
7–15 / Theme: Global issues
Students look at aspects of the changing world, such as economic growth, the environment and the global community.
Contemporary issues
· the universality of human experience (Week 7–9)
· preserving the environment (Week 10–12)
· the impact of technology (Week 13–15)
Texts and text types: spoken, written and visual texts
· read and write kyoiku kanji and recognise joyo kanji in texts
· grammar appropriate to the theme and contemporary issues
· use monolingual and/or bilingual dictionaries
Task 7: Response: Listening – Listen to one text in Japanese of approximately three minutes in length and respond in English. Then listen to two texts and write an announcement of approximately 300 ji in Japanese.
16 / Examination week
Task 8: Semester 2 examination – A representative sample of the syllabus content, reflecting the ATAR Year 12 examination design brief