The Equality and Diversity Forum - Britain’s network of equality and human rights charities - welcomes the Government’s recognition today that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has an essential role to play in building a fairer Britain.

Commenting on the results of the Government’s NDPB review announced today, Equality and Diversity Forum chief executive, Amanda Ariss, said:

‘The Equality and Human Rights Commission has a vital role to play in tackling barriers to opportunity. The ‘How Fair is Britain?’report published earlier this week shows how much still needs to be done to overcome longstanding inequalities. The EHRC will need to be at the top of its game to meet the challenges ahead, but it will need the right powers too and we will make that case to ministers as they consider their reform plans.’

Although the Forum welcomes ministers’ decision to retain the EHRC, it regrets their decision to close the Women’s National Commission, which has provided a valued and independent bridge between government and women’s organisations for more than forty years.

Notes for editors

1. The Equality and Diversity Forum is a network of national equality and human rights NGOs. The network’s members are: Advice UK, Age UK, British Humanist Association, British Institute of Human Rights, Children’s Rights Alliance for England, Citizens Advice, Discrimination Law Association, End Violence Against Women Campaign, Equality Challenge Unit, English Regions Equality and Human Rights Network, Fawcett Society, JUSTICE, Law Centres Federation, Mind, National AIDS Trust, Press for Change, Race on the Agenda, RADAR, Refugee Council, RNIB, RNID, Runnymede Trust, Scope, Stonewall, The Age and Employment Network (TAEN), Trades Union Congress (TUC), UKREN (UK Race in Europe Network), UNISON, Women’s Budget Group and Women’s Resource Centre.

2. The Equality and Human Rights Commission was created by the 2006 Equality Act. It is responsible for protecting and promoting human rights and equality in Britain. On October 11 it published ‘How Fair is Britain?’, a major review of the evidence about fairness and inequality in Britain.

3. The Women’s National Commission has been a bridge between women’s organisations and government for more than 40 years.

4. Further information and comment is available from Amanda Ariss on 07806 353364.

Equality and Diversity Forum, 207-221 Pentonville Road, LondonN1 9UZ

Tel: 020-7843 1597, email , website

Registered charity number 1135357 Registered company number 06464749