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Rev. Scott A. Mccall

15781 E. Crestridge Cir. Centennial CO. 80015 (303) 929-2819


·  Wife: Vicki, (married 34 years)

·  Three married daughters


Various Courses in Doctoral pursuit from

·  Grand Canyon University: 2/14- 4/14

·  Trinity College and Seminary 9/05- 5/06

Denver Seminary, Denver CO

M.A. in Systematic Theology 1990

Western Bible College (Currently Colorado Christian University)

B.B.E. Christian Education 1980

Double major Missions and Christian Education


Horizon College Denver 2009-present

·  Systematic Theology 1,2,3,4

·  Old Testament Survey

·  New Testament Survey

·  Life of Christ

·  Hermeneutics

Calvary College of the Bible 2005-2006

·  New Testament Survey

Teaching Assistant to Dr. Gordon Lewis and Dr. Bruce Demarest (Denver Seminary)

·  Graded all written work and exam papers 1989-1990


Dean (5+ years) January 2009- 2015

Horizon College Denver

·  Administrative duties related to school and curriculum development.

·  Teaching

·  Professor recruitment and management.

Missionary (4 years) May 2011- 2014

Haven Ministries

Various Overseas teaching opportunities in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Ukraine

Sr. Pastor (15 years)

Crow Hill Bible Church (Converge; Baptist General Conference) Bailey, CO. May 1996 – December 2011

·  All pastoral duties including preaching and teaching weekly and administration as church grew from single pastor to three pastoral staff.

·  Team Leader for area pastors for denomination. Duties involved organizing and mentoring.

Associate Pastor (8 years)

Mountain View Bible Fellowship, Estes Park, CO. (6 years) March 1991 – May 1996

·  All pastoral duties related to the development of Sunday School and small groups and youth groups.

·  Interim duties during pastoral change, including staff development.

Associate Pastor

First Baptist Church, Gothenburg NE. (2 years) March 1982—April 1984

·  All pastoral duties related to the development of Sunday School and small groups and youth groups.

Youth Leader

Community Baptist Church, Arvada, CO (5 years) Sept. 1976- May 1980

·  Leadership in youth groups and activities including teaching and counseling.


English (native language)

Some working knowledge of Koine Greek


Evangelical Ministries to New Religions

International Society of Christian Apologetics


Horizon College Denver Board Member 2010-2015

Haven Ministries Board Member (Vice-president; Secretary/Treasurer) 2004- present

Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (Executive Director) 2012-2014

Rocky Mountain Converge Lead team facilitator 1998- 1999

Rocky Mountain Converge Re-focus vision Team 1/2007-11/2008 Rocky Mountain Caring Pregnancy Center Board Member (Chairman) 5/1993-5/1996

Rev. Scott A. McCall

My educational goals reside mainly in doing what I can to help Horizon College Denver become a vibrant growing institution. I have always enjoyed teaching and education and desire to spend the remaining years of ministry fully engaged in higher education.

I began my love for teaching when still in High School. My youth pastor at the time encouraged me to reach out and teach a Sunday School class. I began with second grade girls. From there I was encouraged to teach Junior high aged youth and I have not looked back since High School.

My first full-time pastorate was as a youth pastor with my previously mentioned mentor in Gothenburg Nebraska. I enjoyed the teaching interaction with the young people but also developed a teacher training program from my classes received in college. I had found an additional joy in not only teaching but helping others to learn to teach. My ministry in Nebraska was drawn to a premature close and I returned to Denver to pursue my Master’s degree at Denver Seminary.

I finished my Master’s degree in Systematic Theology with the full intention of pursuing a Ph.D. However, the needs of providing for my family took precedent. I took a second pastoral position as an associate with responsibilities for all the educational programs of the church from nursery to senior adults. I thoroughly enjoyed my ministry but in the back of my mind was the continuing desire to pursue a doctorate. My professor from Denver Seminary told me to stay focused on the church for he felt most of the training for Christians and their discipleship would return to the church rather than move more categorically to institutions. To some degree that has happened and so I began to consider the idea of preaching as a form of teaching. Up to that point, I would have said that preaching seemed more designed for evangelism and encouragement. When I had an opportunity to preach, I taught. People were encouraging to me in that area and yearned for more. After some counsel both within the church and without, I began to pursue a preaching pastoral role whereby I could preach and administrate more often.

The next step was to accept a pastorate in a small community and a small struggling church. I told the Lord I would be content if I could teach while I preached and He seemed to allow that in my ministry in Bailey CO. Our little church grew to a medium sized church with multiple staff. I enjoyed the discipline of preaching and teaching in my ministry there. I took some online classes from Trinity Bible College and Seminary with the hopes of finishing a doctorate, however, the demands of a growing church and active family made the process of taking classes long and burdensome.

After leaving the pastorate I have been afforded the opportunity to be involved in a new small Christian college in the Rocky Mountain Front Range area. Horizon College Denver is committed to training those who feel that they have been called to Christian ministry. Our core values are:

Horizon College Denver exists to provide the highest level education in ministry related fields at the minimum cost to the student.

• We are committed to the centrality of Scripture as the basis for effective ministry in any context.

• We are committed to the relational value of students and teachers in the context of mentoring.

• We are committed to academic excellence and relevant real ministry application.

It is my contention that the values and goals of Horizon College Denver and my personal goals make a natural fit and beneficial relationship between me and the Ed.D. Program at Liberty University.