School Community Partnership Agreement
2008 – 2013 - 2015 – 2016
Wulungarra Community School developed a School Community Agreement in 2008. The agreement was reviewed in April 2013, reviewed August 2015 and reviewed in April 2016.This is a working document stating the strategic vision, planning and development for Wulungarra Community School. The objectives listed are priorities for Kadjina Community and the School Improvement Plan. These priorities have been established by the school community and are subject to change as priorities are reviewed. Kadjina Community remains committed to providing quality education for children K-10
Discussion taking place with Kadjina Community Inc. and Wulungarra Community School Committee (Minutes: April 27, 2016) have recorded the statement “The condition of housing in Kadjina has a direct impact on the enrolment numbers of students at the school.”
Our first priority in everything we do is in the best interests of the children, students, parents and families at our school. Working together as a school community we focus on primary care, to build and protect children’s sense of safety, health and well being.
Kadjina Community Inc. in the review of School Community Partnership April 2016 agrees to prioritize the issue of housing in Kadjina to provide a social structure that will support the education of children in community. Negotiations are to be held between WA Housing Authority, MarraWorraWorra and Kadjina Community Inc. to improve housing for families. Kadjina Community Inc. Meeting minutes demonstrate this commitment.
Chairperson Kadjina Community Inc.
Kadjina Community Representative
Wulungarra Community School Committee Member
School Community Partnership Agreement 2015 – 2016
We know positive learning and teaching can then take place when we continue every day to give each other a caring and warm welcome. We take an individual responsibility to keep morale and hospitality high. We motivate students to do their individual best. We encourage them to see and enjoy their progress. We want them to succeed becoming responsible and selfdirected learners. As a staff we will provide a comprehensive curriculum, meeting the needs of individual students and preparing our students academically, socially and personally for future learning and living.
The Wulungarra Community School Committee recognises the value and necessity of an accredited education and is aware of the importance to safeguard and protect the school and students against risk. The school broadens student access to current models of curriculum investing in staff and student use of robust technology. It liaises with Kulkarriya Aboriginal Independent Community School to share peer learning, curriculum, staff resources and to receive occasional administrative support to support children across communities.
The School’s objective is to provide an education to enable its students to perform successfully in their chosen vocation, having the ability to communicate effectively in writing and speaking. For this purpose, the school will emphasise within its curriculum the core subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Language combined with key learning areas such as Geography and Physical Health and Education and the Arts. Other study areas will be provided in respective year levels to contribute towards a well-balanced education within educational guidelines.
Chairperson Kadjina Community Inc.
Kadjina Community Representative
Wulungarra Community School Committee Member
Objective: Enrolment/Attendance
Kadjina Community will:
- Create conversations in community about student attendance/enrolment at school
- Encourage families to send students to school and provide enrolment details
- Support families in their endeavor to send children to attend school
- Inform the Principal of reasons behind changes in attendance
- Suggest action to increase student attendance/enrolment
- Appoint an Attendance Support Person in an Aboriginal Education Worker role
- Receive visits from the Principal to talk about their student’s attendance
- Be informed by Principal of enrolment/attendance changes and consequences
School Staff will:
- Respond positively to family discussion regarding enrolment/attendance
- Inform the Principal of matters relating to attendance/enrolment
- Promote friendly welcome and daily hygiene routines for each individual student
- Direct visiting children to the school to sign in a Visitors Book at reception
- Promote attendance with ‘Student of the Day’ and ‘Weekly Assemblies’
- Rotate morning activities to heighten student engagement
- Promote student communication and student decision- making on school issues
- Incorporate student attendance with general rules and reward the following of rules
- Create project ‘Home Wall.’ Teachers visit to see student work displayed at home
- Instigate student surveys on kitchen meals provided for breakfast and lunch each day to submit to school cook
Objective: Early Years Education K- 2
Kadjina Community will:
- Respect traditional methods of child raising and parenting
- Promote Kadjina community as a place of belonging where young children are safe with family
- Learn about different ways of helping children to be ready for school
- Know that school is open for parents to join the class and help transition early learners
- Work with community agencies, clinic and school to provide the best for young children
- Suggest safe, no-risk healthy improvements to the school especially for young children
- Inform Principal of changes in family that may affect the learning of young children
- Be aware of Child Protection legislation and the role of the school in reporting
Objective: Early Years Education K- 2
School Staff will:
- Consult with family to offer educational experiences for the needs of the individual in early years
- Demonstrate understanding of the physical, social and emotional learning context
- Provide opportunity for family and sibling learning in class
- Plan and teach curriculum guided by the Early Years Learning Framework
- Be familiar with and attain qualifications to satisfy National Quality Standards in Early Years Education
- Create and update Educational Support Plans for each student
- Improve the potential of young learners with Aboriginal Education Worker support
- Be aware of Child Protection legislation and the role of the school in reporting
Objective: World of Work Pathways to Education and Employment
Kadjina Families will:
- Maintain high expectations for their children and support their learning efforts
- Support assessment and testing to improve student literacy and numeracy
- Talk to the school about plans for their children’s future education
- Request information about school and work opportunities for students
- Provide input for the students’ Education Support Plans and long-term goals
- Support role models, activities, excursions and events that concern future choice
- Commit time and effort to helping their child access future education opportunities
- Consider making changes in family life to increase their child’s future prospects
School Staff will:
- Foster high expectations amongst students to achieve learning outcomes
- Pre test and plan student participation in national testing and assessment
- Talk about future aspirations, education and suitable role models to students
- Offer opportunities to join up and visit on line students in other learning communities
- Build curriculum between schools that offer higher education subjects
- Communicate with agencies that offer transformative experiences to interest students
- Include in teaching and learning curriculum pathways to education and employment
- Principal to liaise with schools with boarding schools/vocational education training
Objective: Information Communications Technology
Kadjina Families will:
- Support the use of technology by teachers for teaching and learning in the classroom
- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of young people using technology
- Participate in class and role model the agreed use of iPad and/or computer
- Follow guidelines on how to deal with cyber-bullying presented by the school
- Request assistance, within reason, from the school for their own technology needs
- Understand legal use of copyright, plagiarism and security measures in the use of technology
School Staff will:
- Integrate technology at all year levels K – 10 when delivering curriculum
- Monitor use of technology by students to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes
- Preview digital content and plan to build in time constraints with use of technology
- Offer contingency curriculum if and when technology is not operating
- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of young people using technology
- Follow guidelines by Department of Education on dealing with cyber-bullying
- Be strategic in choice of on line learning communities as age and learning appropriate
- Understand legal use of copyright, plagiarism and security measures and technology
Objective: Planning and Sustainability
Kadjina families will:
- Contribute and participate in special events to showcase the school
- Talk about the future of the school with the community
- Receive reports from the Principal concerning the future of the school curriculum
- Attend the Annual General Meeting of Wulungarra Community School Board
- Request independent advice from person/s in the community and region
- Talk with Yungngnora Community, Kulkarriya School Board, AICS schools, AISWA and DES representatives to receive information
Objective: Planning and Sustainability
School Staff will:
- Maintain current teaching and learning standards as per curriculum authorities
- Plan student documentation that is transferable from one school to another
- Review curriculum and reporting standards to remain current
- Attend professional learning and include outcomes in teaching practice
- Develop own teaching role as per the Australian Teachers Performance Framework
- Seek out modified curriculum to suit the learning context of the school
Objective: Sustaining Walmajarri Culture
Kadjina Community would like:
- Walmajarri children to attend camps to be proud of their identity and culture
- Students and Staff tointeract with Elders and know about Walmajarri culture and traditions (past and present)
- Aboriginal Education Workers to invite friends and family to class for Students to learn at school about Walmajarri culture (past and present)
- All School Staff to consult Community members about Walmajarri culture
Kadjina Families will:
- Provide advice to the school on how to strengthen student identity and culture
Objective: Connecting Families and Teachers
Kadjina Community would like:
- Community members to be welcome and involved at school
Kadjina Families will:
- Meet with school staff and talk about student successes and challenges regularly
- Promote positive relationships and communication with the school within the community
- Use a mediation process when difficulties arise
School Staff will:
- Meet with families regularly
- Use a mediation process when difficulties arise
Objective: Learning and Achievement
Kadjina Community would like:
- All Kadjina children to do their best at school
- Families to know more about the learning and teaching programs
- Communication and feedback from teachers to families about children’s progress
Kadjina Families will:
- Attend school meetings to discuss school and student issues
- Participate in opportunities to learn more about how the school works
- Share information about their children with the school
- Be involved in their child’s learning
- Volunteer to help around the school
School Staff will:
- Host opportunities for families to talk about children and the curriculum
- Provide opportunities for families to learn more about school programs and school learning
- Learn more about how Kadjina children learn best
- Communicate with family members in the planning, delivery and evaluation of programs at school
Objective: Behaviour and Participation
Kadjina Community would like:
- The school and community to work together to solve problems
- Everyone be committed to Kadjina children doing their best at school
- To help staff understand the reasons for poor behaviour
Kadjina Families will:
- Respect the rights of all children to receive a good education
- Inform the school of any issues that may affect their children at school
- Attend the school when requested
- Support their children to be at school on time every day
- Communicate with the school if there are reasons for being away
School Staff will:
- Ensure supervision is adequate
- Involve families to solve problems
- Use data to support the learning success of students
- Work with community members when there are concerns
Chairperson Kadjina Community Inc.
Kadjina Community Representative
Wulungarra Community School Committee Member