3. Ensure that learning experiences for young people are relevant, motivating and progressive.
IMPROVEMENT ACTION PLAN 2 (IAP2) After Publication of HMI letter and RIF Option 2: IAP2 .This option is for establishments graded at satisfactory and below in any QIs.
IAP2 to be completed within 1 month of publication.IAP2 to be completed as an ongoing document (every 3 months) in consultation with QIO. Completion within 12 months after publication.
/ Westmuir High SchoolLIG Area
/ NE LIG3HoE, AEO, QIO Names
/ Colin Crawford, Andrea Reid, Kay HamiltonDate
Improvement Action Plan 3 (IAP3)Action Point (Insert No) / QI / Action Point
3. Ensure that learning experiences for young people are relevant, motivating and progressive / Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable
3 / 5.3 / Required Actions
- Ensure that tasks and activities are more structured and less dependent on pupil willingness to engage with the activity.
- Tasks will be more consistently closely linked to real life situations and have meaningful and relevant contexts that are well designed and planned to motivate and engage the young people.
- Staff will take more account of prior learning and build the tasks and activities on the skills and experiences that the young people already have.
- Staff will consistently use information on the attainment levels of all young people to assist in the identification of their learning needs and to set appropriate targets.
- Ensure next steps that are sufficiently challenging and aspirational.
- Young people will be involved in planning, setting targets and reviewing their progress as learners.
- The school will develop individual personalised packages in partnership with local providers and other agencies that will engage and motivate learners more fully.
- More active approaches to learning will take place in all subject areas
- Teachers will look for more opportunities for investigation, discussion, problem solving and team work to help pupils develop a wider range of social skills and interactions.
- Develop the curriculum to include more vocational qualifications for young people, with clear lines of progression from the BGE.
- Increase emphasis being placed on the development of employability skills in school and with partners.
- Tasks and activities are clearly planned, have clear learning outcomes and success criteria, and are designed to motivate and engage young people
- Tasks have clear links to skills development are linked to relevant real life contexts
- Clear evidence of prior learning and levels of attainment being taken into account when further tasks and activities are being planned
- Individualised programmes offered to all senior phase pupils with partnerships with training organisations, colleges and employers.
- Young people in BGE engaged in programmes supported by partners to increase wider achievement and developing skills for life and work.
- Wider range of teaching approaches to engage and motivate young people evident in classes.
- Increased range of vocational qualifications available.
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Those involved – including partners / Resources and staff development / Action Taken and date / Evidence of Impact
Developing meaningful & relevant activities for learning
- Developing Health & Wellbeing across curriculum
- Develop Literacy Action Plan
- Develop Numeracy Action Plan
- Develop Health & Wellbeing Action Plan
June 2017-May 2018
June 2017-May 2018
June 2017-May 2018 / All staff
Leaders of Learning
Westmuir Oversight Group
All staff
Leaders of Learning
Westmuir Oversight Group
All staff
Leaders of Learning
Westmuir Oversight Group
All staff
Leaders of Learning
Westmuir Oversight Group / Identifying core group to be involved.
Readingwise software access
Literacy Training for all staff
CFE Benchmarks
Monitoring & Tracking system
Numeracy Training for all staff
CFE Benchmarks
Monitoring & Tracking system
CFE Benchmarks
Monitoring & Tracking system / Audit started Jane Kelly and D Lobo began asset mapping November 2016
Readingwise purchased for school and being used to support literacy needs of young people Feb 2017
Purple Mash license bought to support Digital Learning across a number of subject areas. Feb 2017
Sumdog trial started Jan 2017. Full equity package purchased March 2017
Consultations with NHS Health Improvement Team & CAMHS / Significant involvement with outside partners on HWB, with three new partners Glasgow Life, Lifelink, YOMO and NHS HIT.
Literacy & Numeracy Action Plans completed and shared with relevant staff to progress actions from.
Literacy, Numeracy & HWB Improvement groups formed
Young people responding positively to Sumdog activities in class.
Develop approaches to planning & tracking learning
- Refresh of Wellbeing & Inclusion Plan to target all curricular areas and refocused as Individualised Educational Plan
- Monitoring individualised monitoring and tracking systems
- Implement Wellbeing Application on SEEMIS Click & Go to replace WAP
- Protected timetabled time for learner conversations & target setting
Aug 2017 - June 2018
Initial Training End of Feb 2017
Pilot Mar – Dec 2017
Ongoing - April 2018 / All staff
Young people
All staff / New individualised planning and reporting format system
Individualised Monitoring & Tracking spreedsheets
GMWP data
Support of Numeracy and Literacy specialists
Inclusion Team
Staffing / Draft format produced for IEP
Aug 2017
Individualised Educational Plans being used as part of Trusted Adult supports. Oct 2017
Individualised Tracking of young people’s progress with overview from SMT
GMWP timetable for updated assessments
Agreement to take part in pilot of new SEEMIS Wellbeing Assessment Dec 2016. Initial Training completed March 2017
Individual sessions timetabled for all young people / Following trial of Wellbeing & Inclusion Plan, it has been expanded to include all subject areas, trusted adult inputs and has been renamed Individualised Educational Plan
Trackers and IEP’s
Trusted adults meeting weekly with young people.
Review & develop vocational education
- Audit vocational education provision
- Develop clear lines of progression into vocational qualifications
March 2017 - Dec 2017 / SMT
All staff / Visits to other centres / Appointment of J. MacLean to oversee vocational education delivery Nov 2017
Clear career management and pathway planning developing vocational offers and transition planning.
College Placements and Training opportunities being offered to S4 pupils this year