Moffat Academy / Beattock Primary

School / Cluster Improvement Plan ( High level priorities)


Submitted 23 June 2015

3 year Overview

2014-2015 / 2015-2016 / 2016-2017
Curriculum for Excellence / Learning and Teaching
Review use of IDL
Moderate provision of science, social subjects, French PE, Art and Music across all stages 3-18
Embed new reading scheme – evaluate early impact
Embed new school programme for mathematics and numeracy
Review / update all courses for S1-3 to reflect emerging approach to BGE
Deliver NQs including new higher in some subject areas
Review ROA – focus on Health and well being
Plan for implementation of 1+2 ML / Review / update BGE in light of SALS/ progression frameworks and annotated exemplars
Update documentation to reflect new curriculum model in S1 – S3
Develop / refine course plans for new National Qualifications in Senior Phase
Review IDL approaches through topic/ IDL blocks
Implement cluster approach to 1 + 2 Modern languages
Review approaches to developing literacy across cluster
Continue to develop opportunities for accreditation of wider achievement – focus : BGE
Implement cluster approach to development of key skills for learning, life and work
Share good practice re effective learning and teaching strategies / Evaluate impact of improved courses in BGE
Evaluate impact of cluster French programme
Embed and extend provision of Spanish from P5 across the cluster
Evaluate new NQ courses cf attainment
Review approaches to developing numeracy across cluster
Extend employability input
Assessment Tracking and Monitoring / Assessment Tracking and Monitoring
Review cluster policy and approach with all staff
Introduce focussed attainment meetings for all stages from P1 – S6
Train staff on effective use of data – including Insight
Develop approaches to tracking wider achievement / Evaluate impact of policy on assessment, monitoring and tracking
Review and evaluate effectiveness of attainment meetings – share suggestions for improvements with all staff
Build on data emerging from PIPS /INCAS /INSIGHT / SOSCA – identify key messages
Continue to look for opportunities to develop accredited achievement awards – BGE / Continue to refine use of data to raise attainment
Implement courses/ programmes in the HUB
Trial solution focussed approaches to GIRFEC multi- agency meetings
Expand capacity re roots of empathy and working with others
Ensure all staff are aware of and are meeting learners’ needs
Ensure stakeholders are aware of GIRFEC / Raise awareness of GIRFEC legislation / Adapt processes to take account of area teams
Use data to identify underperformance – implement and evaluate intervention strategies
Implement / evaluate extraction programmes / delivered in the Hub
Review use of ICT in supporting learners / AAA arrangements eg digital papers
Review personal support structures in secondary / Implement / evaluate changes to tutor system if required
Transitions / Transitions
Roll out cluster moderation of each curriculum area – phase 1 subjects
Evaluate impact of CLD input to transition
Evaluate and review new cluster management model / Continue to develop approach to delivery of Art / PE / Music by secondary specialists
Evaluate impact of P7 transition programme – implement changes as required
Continue to roll out 3-18 focus review sessions of programmes – phase 2 subjects
Review progression within PSE programmes across level 2 to level 3
Review S5/6 PSE programmes / Roll out cluster moderation of each curriculum area – phase 3 subjects
Review S3/4 PSE programmes
Community Partnerships / Community Partnerships / Parental involvement
Develop approaches to volunteering / accredited achievement
Extend role of CLD staff in supporting identified pupils in preparing for and securing a positive destination post 16 / Review approaches to reporting /profiling etc – engage parents
Enhance opportunities for partnership working – develop Network East priorities
Extend role of CLD staff in supporting identified pupils in preparing for and securing a positive destination post
Share / address key recommendations from Developing Young Workforce
Consider implications of national standard for Careers education 3-18
Evaluate / refocus priorities of Moffat Community group – investigate funding bids / Develop / embed Network East partnership priorities
Implement programme for 3-18 approach to Careers Education
Self evaluation / Self evaluation
Introduce new policy and approach to cluster self evaluation
Embed use of data to inform practice
Review impact of peer observations
Extend opportunities for pupil voice to shape improvement / Set up leadership teams for pupils
Train staff in intelligent use of data / review impact of attainment review
Extend use of parental / community focus groups to inform improvement
Engage with authority national guidance – HGIOS4 / 2015-16 Advice Note / Accredit leadership awards / programmes at all stages
Roll out use of HGIOS 4

Moffat Academy – High Level Cluster Improvement Plan 2015~ 2016 (to be adapted / expanded by sector / establishment)

Priority / Tasks / Impact / Timescale / Responsible
1. Curriculum for Excellence / a)Review approach to ELCC (nursery) in light of Care inspectorate/ 600 hours/ Building the Ambition recommendations
b)Review / update BGE programmes for each of the curricular areas from early level to end of S3 in light of SALS/ progression frameworks and annotated exemplars
c)Update documentation to reflect new curriculum model in S1 – S3 ( e.g. options choice booklets etc)
d)Develop / refine course plans for new National Qualifications in Senior Phase
e)Review IDL approaches through topic/ IDL blocks- secondary
f)Implement cluster approach to 1 + 2 Modern languages (phase 1 French – early to second level) and develop approach to phase 2 ie introduction of Spanish across cluster P5 – S1
g)Review approaches to developing and assessing literacy and numeracy across cluster cf key messages from SSLN
h)Continue to develop opportunities for accreditation of wider achievement – key focus : BGE primary – S3
i)Implement cluster approach to development of key skills for learning, life and work – in particular focussing on employability skills
j)Develop a framework for outdoor learning / Pupils of all abilities will benefit from an evolving curriculum that delivers their entitlements and enables them to achieve their full potential. Attainment and achievement will be increased for all.
Staff will continue to review their practice and will benefit from observing fellow practitioners in the classroom. / a)LW LH RL
b)AM/KW / AC +PTs
c)LW / SL
e)AC / KW
f)TB / SF + working gp
g)AM/KW / AC / TB
h)AM/KW / SR
i)NB / AM/SR+ PTs
j)AM/KW / AC
2. Raising attainment - Assessment, Tracking and Monitoring / a) update cluster approach to assessment,tracking and monitoring across BGE
b) Identify keyassessments to track significant aspects of learning using advice from Education Scotland and build in to learning logs/profiles /planners
c)Identify tracking timelines across the primary and within faculties
d) Review % secure at key points across BGE – end early/ 1st/2nd/3rd levels
e) Review school data re attainment against SIMD / FME – target areas of concern and continue to close the gap
f) Refine focus of attainment meetings with all staff – using PIPS and INCAS in primary and CAT/ SOSCA/ INSIGHT in secondary
g) provide opportunities for staff to engage with identified sections of the authority RART / There will be Increased ownership and accountability of all staff with regard to tracking and the subsequent interventions will enhance attainment levels at all stages
Clear systems will be in place to ensure a continuing focus on attainment for all pupils at all stages
Systems will be in place to ensure rigour with regard to identifying pupils who need targeted intervention to address weaknesses or issues
Staff capacity to raise attainment will be increased / a)LW /AM/KW AC
b)AM/KW/ AC +PTs
d)AM/KW / AC
3. Learning and Teaching / a) Review / extend approaches to effective learning and teaching strategies in the classroom making use of authority RART
b) Share practice across the cluster
c) Implement visits to other schools from other schools / authorities
d) Develop capacity to make use of digital technology, including GLOW, to enhance teaching and enrich learning / Staff will engage with RART materials to reflect on effective practice in the classroom. Practice across the cluster and from outwith the school will be shared and will continue to contribute to high levels of attainment. / a)AM/KW/ AC + PTS
4. Transitions / a) Review nursery to P1 provision / curriculum planning
b) Continue to develop approach to delivery of Art / PE / Music by secondary specialists using SALS / progression frameworks
c) Evaluate impact of P7 transition programme – implement changes as required
d) continue to roll out 3-18 focus review sessions of programmes– one cluster focus per term to ensure coherence
e) review progression within PSE programmes across level 2 to level 3
f) review S5/6 PSE programmes / Pupils will benefit from a more coherent approach to transfer with staff knowing and taking account of strengths and areas of concern for all pupils. Pupils across the cluster will have access to a streamlined curriculum that ensures planned coverage of all Es and Os across the curriculum areas and coherent progression of skills. Moderation of approach will ensure pace and challenge are appropriate for all pupils. Staff will benefit from further opportunities to share approaches to delivery of Es and Os in the BGE and this will ensure coverage but also increasing levels of demand for all pupils. P6 and P7 pupils will consolidate their knowledge and skills by accessing some subjects via secondary specialists and facilities and their confidence in moving to secondary will be enhanced. S1 courses will build directly on to the experience of P7 and will ensure progression through level 2 to level 3 outcomes. / a)LH RL KW AM
b)LW / AM/KW
c)NB / SR (pastoral)
AM/KW/ AC (curricular)
d)LW / AM/KW/ AC and faculty heads
f)SR / CMcQ / S5/6 tutors
5. GIRFEC / a)ensure all staff are up to date with implications of new GIRFEC legislation
b)Review procedures re support / multi-agency working in light of introduction of area teams
c)Continue to review procedures to make use of data from benchmark assessments (CFE levels +PIPS/ INCAS/ CAT/ SOSCA) to identify pupils requiring short term intervention programmes
d)Create / implement relevant short term intervention programmes / evaluate their impact and extend capacity of team to deliver these as required
e)Create policy and appropriate programmes for use in the HUB – in liaison with stakeholders – including lifeskills programmes
f)Review approaches to meeting different learning needs / differentiation with all staff
g)Train staff on implications of attachment disorder
h)Continue to implement nurturing approaches across the cluster
/ within the HUB
i)Review approaches to AAA arrangements for SQA qualifications through investigation of digital papers
j)Review approaches to personal support in secondary – tutor reports / PSE delivery / health input / All pupils will have access to universal personal support to ensure their overall wellbeing and to allow them to attainand achieve to their full potential.
Pupils requiring targeted support will be identified quickly and appropriate support will allow them to attain and achieve to their full potential.
Partners will be more accountable for ensuring they address identified problems in partnership with school staff
Pupils who can benefit from some extraction from mainstream education will benefit from tailored provision within the HUB and this will enhance their attainment and achievement as well as addressing the acquisition of key skills for learning, life and work
Systems supporting pupils requiring AAA arrangements for SQA exams will be understood by all and will operate smoothly / a)NB / SR
b)NB /SR
c)NB / DW and SR/LJ
d)DW/ LJ
f)NB / SR
g)DW / L Cuddihy
h)NB / Working group
i)SR / LJ
6. Building Capacity through Career Long Professional Learning / Leadership programme / a)Increase opportunities for pupils to be more involved in school policy, planning and decision making within the school through the introduction of learning councils/ specific focus groups
b)Extend opportunities for non teaching staff to participate in the life and work of the school – e.g. accessing professional learning opportunities, be more involved in decision making
c)Build confidence of staff in using professional update through provision of CPD nights etc
d)Develop staff confidence in using ICT in classroom and in facilitating collaborative working ( training in GLOW 365)
e)Review leadership roles and remits / Pupils will feel they have a greater say in decision making in the cluster and their views will be evident in the way the school moves forward
Non teaching staff will feel more included in decision making within the school and will have opportunities to take on leadership roles if they wish.
All staff will have a clear understanding of systems for professional review and for professional update and identified needs will be considered as part of the school professional learning programme / a)LW / AM/KW/AC
d)AM/ AC
7. Community partnerships / parent partnerships / a)review procedures for sharing information with parents – approaches to reporting /profiling etc
b)enhance opportunities for outdoor learning /community contexts / vocational courses through introduction of cluster mini bus
c)Introduce accredited scheme for wider achievement across cluster primaries / S1-3 in secondary
d)Extend role of CLD staff in supporting identified pupils in preparing for and securing a positive destination post 16 – in particular:
  1. support provision for Early ED and Childcare at N4/ N5
  2. contribute to school plans to develop leadership skills in S2/3
  3. develop / deliver employability awards for all
e)Share / address key recommendations from Developing Young Workforce ( the Wood Report)across cluster
f)Plan vocational opportunities/ skills for work qualifications in light of labour market intelligence
g)Consider the new national standard for careers education (3-18) – link to cluster provision
h)Review impact of chaplaincy team approach across the cluster
i)development collaborative working across clusters within Network East – (4 clusters in Annandale and Eskdale) -coordinating funding applications / use of mini buses / deployment of graduate assigned/ common approaches to employability / vocational provision/ links with colleges etc / Parents will have more information on pupil progress and will be able to contribute to achievement of learning targets. Pupils will enhance their learning by accessing local and national contexts and by working with community partners. Opportunities to access outdoor education will be increased and this will motivate learners and increase learner engagement. A greater focus on accrediting wider achievement will result in pupils having their efforts recognised at local and national level. Volunteering opportunities will be matched to skills development to prepare young people for learning, life and work. Targeted pupils will engage with CLD programmes to prepare them for positive destinations. All pupils will be well equipped in terms of employability skills. Pupils will benefit from enhanced access to opportunities across Annandale and Eskdale as partnerships with local schools develop. / a)Working group / AM/KW/SR
b)LW/AM / KW
c)AM /KW/ SR
d)CLD /leadership– SC / LH / LW
Employability CLD /SR/CMcQ
e)NB / SR
f)SR / CMcQ/LW
h)AC + chaplaincy team
8. Self Evaluation / a) Develop systems for peer observations / sharing practiceacross and
outwith the cluster
b) Train staff and refine use of data – PIPS / INCAS / CAT / SOSCA/
Insight to ensure effective tracking and interventions
c) Review cluster practice against annotated exemplification emerging
from Education Scotland / authority
d) Review approaches against new inspection advice note 2015-2016
e) Provide opportunities for staff to engage with the new HGIOS document (Version 4)
f) Develop shared approach to ELCC across cluster – moderation of returns to care Inspectorate etc / There will be increased ownership of self evaluation activities with a calendar providing a rigorous but non bureaucratic system to reflect on practice across the school. Stakeholders will be clear about the results of self evaluation and about we will work together to secure continuous improvement. Staff will have greater opportunities to share practice and reflect on their own practice in terms of learning and teaching. / a)AM / KW/ AC