Curriculum Vitae

Suriyan Panlay

English Department, Faculty of Liberal Arts,

Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus),

Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12121, Thailand

Tel: 662-696-5660, Mobile: 668-1718-1796



Date of Birth: September 20, 1972


3/99-5/99 Coe College, Iowa, USA

Three-month literature instruction training

Courses attended include: “Introduction to English and American

Literature, Literary Analysis, History of English Literature,

Introduction to Film”

1995-1997 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

MA in Linguistics

MA Thesis, “The Effect of English Loanwords on the Pronunciation of Thai

1990-1994 Silpakorn University, Thailand

BA in English



§  Panlay, S. 2011. English through Young Adult Literature. (In progress)

Book Chapters

§  Akaranithi, A & Panlay, S. 2007. Tensions in policy and practice in self-directed learning. In A. Barfield & S. Brown (eds). Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation.

§  Panlay, S. 2006. Using Young Adult Literature in an EFL Classroom: A Thai Perspective. In T. Wei Keong & M. Edwin Vethamani (eds). Engaging Young Adult Readers through Young Adult Literature. Sasbadi Sdn Bhd: Petaling Jaya.

Journal Articles

§  Phonological Sketch of English Loanwords in Thai. Arts Journal, Silpakorn University 2000, 2: 243-256.

§  The Acquisition of Spatial Language: A Prelude. Arts Journal, Silpakorn University 2002, 2: 173-187.

§  Vowel Nasalization in the Northeastern Dialect. Arts Journal, Silpakorn University 2004, 2: 245-269.

§  Children’s and Young Adult Literature: An Alternative to Literature Instruction. Journal of English Studies, Thammasat University 2005, 2: 51-57.

Book Reviews

§  Study Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language by Marilyn Lewis & Hayo Reinders, Palgrave Macmillan: Thai/TESOL Focus, 2004, 17: 35-36.

§  Stories Matter: The Complexity of Cultural Authenticity in Children’s Literature by Dana L. Fox & Kathy G. Short, National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): PASAA Journal, 2005. 36: 125-129.

§  Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English (2nd ed.)

By McIntosh, C. (ed). Oxford University Press. 2009. Online Thailand TESOL

New Focus:

Translated Articles

§  Karim, J. H. 1995. "Bilateralism and Gender in Southeast Asia" in 'Male' and

'Female' in Developing Southeast Asia. Ed. Wazir Jahan Karim. Washington

DC: Berg Publishers. Pp. 35-44.

Presentations and Workshops:

§  ‘How to Make English Classes More Interesting through Songs, Poetry and Films’—Workshop for high school teachers at Amnaat Charoen Province: May 1999.

§  ‘The Effect of English Loanwords on the Pronunciation of Thai’ and ‘Literature, Films and Other Gadgets—How to Make Reading Classes Less Boring’—Thailand/TESOL International Conference, Hotel Sofitel, Khon Kaen, January 19-21, 2000.

§  ‘Using Film in Language Classes’—Workshop for high school teachers at Amnaat Charoen Province: September 2000.

§  ‘Let’s have FRIENDS over—Using Sitcoms in Reading Classes’ and ‘Children’s and Young Adult Literature’ Thailand/TESOL International Conference, Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok: January 18-20, 2001.

§  ‘Enough of //: English Pronunciation Revisited’

Thailand/TESOL International Conference, Chiang Mai Phukhum Hotel, Chiang Mai: January 18-20, 2002.

§  ‘Let me entertain you—songs and films in EFL classrooms’ ERIC Det-Udom Workshop, Sikamol Hotel, Ubon Ratchathani: June 26, 2002.

§  ‘Children’s and Young Adult Literature REVISITED’

Thailand/TESOL International Conference, Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok: January 23-25, 2003.

§  ‘When there is no FARANG to talk to’

Thailand/TESOL International Conference, The Hotel Sofitel Raja Orchid,

Khon Kaen: January 29-31, 2004.

§  ‘Children’s and Young Adult Literature: An Alternative to Literature Instruction’

The 3rd Thammasat ELT Conference, “Innovations in English Language Teaching,” July 4, 2005

§  ‘Children’s and Young Adult literature in an EFL Classroom

2nd CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, “Improving the Practice,” February 25-26, 2006: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

§  ‘Utilizing Children’s and Young Adult Literature in a Language Classroom’

7th Lao TESOL Conference, August 2-3, 2009,

The National University of Laos

§  ‘Teaching Language and Culture’

Silpakorn University, March 23, 2010

§  Guest lecturer at Silpakorn University on Children’s Literature.

December 9-21, 2010

§  “Internalized Racism in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

Liberal Arts Talk: January 26, 2011

Conference & Seminar Participations

§  “Poetry as an Intellectual and Spiritual Force in Contemporary Society: Experiences from Thai, British, American, French and German Literatures” Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University: September 30, 1998

§  “American Fiction & Poetry: Postmodernist Theories of Creativity and Criticism

Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University: October, 1998

§  “American Literature in the EFL Classroom

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University: September 2-3, 1999

§  “4th Annual Thai TESOL SIG-Literature and Literacy Conference”

Assumption University: November 20-21, 1999

§  “20th Thailand/TESOL International Conference”

Hotel Sofitel, Khon Kaen: January19-21, 2000

§  “21st Thailand/TESOL International Conference”

Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok: January 18-20, 2001

§  “22nd Thailand/TESOL International Conference”

Chiang Mai Phukhum Hotel, Chiang Mai: January 18-20, 2002

§  “23rd Thailand/TESOL International Conference”

Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok: January 23-25, 2003

§  “Postcolonial Literature”

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, June 25-26, 2003

§  “24th Thailand/TESOL International Conference”

The Hotel Sofitel Raja Orchid, Khon Kaen: January 29-31, 2004

§  “The 3rd Thammasat University ELT Conference: Innovations in English Language Teaching”

Thammasat University, Prachan Campus, July 4, 2005

§  “The 21st Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature”

April 1-7, 2006, Oxford, England

§  “Reading Across Cultures: Teaching Language through Literature”

February 5-8, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

§  “The 28th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference”

Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok: January 23-25, 2007

§  “The 28th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference”

The Hotel Sofitel Raja Orchid, Khon Kaen: January 24-26, 2008

§  The 5th Thammasat ELT Conference, July 4, 2009

§  “Writing Across Cultures: A symposium for students and teachers of creative writing”

March 9-10, City University of Hong Kong

Other Responsibilities and Positions Held

§  Head of SEAMEO (May 2006 – 2007)

§  Member-at-large, Thailand TESOL (September 2005 – Present)

§  External reader for an MA thesis entitled “English Transliteration employed in the Thairath Newspaper and Its Implications on Language Teaching,” by Sr. Chalermsri Meesri, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University.

§  Reader for an academic title (Assistant Professor), as requested by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ubon Ratchathani University for Dr. Supath Kookiatkoon.

§  Reader for an academic title (Assistant Professor), as requested by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Naresuan University, for Ms. Jantima Simpson.

§  Editorial Committee Member, PASAA Journal, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI), Chulalongkorn University (2004 – 2007)

§  Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University (2004 – Present)

§  Advisor for an MA thesis in Translation--(Rotten School: The Big Blueberry Barf-off): by Wikanda Puekbuakao, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University.

§  Editorial Board of the Language Education in Asia (LEiA) Publication: Beginning March 2011.