School City of Hobart/ Food Service Department
August, 2012
Meal Charging Guidelines
Any student, grades K-8, will be allowed to charge the cost of four meals (breakfast and lunch each counting as a meal) if funds are not available in their meal account. Charging will only be allowed for a reimbursable meal; no Ala Carte items can be charged.
(Milk is considered an Ala Carte item).
After the limit of four meals is reached a substitute meal of a cheese sandwich and milk will be given to the student. After two meal charges, the parents will receive a phone call from the cafeteria manager reminding the parents just in case a written notice was not received.
No charging will be allowed at the High School level.
Account balances can be viewed online at Café Prepay.
To prevent charging, low fund letters will be sent home twice a week from the elementary schools to notify parents of their children’s account status. Low fund letters will be sent home from the middle school once every two weeks.
All charges will be recorded in the point of sale system. When a deposit is made into the student’s account all charges will be satisfied first and the remainder of the deposit will be posted to the student’s account for their use.
We encourage any family to fill out a Free & Reduced application which are available at the school’s main office, in the school’s cafeterias, on line at the corporation website or one can be mailed to you from the Food Service office; contact Denise Sempf at 219-947-2413 ext. 8952.
If parents or guardians fail to provide lunch money, supply a lunch from home or apply for assistance, then the school principal or counselor will be informed and they could take further course of action which could include contacting Child Protective Services.
Any ignored negative balance letters will be turned over to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office.
School City of Hobart/ Food Service Department
Non-Sufficient Fund Check Guidelines
August 2012
If the Food Service Department has a check returned from the bank because of non-sufficient funds, the issuer will receive notification from the Food Service Department. The issuer must come to the Food Service office within 10 days of notification from the Food Service Department with cash to satisfy the NSF check.
After 10 days, if payment has not been made, the issuer’s checks will not be accepted by the Food Service Department for the remainder of the school year.
If a second check from the same person (or bank account) is returned to the Food Service Department because of non-sufficient funds during a six-month period, the issuer must bring the funds to the Food Service office and their checks will not be accepted by the Food Service Department for the remainder of the school year.
If any NSF checks are not paid, they will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney for collection and the issuer’s checks will no longer be accepted by the Food Service Department.
If anyone has reason for their checks to be accepted by the Food Service Department, they may write a letter of reconsideration to the Food Service Director stating their request. The director will then discuss the request with the business manager, superintendent and/or the school board for consideration. Such requests will be considered on an individual basis.
NSF check amounts are deducted from the student’s accounts 10 days after the check is returned from the bank if we have not received payment.
*Please refer to charging policy when funds are not available in student’s meal accounts.