Linköpings Universitet




In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 36 of the Higher Education Ordinance, an individual study plan will be drawn up for every doctoral candidate. This plan should be reviewed at least once yearly (in addition to the Higher Education Ordinance, Linköping University's regulations and the respective decisions of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Board of the Faculty of Educational Sciences' also play a part in the shaping of the individual curriculum).

The individual study plan is a legal document that regulates the relationship and contract between the academic department and the doctoral candidate. It is central to the PhD programme that the study plan is periodically - or whenever necessary - revised in order to ensure that it corresponds to the doctoral candidate's progression. The individual study plan is an official document that will be stored in the department's archives.

The individual study plan shall be drawn up upon the candidate's admission, in consultation between the doctoral candidate and the main supervisor. The study plan shall include a description plan of the expected coursework and of the expected research and thesis work.

The study plan shall be used to continually evaluate the doctoral candidate's progression within the PhD programme, in a manner agreed on between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor. It will also be used to document teaching and other departmental activities.

In addition to acting as compiled documentation of the candidate’s progress, the study plan is also used for quality control purposes. Documenting parallels between the courses/other activities and the qualitative targets outlined in the Higher Education Ordinance.

The individual study plan is to be signed by the doctoral candidate, the supervisors, and to be approved by the departmental head or the director of doctoral studies.

Points for discussion

In the process of drawing up or revising the individual study plan, other matters relevant to the implementation of the doctoral studies may also be discussed. The points listed below are guidelines for areas of discussion.

  • Career planning
  • Work situation (workload, assignments, level of independency, responsibility and authority)
  • Working environment (distribution of work and cooperation in the environment, collaboration outside of the group, atmosphere, security, premises)
  • Supervision (scope, implementation, mutual expectations)

Personal Identity Number / Enrolled in Doctoral Studies (semester/year)
Name / Research topic
Address / Phone home/work
Main supervisor

Responsibility and allocation of work between the supervisors has been
established Yes☐No☐

Plan for next years’ supervision has been establishedYes☐No☐

Last years supervision went according to the schedule Yes☐No☐

If not, comments:
Thesis topic/title
Intended degree (Licentiate/PhD, or both)
Expected time of graduation (semester/year)
Rate of study % / Planned study leave
Departmental duties or other relevant activities
Thesis work completed so far (e.g. data collection, paper drafts, submitted/published papers, presentations, seminars)
Planned courses and exam period (title/semester) / The courses fulfil the following of the Higher Education Ordinance examination targets
Completed courses and exam period (title/semester) / Attended courses fulfil the following of the Higher Education Ordinance examination targets
Planned conferences, presentations etc. (title/semester) / The planned conferences fulfil the following of the Higher Education Ordinance examination targets
Attended conferences, presentations etc. (title/semester) / Attended conferences and presentations etc. fulfil the following of the Higher Education Ordinance examination targets

Progressionis in accordance with normal rate of studies Yes ☐No☐

If no, commentst:


The student has actively participated in seminars during the past yearYes☐No☐

The Department or research environment have offered the opportunity to actively
participate in seminars during the past yearYes☐No☐

Upgradedsalary status 30% ☐60% ☐

Financing Plan

Employment status (stated annually) / Financing (stated annually)

Place and date


PhD candidate


Main supervisor






Director of studies

The study plan will be kept in the department’s archives.