School Advisory Committee

Meeting February 23, 2016

Welcome and Call to Order: Renell Schultz.

Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes by Mr. Solomon, second by Mrs. Casserly.

Principal's Report Mrs. Winder - School grades are officially in, and Indian Trace is an A+ school. Indian Trace was recognized as being one of the top ten schools with math scores. We should be hearing about A+ Funds within the month.

Evergreen Study has come out with many recommendations for inclusive education for ESE students. Ms. Cartaya has formed a panel of instructional, parents, and administration to assess our school in order to rate our best practices with regard to inclusive education.

The fourth and fifth grade students are ready for the writing portion of the FSA. We are in need of proctors for the assessment.

Annual Customer Survey will look a bit different. Window opens from Monday, 2/29 to March 18. Paper copies will be provided to parents, and students will take the survey online.

ELL Camp has begun. Students are receiving help with reading, writing, and oral conversation.

Our students have been working on phenomenal projects for our Project Based Learning Theme of "How Can I Impact the World?" The students are learning so much from their projects and the real world implications.

We are trying to do more with Tequesta to prepare our students for middle school. The chorus and band from Tequesta will be performing for our students during lunch.

FSA Testing Notes - Ms. S. Thomas - Fourth and fifth grade will be taking the paper-based writing assessment on March 1st. Third grade will be taking the FSA - ELA (English/Language Arts) on March 29 & 30. Third and Fourth grades will be taking the FSA Math on March 31 and April 1. Fourth grade will take the FSA - ELA on April 11 & 12, while Fifth grade will take the FSA Math on April 11 & 12. Fifth grade will take the FSA - ELA on April 13 & 14. Fifth Grade FCAT Science will be on April 19 & 20.

Accreditation Training: Standard 3 - Teaching and Assessing for Learning.

Ms. Schultz used a Powerpoint to review Standard 3. There are eleven indicators that support the standard.

SIP Plan Ms. Schultz - Our SIP Plan continues to be an ongoing, living document. Mrs. Winder and Ms. Schultz will be attending a training that addresses the School Improvement Plan.

PTA Report Mrs. O'Sullivan - Thursday, 2/25 is Dress Down PJ Day. Next meeting will be on March 3rd. PTA will be voting on nominating committee. March 11 is Dress Down Spring Outfit Day. Tickets for Italian Night Dinner will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Booster-Thon teacher certificates have gone out. Several teachers have already purchased items to enhance their instruction.

I-Zone/SAF Report Mr. Sampedro - was not able to attend the Central Area Advisory Committee meeting in person, but was able to attend by phone. Mr. Runcie, Superintendent of BCPS, would like to increase teachers' salaries, and is currently working on that issue. The Committee is asking for parent input regarding what it is they want Broward Schools to accomplish. Mr. Sampedro is asking parents to send him their ideas. The boundary issue continues to be a topic of concern with some Weston parents as well as other areas in Broward County.

Motion to Adjourn by Mrs. Wond, second by Mrs. Solomon.