Scheme of Work

Term 11 (Jan. – April, 2011)

Week / Topic / OBJECTIVES
(Students must be able to :-) / Labs/Aids
1 / Revision / -Correction of Dec. exam paper
2 / Transport in Mammals
And Plants / - Explain the need for transport systems in
multicellular organisms
-  Identify the materials that are transported in animals and plants / Have students calculate the SA/VOL ratio for small and large objects
3 / Transport in Mammals / -  Describe the structure and function of
the circulatory system in humans. This
includes- blood vessels, heart and blood.
-  Blood vessels –arteries, veins and
-  Explain the differences between the blood vessels
-  Blood – components of the blood and
function of each component.
-  Heart – structure of the heart and how
the heart functions / Use model of the heart to show the structure.
Relate exercise to the pulse rate.
4 / Transport in plants / -  Describe the structure of sieve tubes with companion cells and xylem vessels.
-  Discuss how the structures of these cells relate to the function.
-  Describe the process of transpiration.
-  State the function of phloem in the transport system of plants. / Observe herbaceous plants in coloured water
5 / Storage in plants and animals and translocation / -  Discuss the importance of food storage in living organisms (means of overcoming scarcity, special functions e.g. production of sexual or reproductive structures and development of embryos)
-  Identify sites of storage and products stored (roots, stems, leaves, fruits, seed in plants and liver, fat deposits in animals). / Draw storage organs
Test storage organs for nutrients e.g. starch, sugars and oil
In course assessment
6 / Sensitivity and Coordination / -  Define stimulus and response
-  Explain why the response to stimuli is important for the survival of organisms.
-  Describe the response of green plants to unilateral stimulus of light and gravity.
-  Describe the response of invertebrates (millipedes, earthworms or woodlice) to variations in light intensities, temperature and moisture
-  Define receptors and effectors
-  Explain the relationship between the receptor, the central nervous system and the effector.
-  State the components of the coordinating system. / Relate to plants in natural world
7 / -  Structure and function of the sensory and motor neurone
-  Emphasise the coordinating role of the brain and spinal cord and the sensory and motor neurones.
-  Define a reflex action and distinguish between a cranial and spinal reflex (e.g. pupil reflex and a knee jerk reflex).
-  Use simple flow diagrams to show the
pathway along which an impulse travels
in a reflex.
8 / -  Describe the functions of the main
regions of the brain – cerebrum,
cerebellum and medulla.
-  The use of the medulla and the automatic
nervous system in controlling the heart
and breathing rate.
-  Identify the main sense organs and the stimuli to which they respond.
-  Relate the structure if the human eye to its function as a sense organ
-  Explain sight defects and their
corrections (long and neat sightedness,
use of corrective lenses and glaucoma) / Look at longitudinal or cross section of the eye.
Examine dissected eyes of a mammal
9 / -  Describe the function of the human skin in temperature regulation as an example of homeostasis.
-  Show the location of endocrine glands in
humans (thyroid, pancreas, adrenals,
gonads and pituitary).
-  describe the role of hormones of the pancreas and adrenals / Use charts to show positions of the various glands
In course exam
10 / Homeostasis and Excretion / - Define excretion and homeostasis
- Discuss the importance of excretion in
living organisms (plants and animals)
-  Give examples of substances excreted by animals and plants (carbon dioxide, urea, oxygen, calcium oxalate)
-  State how plants excrete waste products (leaf fall, loss of bark and storage)
-  State how animals excrete waste products (lungs, urinary system, skin)
11 / -  Define osmoregulation
-  Identify and label the parts of the urinary system.
-  Describe the function of each part of the urinary system
-  Relate the structure of the kidney to its osmoregulatory and excretory function
12 / -  Explain the role of the hormone ADH in osmoregulation.
-  Discuss adaptation in plants to conserve water. (root length, cuticle thickness and water storage)