Nourishing North Carolina
Grant Application and Guidelines
Application Deadline ~ February 20, 2012

This application should be submitted to Michelle Wells at the NC Recreation & Park Association by 5pm on February 20, 2012. Please type your information in the form below, save the file to your system, and send as an email attachment to . You will receive confirmation of your application being received. Note: There are 2 additional attachments noted below that are required for your application to be considered complete.


County: Wake

Park & Recreation Agency Name: School based garden- Reedy Creek Middle School

Director’s Name: NA

Garden Manager who is responsible for reporting to Nourishing NC

Name: Karena Barnes

Agency (if applicable):

Phone (include area code): 919-460-3504


Garden Information:

Name of Park where Nourishing NC Garden will be: NA

Street Address of Park: NA

City: NA State: NA Zip: NA

This garden location is on public land? Yes No If No, your garden is not eligible for funding.

If your garden will not be located on park property, please give name/location of requested site and a brief description of why it is not being located on park property: The garden will be located on the grounds of Reedy Creek Middle School in Cary, NC. It will provide middle school students and families the opportunity to harveset fresh produce as well as provide food for families who are in need.

Is this a new or existing garden? New

If existing, how long has it been a working garden? NA

If this is a garden to be revived, how long has the garden been non-working? NA

Does this garden location have access to water? Yes No

Please tell us about the population this garden will serve. Does this garden target one or more of the potentially underserved/at-risk-populations? This garden will serve students in grades 6-8, families of the students, and staff at Reedy Creek Middle School. Reedy Creek has a high population of students receving free and reduced lunch and a diverse population. This garden will serve students and families who otherwise cannot afford or do not have access to fresh produce.

Funding Needs:

What are the funding needs for this garden? Be specific with how the funding will be used:

Item / Amount of Funding Requested
Raised garden beds / 500.00
Soil / 150.00
Garden equipment- shovels, hoes, etc / 50.00
Plants and seeds / 150.00

Total amount of funding requested (max $3000): $850.00

Any comments regarding your funding request you would like to share?


Community Partners: List community partners and the role they will play in supporting the NNC garden. (Information will be verified with the contacts listed below)

Cooperative Extension Contact Name: Carol Mitchell

Phone: 919-250-1094 Email:

What role will they play? Provide resources and community support.

Health Department Contact Name: NA

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Have you made contact with your local Master Gardeners? Yes No

If yes, please list the contact person: Bill Worrell and Bob Kellam

Phone: Email: Mr. Kellam- 623-5318

What role will they play? Provide resources and mentor the gardening process.

Additional Community Partners:

Agency Name: None at this time. Please note, if funding is approved for the RCMS garden, business parters and parents will play an active role in the creation and upkeep.

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

(If additional space is needed to list community partners, please check here and list on a separate page.

Submit this additional page as an attachment with your emailed application)

Produce Partner(s): The agency, organization, homeless shelter, food pantry, food rescue organization, etc. that our garden will donate at least 10% of our produce to:

Name of Agency/Group: Reedy Creek Middle School- Social Worker

Contact Person: Mary Jane Brooks

Address: 930 Reedy Creek Road

City: Cary State: NC Zip: 27610

Email: Phone: 9169-460-3504

Name of Agency/Group:

Contact Person:


City: State: Zip:

Email: Phone:

Name of Agency/Group:

Contact Person:


City: State: Zip:

Email: Phone:

Garden Team: Please list at least ten individuals who will have an active role in garden work and who make up the garden team; list their organizational affiliation if applicable and the role they will play.

1. Name: Karena Barnes Organization (if applicable): Reedy Creek Middle School

Their role: Lead community garden iniative,

2. Name: Debora Hopson Organization (if applicable): Reedy Creek Middle School

Their role: Provide support in the set up and maintenance of community garden.

3. Name: Maxine Bell Organization (if applicable):

Their role: Provide support in the set up and maintenance of community garden

4. Name: Charlotte Johnson Organization (if applicable): Reedy Creek Middle School

Their role: Provide support in the set up and maintenance of community garden.

5. Name: Linda Long Organization (if applicable): Reedy Creek Middle School

Their role: Provide support in the set up and maintenance of community garden.

6. Name: Ron Bohem Organization (if applicable): Reedy Creek Middle School

Their role: Science curriculum liason

7. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

8. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

9. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

10. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

Narrative: For questions with character limits, MS Word can provide you this information by using the Word Count function

Please provide a brief narrative of your community garden project and needs: Include strategy and evidence that your approach can be effective in achieving the goals of the Nourishing NC project. You can find the goals online at

Max of 2000 characters including spaces:

The Reedy Creek Middle School garden project will promote healthy eating, physical activity, and provide food for families in need in our community. Over 200 students are enrolled in a course called Exploring Life Skills which is formally known as Home Economics. Objectives in this course include Nutrition and Wellness, Postive Influences on Wellness, and Food Preparation. The goal of this course is provide students with skills that will help them make postive choices regarding their health in their personal and family lives. Every RCMS student is also enrolled in Healthful Living. Obesity, exercising, and making healthy food choices are just a few of the topics students explore. Having a school garden will give students hands on opportunities to make healthy choices. Your funding will give students the opportunity to establish healthy habits while at school by learning how to garden and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables, eventually giving them the skills and confidence to garden with their families at home. Students will care for the garden during and after school hours providing them with physical they may not get otherwise. Students who are not involved in sports often have a difficult time finding ways to get physically active and the garden provides them with an opportunity. Last, but not certainly not least, RCMS currently serves students from all walks of life. When families of RCMS find themselves homeless, our school resources are often their last resort. The school garden will provide food for families in need in our school community.

How do you plan to create a garden that will have a long and vibrant role in the community? Max of 2000 characters including spaces

After getting the funding needed to create a garden, our next step is getting our school community excited about the endeavor. Our garden will be maintained mainly by students with the help and expertise of parents, staff, and community volunteers. The key to creating a garden with a long and vibrant role in the community is to be consistent and persistent. Creating and maintaining a garden will be challenging but keeping the students exciting about the gardening process and setting realistic goals for our garden will help it be longstanding effort.

Does your agency have any other community gardens? If yes, tell us about the location of these gardens, the age of the gardens and who is utilizing them.

Our school does not currently have a community garden.

Required Attachments: Send these two attachments with your application.

  1. In one document, include a visual representation of the garden: plot description, either a drawn site plan or photographs along with measurements and compass orientation (N/S/E/W).
  2. A written plan with timeline on the steps the team will take to implement their garden project

Fiscal Agent: Please list the name and address of the agency that should receive the funds and will be responsible for paying the bills

Agency Name: Reedy Creek Middle School Contact: Mary Sharp

Address: 930 Reedy Creek Road

City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 2513

By submitting this application, we agree to adhere to the guidelines and requirements outlined in this application if selected and funded as a Nourishing NC garden. Typing your name below and submitting this application is equivalent to your electronic signature.

Park & Recreation Director: NA

Garden Manager: Karena Barnes

Nourishing North Carolina (NNC) Grant Application & Guidelines Page 7 of 7

January 2012