Romania – January-June 2007
1. New courses and new centres
North University of Baia Mare
New courses taught to MA students in Canadian Studies in Baia Mare
- Dr. Adrian Oţoiu: Academic Writing
- Prof. Ana Olos: Canadian Federalism
University of Bucharest - Canadian Studies Centre
Oana Godeanu, Lecturer Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania, Visiting Assistant Professor: Miami University, Ohio, USA:America and the World - units on immigration and bilingualism contrasting the US and Canadian model, Miami University, Spring semester 2006-2007.
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Maitre de conferences Corina Dimitriu-Panaitescu: Cours de litterature canadienne, Master I Etudes francophones (fevrier – mai 2007) Direction de memoires de licence (1) et de dissertations de master (2) sur la litterature quebecoise
2. Conference participation
North University of Baia Mare
Anamaria Felecan: “Flavia Cosma or the Poetry of an Exile”, paper presented at the BAS 16th International Conference, University of the Vest, Timisoara, 17-19 May
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Atelier/Workshop "La petite ville de province/The small provincial town", 10 .01. 2007, School of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, coordinators: Voichita Sasu and Michaela Mudure
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Florin Irimia, America Seen Through the Eyes of Margaret Atwood, paper delivered at Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg and sponsored by Carl Schurz Haus, 30 April 2007
University of Piteşti
Liliana Goilan-Sandu, Une Française au Québec ou redécouvrir la Nouvelle-France. “La Tournée d’automne” de Jacques Poulin, international conference “IV-èmes JOURNÉES DE LA FRANCOPHONIE”, March 16-17, 2007, University of Galaţi, Romania
Liliana Goilan-Sandu, La librairie: universalité et différence. “Les yeux bleus de Mistassini” de Jacques Poulin, international conference “JOURNÉES DE LA FRANCOPHONIE XIIe édition”, March 29-31, 2007, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi, Romania
Liliana Goilan-Sandu, La carapace de P(p)ierre: une prison des affects, international conference “Language and Literature: identity marks in the European context”, May 11-13, 2007 University of Pitesti, Romania
Liliana Goilan-Sandu, Le “je” et la recherche d’identité dans le récit poulinien, international conference “Croisements culturels: langues et stratégies identitaires”, May 20, 2007, University of Bacau, Romania
University of Sibiu
Lucia Zaharescu, Champ identitaire et ensembles culturels traditionnels des Franco-Canadiens, international conference “Identités en question: le contexte canadien”, Rab, Croatia, 17-20 Mai, 2007.
3. Academic publications
North University of Baia Mare
Ana Olos, The Interdisciplinary Teaching of Canadian Studies, ISBN (10) 973-1729-03-8, (13) 978-973-1729-03-9, Editura Universităţii de Nord, Baia Mare
Anamaria Felecan: Interview with Flavia Cosma: Nord Literar, No.4 (47), V, April, 2007, p.8-9
University of Bucharest
Monica Bottez, “British Identities and North American Others” at the UB English Department Conference , May 31-June 2, 2007
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Voichiţa Sasu, "L'écriture prend des risques": Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska, dans le volume Parcours québécois. Introduction à la littérature du Québec (éd. Pierre Morel), Chisinau (Moldavie), Cartier, 2007, p. 239-245
Voichiţa Sasu, "Les retouches de l'intime", dans le vol. L'écriture du corps dans la littérature québécoise depuis 1980, Limoges (France), PULIM, 2007, p. 215-225
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Albu, Rodica, “Morphological Variation in Canadian English Usage. Focus on Past Tense and Past Participle Verb Forms”, in Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava, Seria Filologie, A. Lingvistică, Tomul XII, Nr. 2, Editura Universităţii din Suceava, 2006, p. 39-52 (published in 2007)
Corina Dimitriu-Panaitescu, La lecture poetique d’un roman d’Anne Hebert, in Parcours quebecois (Pierre Morel ed.), Chisinau,Ed.Cartier,2007, p.129-144; texte repris in Espace(s) francophone(s).Actes de la Journee d’etude du 29 mars 2006.Univ.Al.I.Cuza Iasi (sous la direction de Maria Pavel), Ed.Demiurg, 2007, p.22-35
Florin Irimia, “În pas cu Margaret Atwood”, preface and chronological table to the translation into Romanian of The Blind Assassin, Leda Publishing House, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-101-063-1, pp.5-24;
Florin Irimia, Alias Grace: “A Study in Duality” in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi (Limbi şi literaturi străine) tomul VIII-IX/2005-2006, Iaşi: „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Publishing House, May 2007, ISSN: 1841-916X, pp.109-27;
Florin Irimia, “Cu toţii devenim povestiri” (We All Become Stories), an article on Margaret Atwood’s Moral Disorder (Nan A. Talese, 2006) published in România literară No. 16/April 2007, p.26;
Maria Pavel, Les écrivains québécois et la langue, in Parcours québécois. Introduction à la littérature du Québec, sous la direction de Pierre Morel, Chisinau, ed. Cartier, 2007, pp.56-71
Maria Pavel, Errances québécoises à travers l'Amérique, in Espace(s) Francophone(s). Actes de la Journée d'étude du 29 mars2006, Université "Al.I.Cuza", Iasi, sous la direction de Maria Pavel, Iasi, Ed. Demiurg, 2007, pp.53-62
Cristna Ptraş, «Phénomènes sémantiques de contact de langues dans un corpus acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse», in Maria Pavel (sous la direction de), Espace(s) (s). Actes de la Journée d’étude du 29 mars 2006, Université «Al. I. Cuza», Iaşi, Casa Editorială Demiurg, Iaşi, pp. 63-75.
Cristina Petraş, «Comme et manière (de) en français acadien du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse: marqueurs d’approximation / d’exemplification / de structuration du discours» in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii «Al. I. Cuza» din Iaşi, (serie nouă), Secţiunea IIIe Lingvistică, tomul LII / 2006, Editura Universităţii «Al. I. Cuza» Iaşi, apărut în 2007, pp.31-43..
Cristina Petraş, «La particule back en français acadien du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse: emprunt lexical et enrichissement sémantique», in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii «Al. I. Cuza» Iaşi, (Limbi şi literaturi străine), tomul VIII-IX, 2005-2006, Editura Universităţii «Al. I. Cuza» Iaşi, published in 2007, pp. 395-409.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Elena-Brandusa Steiciuc: “Une écrivaine «migrante»: Abla Farhoud” dans Parcours québécois. Introduction à la littérature du Québec (Ed. Pierre Morel), Chisinau (Rép. Moldova), Ed. Cartier, 2007, p. 192-198
University of Sibiu
Lucia Zaharescu, “Les langues et les cultures nationales face à la mondialisation: le cas du Québec”, in Espace(s) francophone(s). Actes de la Journée d'étude du 29 mars 2006, Casa Editorială Demiurg, Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza", Iaşi, 2007, ISBN 978-973-7603-82-1, p.15-21.
4. Visiting lecturers
North University of Baia Mare
Prof. George Eliot Clarke, University of Toronto, lectured on Canadian Federalism
Flavia Cosma (writer from Toronto): On Translating George Elliott Clarke’s poetry
University of Bucharest
Prof. Konrad Gross, Univ.of Kiel: compact course on Canadian Multicultiralism and Ethnic Relations, Feb. 26-March 10
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Prof. Manfred Goerlach, Germany, lectured on English in Canada as part of an intensive course in Varieties of English, 20-30 March 2007.
5. Grants and Awards
University of Bucharest
Oana Godeanu :Edmonton, June 26, was awarded ICCS Best Doctoral Dissertation in Canadian Studies. Thesis: "British Colonialism in Canada, Questions of Identity and Otherness."
Daniela Frumusani – June 3-9, Laval Univ. Summer School
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Maria Pavel, ICCS FRP Grant
Rodica Albu, ICCS FEP Grant
University of Piteşti
Liliana Goilan-Sandu, ICCS FRP Grant
6. Young Canadianists
North University of Baia Mare
B.A. papers:
- Agnes Banyai: The Black Experience in Canada
– Tabita Lacramioara Boier: Contemporary Inuit Art in Canada
– Raluca Ene: Aboriginals - from Past to the Present
– Andrea Farcas: Religion in Canada: from Primitive Tribes to Modern Society
– Roxana Filip: Diversity in Canada’s Population
– Felicia Edit Pop: Traditions of Aboriginal Canadians
– Claudia Şerban: Environmental Issues in Canada
M.A. papers:
– Andrei Albu: Native American Symbols in Popular Culture
– Antonela Boncea: The Hero and the Queen (on Joe Boyle and Queen Mary of Romania)
– Maria Bornea: Canadian Feminist Theatre
– Olivia Pop Chirilă: Bilingualism in Canada – a Step Towards the Future
– Codruţa Costin: Tendences et dynamisme demographic au Canada
– Simona Ladanyi Dicu: Women in Yukon
– Aurica Pop: La gastronomie canadienne – carte de visit multiculturelle
– Alina Mariana Puşcaş: Inuit Women Surviving the Arctic
– Claudia Tocaci Stainer: Global Warming and the Problems of the Modern World (Canadian Issues)
– Luminiţa Velker Colopelnic: Maurice Fournier: Detruir pour batir
– Elena Şandor Ţiplea: Costel Baboş and the Hermeneutics of Uselessness (in Romanian, on a writer living in Windsor )
University of Bucharest
MA dissertations successfully defended on June 22, 2007:
– Catana, Monica Mirabela: The Construction of Identity in the English Canadian Short Story,supervisor Prof. Dr.Monica Bottez.
– Colt, Monica: Canadian Women’s Quest for Identity in Margaret Laurence’s Manawaka Cycle, supervisor Prof. Dr.Monica Bottez
– Ion, Alina Mihaela: Feminine Stereotypes in M. Atwood’s Novels, supervisor Prof. Dr. Monica Bottez.
– Lascar, Roxana: From the Colonial Mentality to the Canadian Identity ,supervisor Prof. Dr. Monica Bottez.
– Radu, Elena Georgiana: The Cutltural Revival of the Trickster, co-supervisors prof dr Konrad Gross, Prof. Dr.Monica Bottez
– Seinoiu, Raluca: Le monde champêtre du Canada traditionnel , supervisor Prof. Dr. Irina Badescu
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
BA and MA theses:
– Iulia Toma, Quebec Bilingualism – Fact or Fiction?, BA graduation paper defended in June 2007, supervisor Rodica Albu
– Paula Ilas,La religion et la langue au Québec, dissertation dirigée par Maria Pavel
Student exchange: Anne Marie Girard Clouthier si Rahim Chabot, Universite Laval, studied at the Faculty of Geography in the second semester of the academic year 2006-2007 (exchange program coordinator: Prof. Eugen Rusu)
“Ştefan cel Mare University” of Suceava
B.A. Doina Ciumac: Identité et mémoire dans «Trente arpents» de Ringuet
Irina Fraseniuc: Anne Hébert: une lecture psychanalytique
M.A. Loredana Creanga: Réception critique et traduction de Gabrielle Roy en Roumanie
7. Cultural activities related to Canada
North University of Baia Mare
Olimpia Iacob, Translations from George Elliott Clarke’s poetry, Nord literar, Nord Literar, No. 4 (47), V, April, 2007, p. 16
University of Bucharest
Canadian Evening at CLUB A, May 16, 2007 for promoting the Canadian Studies MA Program at UB,organized by D. Frumusani, with the participation of I.Badescu and M.Bottez, and J. Therriault and Ligia Marincus from the Canadian Embassy in Bucharest
8. Translations of books and special issues of journals
9. Other
North University of Baia Mare
a) Teaching of B.A. courses and/or seminars: Ana Olos 5, Dana Puiu 4, Horea Naşcu 2
b) Teaching of M.A. courses: Adrian Oţoiu 2, Dana Puiu 3, Ana Olos 3
c) Supervision of students’ papers
- B.A. papers in English: Ana Olos 2, Horea Naşcu
- M.A. papers in French: Dana Puiu: 3
- M.A. papers in English: Adrian Oţoiu: 1, Ana Olos: 7
d) The launching of Poeme incendiare, Editura Cogito, Oradea , 2006 (Flavia Cosma’s translations from George Elliott Clarke’s poems), at the Baia Mare county library, introduced by Ana Olos and readings by the poet and the translator – widely commented on in the local press, 1 hour interview with G.E. Clarke and Flavia Cosma at Axa TV. Ana Olos - comments on the event and on the translations in Graiul Maramureşului (Baia Mare), Terra Nova (Montreal), Alternativa on line (Toronto), comments by George Vulturescu “Poetry devours alive those who love it” and translations by Flavia Cosma, Poesis, No. 3-4-5 (195-196-197), XVIII, 2007, p. 93-95
University of Bucharest
Oana Godeanu: “Douglas Coupland"entry in Dictionar de Scriitori Americani, Editura Institutul European, Iasi, Romania (in print).
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
Corina Dimitriu-Panaitescu: Direction de memoires de licence (1) et de dissertations de master (2) sur la litterature quebecoise
Florin Irimia:
1) Teaching experience: co-taught with Professor Wolfgang Hochbruk from the “Albert-Ludwigs” Universität in Freiburg a course on Timothy Findley’s The Wars during a two-week stay at the above mentioned university;
2) Interview given to Ms. Christina Ivanovici from the University of Birmingham regarding the reception of Margaret Atwood in Romania (May 2007);
“Ştefan cel Mare“ University of Suceava
Le Centre de Documentation en Littérature et Civilisation Québécoises a organisé, dans le cadre de la SEMAINE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE (19-23 mars 2007) une présentation du volume PARCOURS QUEBECOIS.INTRODUCTION A LA LITTERATURE DU QUEBEC (Ed. Cartier, CHISINAU 2007). Pierre Morel, le coordinateur du volume (auquel Mme Elena-Brandusa Steiciuc a contribué avec un article) a été invité à Suceava et le 19 mars il a présenté l'ouvrage et son importance dans la dissémination des valeurs québécoises. L'activité s'est passée en présence du Directeur du Centre Culturel Français de Iasi, M. Guillaume Robert, du Président de l'Association PRINTEMPS ROUMAIN de Lille, M. Cosmin Lucau, d'enseignants et de nombreux étudiants de l'Université de Suceava.