Summer Missions 2014

Camp TeamRequest Form

Dear Potential Camp Team Host,

We are excited about college students serving in Missouri Summer Missions 2014! The opportunities to equip, train, and encourage the next generation to share the Good News of the Gospel all across the state is a privilege! Every summer we have college students, many who have never been involved in this sort of ministry, take incredible steps in their walk with Christ through this effort. Our team loves the opportunity to get to watch these missionaries progress spiritually throughout the summer.

At the conclusion of each summer, our team has a Summer Missions debrief to talk about what the Lord did through the summer. Several of the missionaries talk about how Summer Missions has been one of the most life-changing experiences they have ever been apart of. We believe a critical part of this process is the training and encouragement that our summer missionaries receive while on the field, which prepares them to return to their campuses with a passion to reach their collegiate community and grow deeper in their walk with Christ!

We believe the energy and enthusiasm that these missionaries will bring to your camp will be a tremendous benefit. We would also like to ask you to consider a few things:

  1. Please understand that the focus of the summer missions effort is evangelism and missions training and involvement. Our desire is to see the missionaries engage in opportunities to see discipleship modeled, share their faith, and train others to do the same. The ministry schedule for the missionary should be developed with this in mind as the priority.
  2. Please remember that many of these missionaries will be engaging in this type of effort for the first time. The summer missions effort of the MBC is an entry-level program. When we have summer missionary “veterans” participating, we will do our best to notify the field so that you can take this into consideration with regard to assignment.
  3. All field assignments will be coordinated by the Camp Team supervisor. A primary assignment of the supervisor is ordering and protecting the schedule of the camp team missionaries. The Student Ministry Team Director requires that the camp team missionaries observe a Sabbath and rest on the weekend between assignments. We ask that you help with this by not requesting assignments that include Saturday and Sunday. Time must be allowed for travel and rest. Any such request must be approved by the Student Ministry Team Director and the Camp Team supervisor.

In this packet you will find a Camp Team request form. Please read through all of the information very thoroughly and fill out ALL the necessary forms. You may download this form, fill it out on your computer (click in the gray areas to type your answers) and email it as an attachment to our Summer Missions coordinator Bri Suitt at .

We look forward to reviewing your request and the opportunity to partner with you in reaching Missouri for Christ! Thank you for all you are doing for the Kingdom in this regard. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Bri at the email address above or at 800.736.6227 ext. 329.


The Leadership Development Team

Summer Mission Process/Timeline

The first step is to fill out the request form and email it to Bri Suitt at . This form is due by APRIL 18 in order to be considered as a Summer Missionary recipient. Below you will see a general timeline for the rest of the Summer Mission process.

MARCH 21Application deadline for students

MARCH 31-APRIL 18 Phone interviews with applicants

APRIL 18Camp Team requests due from Camp Supervisors

APRIL 28Notify students/supervisors of acceptance and placement of missionaries

MAY 27-29Summer Missions Orientation

AUGUST 2Summer Missionary Debrief/Reunion

Group Name:

Permanent Mailing Address

City State ZIP

Office Phone ()-Cell ()-

Email Fax ()-


Permanent Mailing Address

City State ZIP

Office Phone ()-Cell ()-

Email Fax ()-

Has this director worked with an MBC Camp Team before? Yes NoWhen?

Please select the week(s) of your camp. After the date describe the type of camp as well as the age and expected number of participants.

June 2-6

June 9-13

June 16-20

June 23-27

June 30-July 4

July 7-11

July 14-18

July 21-25

July 28-August 1

In paragraph form please describe the primary responsibilities expected of the CampTeam members. Please include descriptive expectations and tasks. Please make sure that these are realistic, well thought out, and are best met by collegiate summer missionaries.

Please indicate the number of missionaries you are requesting:




Use this space for any other information you think we need to know about your request.

Please check each of the following boxes indicating that you have read each statement and that you understand and agree to each item. Finally, sign at the bottom and submit to the Leadership Development office. (Note: If you are completing this electronically, simply type your information at the bottom of this request form.)

As the persons responsible for this request, we have read all of the enclosed information and agree to support the guidelines of the Missouri Baptist Convention Leadership Development Summer Missions Program.

We understand that we will reimburse the CampTeam for their mileage to our camp location.

We understand that we will provide food and lodging for the CampTeam the weekend prior to and during the week of camp.

We understand that the CampTeam will need a day to rest prior to the beginning of our camp. We understand their need to recover from the previous week of camp as well as to prepare for the week they will spend with us. We will not expect them to work the day prior to camp in order to provide them this opportunity to rest.

We understand that if there is a change of directors or a change in our camp schedule we will notify the Leadership Development Team immediately.

Director’s Signature: Date: