MUSTANG III is a weekend long opportunity for the various trained resources that are involved in SAR to come together to work and train as a team. Participants get to meet other searchers, learn about their specialties and have an opportunity to apply these skills in a practical, simulated search scenario.

There is a place for everyone. This training is designed to apply to all, from challenging experienced searchers, to mentoring opportunities for those just becoming involved in search and rescue. The combination of various resources and differing skill levels provides realistic learning opportunities usually available only in a large scale search training exercise, but without the pressure and confusion that can be associated with larger incidents.


Friday, May 31: Arrival and check in. Mounted units weekend skill and equipment review.

Evening Program: Subject Profiling. Lost Person questionnaire, Important info. Now what do you do with it? 2 hrs. Instructor: Billie Patrick

Saturday, June 1st

Morning Programs: ______Integrating Search Planning &

0800-1100 Management with Land Navigation -

Rick Slatten

3 hrs each _____Mounted SAR – Billie Patrick

_____K9 Scent Theory–Wendy Deane, and

Sharolyn Sievert

_____Ground Team Program – C/1st Lt. Rebecca

Schrader CAP


Afternoon: _____Integrating Search Planning & Management with

1300-1600 Land Navigation- Rick Slatten

3 hrs each ______Mounted SAR Skills – Billie Patrick

______K9 Scent Theory– Wendy Deane, and

Sharolyn Sievert

______Ground Teams Program - C/1st Lt. Rebecca

Schrader CAP

Late Afternoon: ______Visual Acuity: - Rick Slatten 2 hours


Saturday Night: 1900 Potluck

An Open Roundtable Discussion: Law Enforcement’s Perspective on the Uses of Trained Resource Volunteers in a SAR/R. Moderators: Sheriff Jim Olson – Carver County, Sheriff Todd Dahl – Crow Wing County

Potluck Dinner at the Picnic Shelter


Morning: 0800

Integrated team Search Scenario using lessons from Saturday's classes and integrating various resources, - Mounted, Canine, Civil Air Patrol, and more.

Afternoon: Debrief, lunch and Clean-Up

Addition Information:

Location: Scout Camp Cuyuna.

Facilities: Campsites, Trailer Sites, Horse Camping, Limited cabins and Tree Houses. Bathrooms with showers. There will be a nominal cost for cabins and building facilities. Updates will be out soon. First come, first on the list for placements.

Cost: $45.00 (Organizational members of SRRRMN will receive two free slots for their unit’s registration.

Pre registration will be required. No exceptions. Deadline: May 20th

There will be a silent auction to help off-set costs. Silent Auction ends Saturday evening. Each organization attending, please bring an item. Contact Jean Fredlund and Kevin Stokes

Additional information will be sent to registrants including directions, itinerary and schedules, rules and guidelines once forms are received.

For more information:

Emily Boote: 612 759 0282

Kevin Stokes: 651 430 1420

MUSTANG III Instructors and Course Descriptions

Billie Patrick

National Park Ranger, Ret. Yosemite National Park Mounted SAR Unit: President, California Mounted Officers Association

Billie is a Result-driven Manager with 30(+) years of experience leading mounted horse patrol, large corral operations, law enforcement, emergency services, search and rescue, and visitor relations programs for the National Park Service. (RETIRED). A solid understanding of daily ranch operations combined with a gift for building a program recognized worldwide. I have an extensive knowledge of horse management to include basic veterninary care, feeding, grooming, and teaching others about horses. Nationally recognized horseman and winner of numerous State and National Championship honors.

Rick Slatten

WoodsTalk! LLC

St. Louis County Rescue Squad, Duluth, Minnesota

Speaker Biography

Rick Slatten has 33 years of experience in Wilderness Search and Rescue, and has been an instructor of wilderness and water search techniques for the past 26 years. He currently teaches on a variety of Emergency Services topics at Lake Superior College’s Emergency Response Training Center in Duluth. A Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician, Rick is also a member of the St. Louis County Rescue Squad, currently serving as Lieutenant-Secretary and Training Officer for that unit. He holds advanced certifications in human tracking, rope rescue instruction, and search management. Rick is also president of WoodsTalk LLC, a company specializing in search and rescue and emergency services education to agencies from across the US.

Debra Slatten

WoodsTalk! LLC

St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, Duluth, Minnesota

Speaker Biography

Debra Slatten has 35 years of experience in Law Enforcement, serving in the positions of patrol deputy, criminal investigator; and is currently sergeant in charge of the Administrative Services Division for the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office. In this latter role, Deb leads case organization for major crimes (usually homicides). Deb is a frequent staff member on major searches run by the St. Louis County Rescue Squad, and holds certifications in search planning and management. Deb is also a partner in WoodsTalk LLC, a company specializing in search and rescue and emergency services education to agencies from across the US.

Wendy Deane:

Wendy has been involved in K-9 search and rescue/recovery for over 21 years, responding in many capacities including search management, ground pounder and as a K-9 handler. Wendy has trained and certified 2 K-9 partners, and is about to start her 3rd,in her career in various disciplines of live area search, evidence, land and water cadaver and disaster first responder. Her current K-9 partner is certified and focused specifically on death investigations and Human Remains Detection. Wendy is a member of several SAR organizations, is often called upon to serve as a K-9 evaluator and in 2009 she started her own organization, HRD K-9 LLC

Sharolyn Sievert:

Sharolyn joined Central Lakes Search and Rescue in 2003 with her first K-9 Ariel. Since that time, she has certified 3 dogs in multiple disciplines which include scent specific air scent, land and water cadaver, and Type IV disaster. Sharolyn has responded to over 100 searches as a K-9 handler across the upper Midwest. She continues to pursue learning new ideas and training techniques through extensive training. Sharolyn has served as an K-9 SAR instructor and evaluator as well as currently serving as an evaluator for Northern States Search Dog Network and is on the Board of Search, Rescue, Recovery Resources of MN.Sharolyn has also authored two fictional novels about K-9 SAR.

Rebekah Schrader, C/1st Lt

Northland Composite Squadron

Civil Air Patrol - CAP

Rebekah Schrader has been involved in Civil Air Patrol for six years. She has earned the position of Ground Team Leader and has graduated from the National Emergency Services Academy. She has served on staff at three different Ground Team Academies and was a ground team leader at two Winter Survivals, as well as Ground Branch Director at the 2013 Winter Survival Weekend.

Class Descriptions:

K9 Scent Theory

K-9 training will be on scent theory. We'll start off with some classroom info to begin with, then move out to the woods and fields to do some research out there as well. The bulk of this training will be as a roundtable type discussion. What do you all think will happen to the "odor" (smoke) and end with what does actually happen to it (at least while we can still see it). Bring interesting stories along as to some of the scent theory problems you've come across yourself!

Facilitators for this training will be Wendy Deane (HRD K9, LLC) and Sharolyn Sievert (CLSAR).

Integrating Search Planning & Management with Land Navigation (3 hours) – Search managers and field team leaders often struggle with many of the same questions… How do we know how good a job we did? How do we deploy the team to maximize their effectiveness? How do we even know they went to the right place? Downloaded track logs, called-in GPS coordinates, and even real-time tracking can tell us where the team went, but how do we know what they did? Following a quick brush-up on map skills, participants will learn and discuss methods of team deployment and navigation in order to optimize detection potential, as well as what vital data must be documented and debriefed upon sortie conclusion, and how that data contributes to overall search success.

Visual Acuity & the Death Scene (2.5 hours) – Using the context of the death scene, participants will learn and discuss the five factors that influence visual acuity and our ability to detect missing targets, as well as methods to condition searchers to “see more,” thus positively affecting their detection potential. Death scene security, the preservation of evidence, and the searcher’s ability to assist investigators will also be highlighted.

Ground Teams Program – CAP 3 hours

In the classroom we will discuss different tasks that Civil Air Patrol members learn to perform, and then we will practice these techniques in the field. Some of the training that will be covered is line searches and hasty searches, as well as how to communicate to other members of the search team. We will also go over how to plot a course on a map and how to navigate around obstacles, as well as use terrain association to find your location on a map.






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