At the Regular Meeting of the Town Council, held on December 12, 2017 at the Town of Eaton Office Building, 35 Cedar Street, Morrisville, New York, there were present:
Cliff Moses, Supervisor
William Donnelly, Councilman
Paul Orth, Councilman
Ross Whitford, Councilman
Joe Wicks, Councilman
Debra Clark, Town Clerk
Also Present: Bernie St. Onge, Steve De Groat, Jeff Golley, and Mollie Smith.
The Meeting opened at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the November 14th Regular Meeting were reviewed. Motion by Councilman Wicks to accept the minutes as submitted. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried.
Bernie St. Onge spoke to Council about SEVAC and their continued interest in forming an Ambulance District.
- FUEL BID: (Proof of publication shown) Three Fuel Bids were submitted. Buell Fuel, Broedel, and Paul Oil. The bids were opened on Monday December 12TH at 3:00 pm with the following people present: Supervisor Moses; Highway Superintendent Larry Phillips; Town Clerk Debra Clark, Shane Andrews Rep for Broedel Energy. The bids were reviewed by all present and copies given to the one Rep attending. The bid will be awarded at the Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
- Supervisor Moses updated Council on the Comprehensive Plan, sharing the results of the survey and the direction going forward with the Committee.
- After review of the “Family Leave Program” and discussion with the Employees, the Town has opted out for the service.
After review and discussion Councilman Wicks moved to accept the low bid submitted by Broedel Fuel for the 2017 contract. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried.
After discussion, Councilman Whitford moved a motion granting authority to Supervisor Moses to move monies in the 2017 budget to keep all lines in balance. Second by Councilman Wicks. All ayes. Motion carried.
Appropriation over Budget Amount Transfer from
A3510.4 (Dog Control) $133.22A1990.4 (Contingency)
After discussion, Councilman Orth moved a motion granting authority to Highway Superintendent Phillips to enter into a contract with Morrisville Fire District for plowing and sanding the Fire House drive aprons and parking area. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried. (Contract on file with Town Clerk)
Councilman Whitford moved a motion granting the right to buy Dental Insurance to Employees who have “opted out” on the Health Insurance at the Town. The cost is to the Employee with no compensation from the Town. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried.
Councilman Whitford asked for an update on the road damage that a Morrisville College Student
did in the fall. Nothing has been reported from the Court yet.
Councilman Whitford asked about the new speed limit and any impact on the Court.
Councilman Whitford presented a year to date report for the Morrisville Fire Department.
General Vouchers numbered A 144-163 $4,407.07; B 38-39 $181.93 SL 12 $696.29
Highway Vouchers numbered DA 92-99 $14,767.84; DB 33-34 $4,850.84
Motion to pay the November bills made by Councilman Whitford, second by
Councilman Orth. All ayes. Motion carried.
Councilman Whitford moved to adjourn. Second by Councilman Donnelly. All ayes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 pm.