Schedule E: Notification to Activate Services Form (NASF)


This is a notice for the purposes of Clause 23 of the Framework Contract for the provision of National Training Services for the Irish Government Open Data Initiative made between the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform(“the Client”) and UrbanTide Ltd (“the Contractor”) dated 12 June 2017.

The [INSERT FRAMEWORK CLIENT DETAILS] is a Framework Client as set out at clause 23A of the Framework Contract and in accordance with clause 23 HEREBY NOTIFIES the Contractor that it wishes to activate the purchase of Services with effect from [insert date](the “Effective Date”). The Framework Client hereby acknowledges, agrees and confirms that the Framework Contract and the Confidentiality Agreement are hereby adopted by the Framework Client to govern the provision of the Services and references to the Client in the Framework Contract and the Confidentiality Agreement shall be deemed to be references to the Framework Client and the Framework Client hereby undertakes to comply with and observe all the terms and conditions of the Framework Contract and the Confidentiality Agreement applicable to it as if a party thereto.

The Framework Client in accordance with clause 23 of the Agreement HEREBY NOTIFIES the Contractor that it wishes to activate the purchase of Services and in particular the Services described in Part A.

There are three levels of training offered:

  1. Broad
  2. User Group
  3. Train the Trainer

There are five different courses offered:

  1. General Overview on Open Data
  2. Data Publication and the Open Data Technical Framework
  3. Data Analytics and Visualisation to Engage Users – Introductory Level
  4. Data Analytics and Visualisation to Engage Users – Advanced Level
  5. Anonymisation Techniques
  6. Introduction to Linked Data*

The table below shows the five different courses and the levels of training required for each course:

Broad / User Group / Train the Trainer
  1. Open Data: General Overview
/  / n/a / 
  1. Data Publication & Technical Framework
/  /  / 
  1. Data Analytics and Visualisation Techniques – Introduction
/  /  / 
  1. Data Analytics and Visualisation Techniques - Advanced
/  /  / 
  1. Anonymisation Techniques
/  /  / 
  1. Introduction to Linked Data*
/  / n/a / 

* This course is a half day course.

Full details of the Framework Contract are available at

Full details on UrbanTide’straining including scheduled training dates is available at

For Completion by Framework Client
Please complete Part A and return to UrbanTide by email to .
Contact Name
Contact email address
Return Time and Date
VAT Registration Number**

**If your organisation/ department is VAT registered then UrbanTide do not need to charge VAT for the training services. However, your VAT registration number is needed to complete a return to HM Revenue & Customs. Please provide your VAT registration number if you are VAT registered.

Details of Training Requirement
Please tick [X] to select the required training content, training level and location required.
Training Courses / ☐ / General Overview on Open Data
☐ / Data Publication & Technical Framework
☐ / Data Analytics & Visualisation - Introduction
☐ / Data Analytics & Visualisation - Advanced
☐ / Anonymisation Techniques
☐ / Introduction to Linked Data (half day)
Training Level / ☐ / Broad Training
☐ / User Group Training
☐ / Train the Trainer
Location / ☐ / On-site in Contracting Authority’s premises
☐ / Off-site in Tenderer’s premises
☐ / e-Learning techniques
Number of Participants / [insert provisional number of participants, final numbers must be confirmed prior to sign off of NASF by Framework Client and Contractor]
Number of Days per Course /  / Half Day, please specify number of ½ days
 / Full Day, please specify number of days
Dates Sought for Training / [Please insert provisional dates for training, dates must be confirmed prior to sign off of NASF by Framework Client and Contractor]
Detail of any Equipment Needed
Any Additional Information

Signed by or on behalf of the Framework Client:

Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature:*
*Please type your First and Last name. / Date:
☐ / I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming I acknowledge and agree to the information provided in this document.

To be completed by UrbanTide

For Completion by the Contractor
On receipt of this form, the Contractor (UrbanTide) will complete this Part B and email to the Framework Client.
Please provide the total cost for delivering this training and basis for such costing having regard to the Pricing Schedule.
Pricing Schedule is available here. / €
Please confirm the available dates for the provision of the training (where available)

The Contractor hereby agrees to provide the Services described in Part A of this NASF in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the Services Contract.

The Contractor hereby acknowledges that the Services Contract is hereby incorporated into this NASF.

The Contractoracknowledges, warrants, represents and undertakes that it retains and shall maintain for the Term and for any applicable ‘run-off’ period, insurances for the nature and amount specified below:

  • Employer’s Liability: €12.7 million limit for any one claim or series of claims arising out of a single occurrence.
  • Public Liability: €6.5 million limit for any one claim or series of claims arising out of a single occurrence.
  • Professional Indemnity: €500,000 limit in the aggregate per insurance year.

ACKNOWLEDGED AGREED AND CONFIRMED for and on behalf of the Contractor:

Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature:
On behalf of UrbanTide Limited. / Date:

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