The Junior Service League of Shawnee

Application for College Scholarship

The Junior Service League of Shawnee

Application for College Scholarship

Please read carefully before completing application:

To ensure anonymity during the selection process, your name can appear only on this cover sheet and your high school transcript. Your name CANNOT appear anywhere else in the application or it will be disqualified. You must have a minimum GPA of 2.7 to apply. Attach a copy of your high school transcript and return the completed application to the counselor’s office at Shawnee High School no later than noon on December 16, 2016.

Please write in the space provided.

______Applicant’s Name

______Home Address

______Parents’/Guardians’ Names

College you Plan to Attend:


Have you been accepted to a college/university? If so, which one(s).



List below the amount(s) and name(s) of scholarships and financial aid you know you will be receiving:




Are you applying for other scholarships? If so, please list them below:




College Entrance examination score(s): (20 points possible)

ACT Composite score: ______


SAT Composite score: ______

Cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) excluding spring semester of senior year, and class rank: (20 points possible)

GPA: ______

Class Rank: ______

Financial Need – Please indicate your family’s adjusted gross income from last year’s tax return (20 points possible)

___ under $34,999___ $80,000 - $99,999

___ $35,000 - $49,999___ $100,000 - $149,999

___ $50,000 - $64,999___ $150,000 - $199,999

___ $65,000 - $79,999___ $200,000 and above

Total number of family members living at home: ______

Number of dependents your parents claimed on last year’s tax return:

# Dependents: _____Ages: ______

# Currently attending college/university: _____

Are there any other financial considerations that should be noted?





Please type this portion of the application. Remember not to include your name. Read the questions carefully and proof read your answers.

  1. Please describe any volunteer work you have been involved in (not school related). Include church, community or other activities as well as the approximate dates and length of time for each activity.(30 points possible)
  1. Please describe any part-time or full-time work experience you have had in the last four years. Include permanent as well as temporary jobs (i.e. babysitting). Include approximate number of hours per week and length of time for each job. (20 points possible)
  1. Please describe extracurricular activities in which you have participated (i.e. organizations and clubs) by year – Freshman, Sophomore, etc. Do not include volunteer work detailed in #1. Indicate any offices held. (20 points possible)
  1. List honors and awards you have received. Please include the date received. (20 points possible)

In the space provided below, using your own words and handwriting, describe in 100 words or less why you want to be the recipient of the Junior Service League Scholarship. Include the course of study or major field of interest you plan to pursue, any other abilities you have that are not previously mentioned in this application, and your ten-year plan goals. (25 points possible)

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