2015 - 2017

Name of organisation
or project
Registered charity number (if applicable)
Contact name


Regeneration and Economic Development Section

Charnwood Borough Council



LE11 2TR

Direct line: 01509 634727


This form applies to applications submitted after 1 April 2015. Please check our website to make sure that you are using the latest guidance and application forms:

The Charnwood Growth Support Fund helps Town and Parish Councils, community and business organisations, charities and educational institutions, social enterprises and community interest companies to take an active role in delivering regeneration and economic growth within Charnwood.

Please ensure that you read the most up to date guidance, this can be found at:

…….…..or can be requested using the contact details on the front of this application form.

Applicants will need to provide additional information, some of this must be included with your application (see table below). Please tick the relevant boxes to show whether you are supplying the information with your application, can supply it if requested by the Council or if the information does not apply to you. You may only select options not shown as grey boxes.

Supporting Information
Document / Provided / Can be provided on request / N/A
Two most recent bank statements(these must be sent with your application)
Three quotations for capital schemes (these must be sent with your application)
Latest audited or independently examined accounts
Equal Opportunities Policy-if not using the Council’s policy - see

or use the contact details on page 1 to request a copy)
Working with children and vulnerable adults/safeguarding policy (if applicable)
Health and Safety policy (if you employ 5 or more staff)
Where relevant, confirmation of Building Regulations and / or planning permission
Please give a brief description of what you require a grant for:
Which of the four themes for growth and prosperity derived from our Corporate Plan does your application fulfil? (Please tick all that apply). The Corporate Plan can be viewed at or is available using the contact details on page 1.
The delivery of vital and viable town and village centres, eg:
  • Promoting or supporting the development of Town Centre Partnerships or supporting the prosperity of town and village centres in general.
  • Supporting the delivery of the Loughborough Town Centre Master Plan.
  • Supporting the aims and implementation of the Loughborough Business Improvement District.
/  / The delivery of business support and enabling infrastructure, eg:
  • Delivering superfast broadband services.
  • Supporting the development of rural tourism.
  • Providing infrastructure improvements facilitating job creation or retention and economic growth.
  • Supporting businesses through advertising campaigns and promotional activities.
/ 
The delivery of training and skills development programmes, eg:
  • Providing apprenticeships, staff training initiatives or skills development programmes.
  • Facilitating networking events
  • Delivering business training and development workshops
/  / The delivery of community led initiatives supporting business and economic growth, eg:
  • Enabling the delivery of affordable housing, particularly within the rural areas.
  • Supporting projects promoted under the Community Right to Build legislation.
/ 
How will your project contribute to fulfilling the aimsand objectives of the Corporate Plan as identified in the previous section?
Which, if any, of the seven priority areas identified in the Charnwood Regeneration Strategy will your project support?(Please tick all that apply). The Charnwood Regeneration Strategyor is available using the contact details on page 1, or can be viewed at:

LoughboroughTown Centre – Baxter Gate and the Inner Relief Road Corridor /  / LoughboroughTown Centre – Devonshire Square and Wards End / 
The former Astra Zeneca site and Dishley Grange /  / Loughborough’s Industrial Heritage Quarter / 
LoughboroughUniversity Science and EnterpriseParks /  / The Watermead Corridor (Thurmaston / Syston) / 
ShepshedTown Centre /  / None / 
How will your project contribute to fulfilling the aims and objectives of the priority area for regeneration as identified in the previous section?
Please identify the groups your project is aimed at e.g. geographically, by age or particular social groups, and the total number of people you think will benefit.
What is the need for this project and what benefits will it provide for Charnwood generally and the specific group(s) it is aimed at?
What will your project have achieved at the end of the funding and how will you measure its success?
Aim / Objective: / Achievement sought: / Measured by:
Example:To improve the vitality and viability of the village centre. / Example:The enhancement of accessibility and the quality of the public realm. / Example:Increase in footfall in the main shopping area and reduction in vacant units.
How does your project encourage and enable participation among the local business community?
How do you intend to acknowledge or publicise Charnwood Borough Council’s contribution to your project?
Please provide an outline timetable for your project.
Financial breakdown of the project
Costs (please provide three quotes where appropriate) / £
Funding for this project from other sources (including contributions from reserves)
Balance requested from the Borough Council
This must be 50% or less of the total cost of the project shown above
What grant applications have been made in the last 12 months by your organisation, including to the Borough Council?
Applied to / Amount / Purpose / Outcome (if known)
When was your organisation formed?
How often does it meet?
When was the last Annual General Meeting held? (if applicable)
Please give details below of the main officers of the management committee (if applicable):
Name / Home/e-mail address / Telephone Number
Give a brief summary of the organisation’s aims and objectives and the services provided:
Do you have an Equal Opportunities Policy?
Yes /  / No / 
Or will you be applying the Councils Equal Opportunities Policy? See or use the contact details on page 1 to request a copy.
Yes /  / No / 

Does the organisation produce annual accounts?Yes/No

Does the organisation have its own bank account?Yes/No

Please use the space provided to add any other relevant information you would like the Grants Panel to consider.
Please tell us how you heard about this grant scheme:
Form completed by
Position in organisation