SCASL Executive Board
Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2012
- Call to Order
Heather Loy called to order the regular meeting of the SCASL Executive Board at 10:05 a.m. on November 3rd, 2012, at Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Columbia, South Carolina.
- Roll Call
Attending: Heather Loy; Anne Lemieux; Charlene Zehner; Steve Reed; Kathy Sutusky; Cathy Nelson; Fran Bullington; Leigh Jordan;Martha Taylor; Marcia Kalayjian; Jennifer Tazerouti; Gloria Coleman; Susan Myers; Irish Anderson; Julie Putnam; Jenny Dillworth; Diane Ervin
Absent: Kelly Knight, Donna Shannon, Karen Gavigan, Samantha McManus, Patrice Green, Susan Easter, Diane Geddings, Will Strait,and TBA Retired Chair
Guest: Melissa Keeler, Connie Dopierala
- Agenda Items
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Secretary’s Report - Approval of September Minutes
- Charlene made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 8thBoard meeting
- Unanimous approval
- President’s Report
- Editorial Committee
- MCM proof is being printed
- Intellectual Freedom
- This is SCASL’s year to award at conference, the deadline for submissions is Feb 1st and they have received one nominationto date
- Next weekend is USC homecoming and Gamecocks on the Green next Friday
- Retired Chair
- Drucie has stepped down – please make any recommendations for a replacement to Heather Loy
- Town Meetings
- Audio portion of the most recent broadcast has some technical difficulties and it is being worked
- Next taping is November 28th (ADEPT & GBE update and the slate of officers) – it will air December 6th and will be available on StreamlineSC
- Legislative Committee
- Proposedto invite legislators to SCASL Conference during the opening session ofthe exhibit hall and to use regional network to ask school librarians to invite their local legislatorsand notify Samantha McManus with any responses that indicate legislators will/plan to attend.
- Governor Haley, Superintendent Zais and Mayor Steve Benjamin will be invited personally by Anne Lemieux
- An individualized event for legislators may be planned for the future
- A template letter for local librarians to personalize for use as an invitation to conference for legislators was requested by the board to be developed and disseminated
- The Elected Official of the Year Award – currently there are no guidelines for nomination and guidelines will be resubmitted for the January meeting after further finalization by the Legislative Committee
- Website
- As a result of conversation at the Executive Committee meeting regarding the need to improve information dissemination, a task force will be formed to fix and improve the existing website
- Please send names of people who could help with this committee to Heather Loy
- Special Request
- Ida Thompson submitted a special request for a research study to be conducted by Keith Curry Lance to study South Carolina’s school library media programs to validate the positive role of school librarians on student achievement
- Martha Taylor made a motion to appoint a taskforce to investigate the potential of pursuing this research study
- The motion passed unanimously
- This task force will investigate the availability, cost and feasibility of this undertaking and provide feedback soon
- President-Elect/Conference Report
- Call to Conference has been released and distributed
- This year conference will not provide a bag as part of registration and will instead do a Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) with prizes for different categories of bag quality; this information will be shared in various venues prior to conference
- Participants will be provided name badge pouches with neck straps as part of registration instead of the plastic ones traditionally provided
- Session acceptance information will be shared soon
- Conference booklets are being developed
- Ten authors have been secured so far
- Treasurer’s Report
- Net income is positive currently
- A Profit & Loss statement was distributed
- Past President’s Report – Slate of Officers
- Kathy made a motion to approve the slate of proposed officers – President Elect: Diana Carr, Secretary: Andi Fansher, Members-at-Large, Elections Committee: Linda Waskow, Angie Enlow, and Valerie Boatwright
- The motion passed unanimously
- Executive Secretary’s Report
- Membership is at 709 members as of today
- Common Core seminars were well attended
- Five exhibitors are currently registered for conference
- When members pay dues PayPal charges $1.40not the $5 reported previously at the July board meeting
- Renewal memberships yielded from the mailing numbered 140 from 1800 mailed
- Supervisor’s Section
- Julie made a motion to approve the Achieving Exemplary School Libraries standards
- The motion passed unanimously
- Julie made a motion to approve the South Carolina Standards for School Library Resource Collection document
- The motion passed unanimously
- These documents will be submitted to Patrice Green at the State Department of Education and will be “Supervisor section approved, SCASL endorsed and SCDOE supported.” It is important to note that these are not mandates for program development or to be used to evaluate school librarians, but to evaluate PROGRAMS and COLLECTIONS.
- It will then be an advocacy tool for school librarians to share with their administration
- Auditing Committee
- Conniesubmitted the first version of the Audit Committee Guidelines and Checklist submitted – it will be reviewed after the first audit process and later submitted for addition to the handbook
- A trial run with the guidelines will be conducted using last fiscal year’s information
- Advocacy Committee
- Snapshot Day is this month and it has been highly publicized
- Justification Toolkit–A justification letter template is being developed to help empower school librarians to ask their administration to attend conference. Once finalized it will be distributed to librarians to provide justification regarding the utility of attending conference. If you would like to work on this toolkit please let Fran know
- Public Awareness Committee
- Snapshot Day Promotion
- Some committee members have asked local media to attend their snapshot day
- School librarians will be encouraged to contact their local media outlets to promote their school’s events
- A template for this press release will be developed by the committee
- Awards Committee
- Awards were publicized via a variety of venues
- Nominations have been received for most of the awards thus far
- If there are no nominations received for a particular award they will not be awarded
- SCLA Liaison
- SCLA has a new slate of officers starting in January
- Regional Network
- A detailed summary of the Regional Network survey has been provided in Yahoo Groups
- When asked “what SCASL can do for you”the primary responses were requests for more Common Core instruction and more face to face opportunities
- Steps to share professional development opportunities with other librarians in of each region and other regions will be developed and implemented
- Bylaws
- Martha made a motion that Article III. Membership. Section 2. Dues under a.Annual Dues a listing for K-12 Students at $10.00 be added.
- After discussion Martha amended her proposal that instead Article III Section F be changed to add at the end of consecutive years, “and K-12 students who serve on a book award committee” to allow students serving on book award committees to apply and receive free SCASL membership
- The amended motion passed unanimously
- Information Technology
- The committee was asked to provide a recommendation for webinar software and report was submitted to the yahoo groups outlining different programs. Julie’s personal recommendation is Eluminate. The committee will provide a definitive recommendation at the January meeting for board approval.
- An Edmodo for SCASL was opened on Thursday, November 1st, and already has over fifty members
- PreService
- A list of 30 colleges and universities have been contacted to promote school librarians
- Paraprofessional
- Irish received a list of paraprofessional SCASL members and will be contacting them
- She also will be receiving a list from the Regional Network survey to promote SCASL membership and the paraprofessional committee.
- As the 2011-12 Archives & History Chair, she also requested folks from last year provide hardcopy of archives and history information was requestedfrom last year’s activities be given to her so she can close out last year’s box.
- Other
- Yallfest is November 10th in Charleston with tons of great YA authors
- The next SCASL Board of Directors meeting will be held on January 12 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Adjournment
Heather Loy adjourned the meeting at 11:56 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Charlene Zehner, SCASL Secretary