Walsall Council Service Areas


We provide high quality, cost effective services that exceed the expectations of the public, partners and other council teams. We strive to become a centre of excellence in all aspects of our work, including Equality & Diversity, Finance, Information Technology, Legal Services, Human Resources and Development.

Our work makes a major contribution to the council's vision, priorities, pledges and values. A team of qualified and highly motivated people, we work together to deliver high quality services, meet the needs of our customers and continually improve the way we work.

Human Resources

We’re the team that provides training, offers personnel guidance and recruits new people. We deliver wide-ranging HR support and services, so our work is highly varied and always interesting. We shape, communicate and advise upon the application of policies such as maternity, performance management and equal opportunities. We deal with employee relations such as disciplinary proceedings. And we develop strong working relationships with all areas of the council to understand different people issues and provide support with recruitment, organisational development, training and development.

“I’m delighted to be able to support the council’s new apprenticeship programme. Young people joining the department will bring fresh ideas and energy to our organisation and teams. In return, we can offer quality, on the job training and support, leading to rewarding careers.” - Lisa Koc, Principal Recruitment Consultant.


Pay is incredibly important to us all. And we’re the team responsible for ensuring that everyone at Walsall Council gets paid the right money at the right time. It’s not an easy challenge. But one we thrive on as we take into account a range of factors and help to answer queries and solve problems in an efficient, friendly and confidential manner.

Business Support

As part of our team, you’ll learn to provide high quality, cost effective administrative, clerical and secretarial support that exceeds the expectations of teams across the council. Helping to ensure the smooth running of the council, you’ll assist with filing, typing, photocopying and emailing whilst also attending meetings, maintaining databases and answering enquiries.

“We welcome the opportunity to develop the skills of new talent. We enjoy providing people with quality training in diverse, customer-focused administrative roles. And in return, we enjoy benefiting from the fresh ideas and different views that new people bring with them. We firmly believe that we need to support apprentices to develop the workforce for the future.” – Terri Wall.

Information Technology

As you’re reading this, you obviously know how to use a computer. Information Technology is all around us. It’s a central part of our lives and at the heart of all organisations. So ICT skills are becoming more and more important. Our technical expertise enables us to maintain, develop and improve a wide range of equipment and software. Maximising the performance and availability of our IT network, we install new equipment, resolve faults and support the resolution of problems and queries.


Join us as an apprentice within corporate finance or one of our departmental finance teams and you’ll gain a wide range of work related skills. As well as developing your communication and customer care skills, you’ll learn to process paperwork, check the accuracy of financial data and input financial information into a variety of systems.


We’re responsible for the development, co-ordination and delivery of sustainable regeneration across Walsall. Our teams include Planning & Building Control, Delivery & Development, Strategic Regeneration and Town Centre Management.

To ensure a joined-up approach to the physical, social and economic regeneration of the region, we work in partnership with Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership, New Deal for Communities and Walsall Housing Group. We also work closely with other council teams in education, social services, housing and engineering & transportation to improve the physical landscape and meet the needs of our community.

Neighbourhood Services

Our mission is to improve the quality of life of local residents and to ensure that our local neighbourhoods are clean, green and safe places that residents enjoy and value. To achieve this, we work with partners, customers and local communities to identify local issues and build local solutions and civic pride.

We’re responsible for delivering a variety of frontline services to local people. The roads they travel on. The libraries and leisure centres they use. The cleanliness of the streets. The parks they enjoy. Even the quality of the air they breathe. It’s a big operation and we’ll spend around £125 million in 2009 on local services, whilst aiming to receive an income of around £58 million.


When work finishes for most people, it’s only just starting for people in Leisure. Our goal is ‘More visitors, more often.’ We’re proud to operate the majority of sports, leisure and recreation facilities across Walsall, including Darlaston Swimming Pool, Walsall Gala Baths and Leisure Centres at Oak Park, Bloxwich and Willenhall.

“Leisure is a dynamic industry where people with enthusiasm and energy can really make a difference. And this apprenticeship programme is a great way to enter the industry and gain nationally recognised qualifications as well as real work experience.” - Peter Jeffery, Service Manager, Walsall Sport & Leisure Management.

Parks & Countryside

If you’re not keen on the idea of spending your working life stuck in an office – then we’re the team for you. Join us and you’ll help to look after our parks, manage our countryside and help conserve our natural landscapes. Prepared to work in all types of weather, your role will involve maintaining open spaces, cutting back tree branches, planting flowers and maintaining playgrounds.

Libraries, archives and museums

In libraries, archives and information services – we give people access to the information they want to find. And as you’d expect, we catalogue and index books in our libraries. But you’re just as likely to find us organising a storytelling session for children, helping people learn to use a computer or working with someone to trace their family tree.

Whilst our Archivists take care of collections of historical items and documents in companies and communities, working with all types of materials, from books and maps to film and electronic files. Every member of our team needs excellent organisation and customer service skills to help people find what they’re looking for.

Print & Design Services

We produce a diverse range of brochures, posters and marketing and information materials for all areas of the council. We’ve recently managed two apprenticeships in conjunction with Matthew Boulton Printing College Birmingham who provided the Print and Graphics NVQ to support the apprenticeship.

“Apprenticeships are a good way of getting new blood back into the team. We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of youthful vigour and enthusiasm and the impact this can have on the team dynamic.” - Kevin Williams – Print and Design Manager

Children’s Services

In Walsall, children are a key priority. So, we work hard to promote the health, welfare and life chance benefits of children and young people. And we focus on delivering and developing services that promote the upbringing of children in their homes and families.

We’re committed to listening to children and young people. Because learning about our services from their perspective ensures that we can achieve our strategic goals, whilst never losing sight of who the service is for, and what’s important to them.

Our priorities include protecting vulnerable children from harm, ensuring children are securely attached to substitute carers, and maintaining the health and social care needs of care leavers. Due to age restrictions work would be limited to administrative duties.

Youth Work

We help young people to fulfil their potential through personal and social development. We need to be creative, be active, have fun and provide young people with challenges and new experiences. Providing an informal education, we help young people to develop their own voice and identity. And we help them to influence and shape their communities - and society as a whole.

As every young person is different, no two days are the same. One day we could be offering counselling and support. The next we could be developing projects that tackle issues like bullying, or organising activities like sports and drama. There’s also a strong administrative side to our roles, so our work also involves managing volunteers, maintaining records, helping to apply for grants and networking with other professionals including Social Workers, Teachers and Probation Officers. Due to age restrictions work would be limited to administrative duties.

Social Care & Inclusion

We’ve a wide range of teams that provide essential care, support and services to the people of Walsall. These include:

Supported Housing – As well as delivering innovative Neighbourhood Community Services, we assist older people, vulnerable adults, the homeless and asylum seekers.

Older People’s Service – In addition to providing assessment and care services, we’re developing more community based, person-centred services, including assistive technology, dementia care mapping, reablement and intermediate care services.

Disability Services - An innovative new integrated service we deliver specialist physical and sensory impairment services for all age groups, as well as focussing on younger adults who are vulnerable.

Integrated Learning Disability Services – We’re significantly investing in community based services and a major reprovision programme from traditional large units to supported living.

Integrated Mental Health Services - Managed by the Teaching Primary Care Trust, we deliver a range of services including mental health services for older people.

Due to age restrictions work would be limited to administrative duties.