Satellite Sports Clubs
What is the Satellite Club Development Programme? The satellite programme is a three year initiative funded by Sport England that aims to support the transition between school sport and community sport. The scheme seeks to provide new sporting opportunities to people aged 11-25 years with the aim of ensuring that every secondary school and college in Cornwall develops an offer of at least one satellite club by 2017. The satellite club can be used to;
- Expand a hub club to increase capacity in areas of high demand
- Diversify the sporting offer a club can make to the local community
- Allow clubs to engage with specific groups
What does a satellite club look like?
- Based locally, usually but not exclusively on a secondary school or college site
- Open to all young people across the local community, not just pupils from the nominated partner school
- Run once a week, with delivery not just limited to term time
- Held at a time when young people can access the facility
- Clearly identifiable as part of the community hub club
- Run by hub club coaches and volunteers
What level of funding is available? To support this initiative Cornwall Sports Partnership has access to limited funding from Sport England to help support the set up and delivery of satellite clubs. There is no set amount of funding for each satellite club it will depend on the needs of the club, the desired outcomes and the project budget that is developed.
Examples of what funding can be used for / Examples of what funding cannot be used forCoaching / Overheads
Facility hire / Contingency Costs
Equipment / Purchase of Vehicles
Transport costs / Buildings or Refurbishment
Marketing/promotion / Retrospective projects
CPD training / Projects delivered within curriculum time
What is the role of the CSP?As part of our wider club development work Cornwall Sports Partnership is acting as the key link maker in connecting school needs and facility availability with local club delivery and capacity. We will work with NGB partners to support clubs in developing their satellite plans and in identifying available resource and as satellite clubs develop we will support ongoing activity and promotion.
How do I start developing a satellite club? Please complete the expression of interest overleaf or contact the Cornwall Sports Partnership – / 01872 323344
Satellite Sports Clubs – Expression of interest
In order for us to keep the process quickly please fill out all the requested information and send back to the CSP.
Your clubs/School name
What is your clubs main venue?
Proposed satellite venue
Who will be the main contact for the Satellite Club at your Club?
What is your preferred day to develop a Satellite Club on?
Tick all that apply
Please tell us what time of day you would like to develop your Satellite club at?
Tick all that apply
4.30 - 5.30 pm
5.30 - 6.30 pm6.30 - 7.30 pm
Please provide a summary of funding that your club may require in developing your satellite
Please provide an approximate cost and description of the item required