Scheme of Work: Starplaya Project
Pre-programme–Taster Sessions X4 Repeated
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month- July / Resources / Evaluation
Aim: To give young people some information on the Starplaya Project, assess need and eligibility and gather information. Inspire and engage the young people. / Show beat making, watch and have a go on Pro Logic programme with Liam. Mc’s rap and SP performs. Intro to song writing.
T-Shirt making- create a logo, own identity?
Spray Painting records.
Design a CD cover. Production elements seen. / Record in the studio- Book this out?!
Big Posters needed, Laptop and projector
Silver Spray Paint.
T-Shirt maker
T shirts (From Bradford office). / PI Forms. Receive 50 in total.
Select those ones interested and committed and contact the yp.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 1-4 –Introduction, Groundwork-Rapport stage
Aim: Young people to reflect on their current situation and understanding the objectives of the programme.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 1 August(Sessions 1-4, 8 hours per group)
Groundwork-Rapport stage. / Resources / Evidence
Getting to know each other
Setting and achieving goals
Gain artsform knowledge and understanding- Learn about music through experience.
Review Progress.
Start Bronze Part A- Participate in beat making of different genres. Describe, evidence, summarise. How could they improve?
Start Part C- Arts inspiration / Registering young people onto the programme, looking at their individual needs and their assets.
Trust and confidence building. Ice Breaker games e.g. Name and a sound pass on, invisible ball. Fortunately, unfortunately game to build lyrics, build on peoples’ ideas. Ball of wall. Hot seating Liam and SP. Create an ‘All about me’ collage. Front cover of CD. Fun Activities to get to know each other.
Establishing Ground rules together and writing these up. Discussing what issues participants would most like assistance on.
Beat Making, Looking at Different genres.
Look at favourite artists. Introduction to different genres. Shown by SP. 4 Songs. What others do they like? How can their assets and talents add to this? Who Inspires them in the music industry and why?
Mixing Skills Introduced. / Registration Sheets
Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/booklets
Genre Artists clips/ videos/documentaries / Registration Sheets
All start on Bronze Arts Award. Intro to folders.
Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Photographs/videos taken of games and beat making.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 5-8
Aim: Introduce young people to genres of music and guide them in finding their art inspiration.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 2 September (Sessions 5-8, 8 hours per group) / Resources / Evidence
Self Reliance
Define and raise aspirations
Gain artsform knowledge and understanding- Learn about music through experience.
Review Progress.
Bronze Part A Continued and completed- Participate in beat making of different genres. Describe, evidence, summarise. How could they improve?
Bronze Part C- Arts inspiration
Evidence research of inspiration. What they have found out? Why the person was chosen?. Document the ‘inspirations’ career, life and work. / Discussing with the group their hopes and fears for the residential and the scheme of work we will be following once the group are up there, we will also look at what they will need to bring with them such as toiletries and clothing and what will be provided for them once they are there.
Complete a ‘logo for life’ CD Cover. Their mission statement. Learn Liam and SP’S and their biographies. Meet other artists- ACE, Ashley. Do graffiti to help logo work and create a tag on paper. Tie two pencils together to start with.
Team Building games- Music related.
Explore Beat and rap patterns in different styles. R&B Rap, Grime, Hip hop, Country? Mixing skills embedded.
Understand styles. What speaks to them? Their assets/likes are formed.
Research artists, Can they think who inspires them and why? e.g Drake- Why?
Home studio power point- design their own studio.
Book out recording studio- set up and learn how to use the equipment here. Re-build equipment. Recording a song. / Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets
Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Camera / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Photographs/videos taken of games and beat making.
Arts Award folders
Upload evidence to artsbox.
Scheme of Work: Weeks9-12–
Aim: Young people will understand how to write lyrics and collaborate with a partner.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Sessions 9-12
Month 3- October (One week off for half term- 6 Hours) / Resources / Evidence
Self Expression in a safe environment
Navigating Resources
Moving away from negative behaviours and becoming more socially involved.
Complete Bronze Part C- Arts inspiration
Evidence research of inspiration. What they have found out? Why the person was chosen?. Document the ‘inspirations’ career, life and work. / Write own lyrics on the same beat to start with. Do as a group. Then half writing with SP and half on Pro-Logic programme with Liam then swap over next lesson. Work in partners- collaborate. Look a ways of writing for different styles. Pick a theme/ emotion. Pick rhyming words. Listen to different songs. ‘De-Clutter your closet’ Put expressions into lyrics. Find a different word for swearing, comical, creative ways. Imagery explored.
Learn to structure a song
A session on- Creative side of what music production is. Discuss misconceptions of ‘Pitch Perfect films’.
Getting music Consent and the pitfalls of this. Royalties, Rights. How much do artists earn a year? How much are some artists worth? Create a quiz. Research their inspiration chosen for Part c. / Laptop and projector
Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets
Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Camera / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Photographs/videos taken of games and beat making.
Arts Award folders
Upload evidence to artsbox.
Scheme of Work: Week 13-16
Aim: Young people will practise and share a skill.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 4- November (Sessions13-16, 8 hours per group) / Resources / Evaluation
Listening and Expressing
Establishing Positive Relationships
Setting and Achieving Goals
Bronze Part D- pass a skill onto a partner. Plan this and then evidence this. Reflect. / Plan what skill they have developed. Use assets and pick something then have enjoyed think about the session workshops taken place for Part A Beat Making. Lyric Writing.
Pick a skill. Watch youtube clips of artists- skills they have.
Identify the main points and ideas.
Practise a skill
Share a skill
Work in twos, show skill to each other. Teach it to their partner. Record in the studio? / Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets
Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Book Arts Award moderation for Bronze award- January 2017. / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Photographs/videos taken of games and beat making.
Arts Award folders
Upload evidence to artsbox.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 17-20
Aim: Be able to record and reflect on creative impacts.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 5- December (Sessions 17-20) Miss a session for Xmas holidays= 6 hours per group. / Resources / Evidence
Ensure all Young people have shared a skill- Bronze Part D.
Start Bronze Part B. / Young people will be able to take stock and reflect on what has been covered so far. At this stage they will have gained enough knowledge to appreciate different styles of music.
Have MC, Stella, Rob Green come in- Evidence this, Merchandise. Do a written or recorded reflection and the creative impact this has. Discuss this on Face book page with other, share on Youth Music Network. Have a comment book?
Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park? Book mini bus, risk assessment.
Book arts event at a location. O2 Academy, Sheffield? Tram Lines platform? / Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets
Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Book Arts Award moderation for Bronze award- January 2017. / Photo’s and staff observations and comments on their reflections. Recorded discussions, video logs showing creative responses and discussions taken place.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 21-24
Aim: Young people will understand what area/skill they want to demonstrate and why.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 6- January 2017 (Sessions 21-24, 8 hours) / Resources / Evaluation
Setting and Achieving Goals
Navigating Resources
Self reliance
Self esteem
Ensure all folder work and artsbox work for Arts Award is completed. Bronze Parts A,B,C and D.
Start Silver Award- Part A- Arts Challenge. / Identify a challenge, Document details of the challenge they have set. (Organising skill to show at showcase). Create beat and lyrics to put on a cd. Say why you have chosen it. What area/skill are they demonstrating and why?
Complete an action plan
Start to implement.
Reflect on strengths and weaknesses over four sessions.
Create Cds. / Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Camera / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Camera evidence
A CD With their recording on.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 25-28
Aim: Be able to reflect on strengths and weaknesses of own practise and of someone else’s.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 7- February
Sessions 25-28 (8 hours) / Resources / Evaluation
Setting and Achieving Goals
Navigating Resources
Silver Award- Part A- Arts Challenge completed.
Silver Arts Award Unit 1- Part D. / Implement Arts Challenge
Reflect on strengths and weaknesses over two sessions.
Evidence progress
Someone else review challenge.
Do own final review and reflection.
Have a session on CV Writing
Research future career paths in the music industry. Watch a documentary. What have they learnt? How have assets extended? Evidence research, review- summarise what has had an influence on them.
Interview SP and Liam- Use hot seating notes from Month One. / CV Template
Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
documentary / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Photo’s and staff observations and comments on their reflections. Recorded discussions, video logs showing arts challenge review and discussions taken place.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 29-32
Aim: Young people will explore the music industry through hands on experience.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Residential learners will be able to: / Overview
Month 8- March
Sessions 29-32 (8 hours) / Resources / Evaluation
Navigating Resources
Listening and Expressing
Establishing Positive Relationships
Finish off:
Silver- Unit1- part C Complete / Watch an arts event- Ace?
Evidence the event
Artistic qualities and creative impact review
Share review on facebook and on the youth music network forum.
Look at music reviews
Look at music industry roles. Learning how to apply for a job by researching the different areas you can find employment, such as the internet and news papers. Putting a CV together for potential employers
Complete CV Writing
Chase up- Book arts event at a location. O2 Academy, Sheffield? Tram Lines Platform? / Laptop
Arts Award Folders/Booklets / Photos
Flip chart
Young Persons evaluation on their experience.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 33-36
Aim: To give young people an opportunity to understand what role they have the skills and interest in.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Month 9- April
Sessions 33-36
6 hours missed session due to Easter Holiday / Resources / Evaluation
Evaluating Risk
Establishing positive Relationships
Silver Unit 2-Part A / Repeat Trust and team games from Month 1, and month 2.
Develop leadership skills- Look at what makes a good leader. Agree on words to describe a good leader-Play bingo.
Describe Arts Project chosen. Design CD cover. Organise for the showcase- group discussion of roles involved and skills needed. Delegate roles. Understand the role- Job description. What leadership skills would they develop?
How does the role relate to others?
Do project plan. Silver Unit 2- part B. / Flip Chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets Sample packs
Pro-Logic programme
Head phones
Flip Chart
Book Moderation arts award-Silver for July. / Upload what they are learning to Youth Music Network.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 37-40
Aim: To inspire young people and raise awareness of how they can contribute to the showcase.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Sessions 37-40
Month 10-May / Resources / Evaluation
Self Esteem
Silver Unit 2- Part B
Silver Unit 2-Part C and D / Put on showcase. Organise tickets, publicity, invites, stage managers. Graphics
Evidence problem solving
Do role
Keep a diary log (on-going reflections).
Record production meetings- happen at the beginning of every session. / Camera
Arts Award Folders/Booklets / Photo evidence of progress made and video.
Scheme of Work: Weeks 41-45 Summary of Programme, review/final assessments/submission of accredited modules.
Aim: Reflecting on what has been learned and looking at where young people will go now.
Aim: Looking at the skills involved with working with others and problem solving.
Learning Outcomes:By the end of the Session learners will be able to: / Session Overview
Sessions 41-45
Month 11- June / Resources / Evaluation
Problem solving.
Goal setting
Evaluation / The young people to reflect on the programme as a group and individuals, to complete any outstanding work and discuss any outstanding issues that need looking at.
Collect feedback- FB about the project and leadership skills. Evaluate working with others- How has this happened with examples. What problems arose and how were these solved?
Do showcase
Do evidence of showcase- Unit 2- Part C.
Review- Unit 2- Part E. Watch the film back. Have pizza celebrations. Reflect on project plan. How have leadership skills been developed? What have been the successes? How and what have you learnt when working with others?
From gaining feedback- what could you have done differently? / Pens
Flip chart
Arts Award Folders/Booklets / Completed folder of work.
Completed Silver Awards.
Filmed Performance/Showcase.