Regional Health Alliance School Wellness Advisory Meeting Summary

Meeting Date: September 18, 2014

Present: Joyce Barry,Cindy Cook, Taylor Dreps,Melissa Giggy,Kathy Glomski,Angela Myers,Anita Riddle,Jim Rutherford,Paul Yettaw,Jessica Rapelje.

Time / Agenda Item & Discussion Notes / Decisions/Next Steps
3:03 / Welcome & Introductions
Review of April’s Meeting
  • Angela Myers gave a recap of what was discussed at the June meeting.
  • Harper Creek Wellness Committeehas been directed more towards staff. They are trying to get a garden started for more student involvement.

New Food Guidelines
  • Paul explained the form on the USDA guidelines for all foods sold in school.
-A big concern is popcorn sales so they have created a new popcorn recipe that will meet guidelines.
-This rule is starting at 1a.m. until 30 minutes after school hours. The schools must follow the guidelines, so you are still able to have concessions after school and at sporting events.
  • Now students must have a fruit or juice for breakfast.
  • Common theme is a large increase in the amount of food waste due to guidelines.
  • Everything is now 100% whole grain which is really impacting vendors’ supply and demand.
  • Parents can bring in whatever they would like into the school for parties or birthdays.
  • Snack calculator website- where people are able to find items they can use.
  • Oct 24th- Harper Creek and Battle Creek Public are going to do an Apple crunch day.
-Where all the students in the school bite into an apple at the same time.
  • Another issue is parents bringing in food along with students going off campus for lunch.

School Wellness Program Evaluation
  • Report went out in June. The full report ison the website.
  • Jim reported there is a large increase in families who are not vaccinating.
  • Implementing a Medical Emergency Response Team in the schools.
  • National Recommendations Head Lice Policy- taking students out of school will not do much help, but providing families with information will be beneficial. They will also not be doing a mass screening.
  • Union City would like to join for school nurse program.

Operation Fit
  • Partners- Food directors, United Way has breakfast in the classroom to get them fueled.
  • Taylor reported she has created 3 Goals:
-Morning activity- different stations of activities for the students to participate.
-Morning movement- come together as a school for 1 pump up song and then 1 cool down song and stretches.
-Afternoon Recess- similar to the morning. They can pick and chose their activities.
  • The two schools participating are Fremont and Valley View.
  • Different measurements being done are the Health Department is doing BMI testing at the beginning and end of the school year, number of students eating breakfast, PE Tests, surveys for students, teachers, and parents.
  • Reaching to around 800 kids. Also going to reach into middle and high school students for nutrition lessons.

Successes and Solutions:
  • Riverside will have Farmers market at the end of the school day (Fresh on Wheels).
  • Marshall Middle school has a second chance breakfast after 1 and 2nd hour. United Dairy gave $6,000 for a vending machine that cost $9,000 for second chance breakfast at the high school. Students are able to put in student id number and choose what they would like from certain categories.
  • Oct 8th- National walk to school day.
  • Fuel 60- keeps adding more information and has more funding but will not be doing an event at the Lions Game.
  • Health Champion program at ISD will be looking at Michigan Model and Physical Activity along with Social Emotional goals.
  • Minges Brook Elementary is also having students doing activities every morning.
  • Harper Creek is a part sponsor for GOTR and Boys and Girls Clubs. Last year, they provided 30 snacks from 3 – 4p.m., 35 dinners from 7 – 8 p.m., and now it is over 70. This year, GOTR will be moving from the Zoo to Harper Creek.
  • Healthy School Framework- New instrument and School Health Index.
  • Taylor will type up structure for Operation Fit activities to send out to other schools.

Future Meeting Dates and Times
  • Next meeting:
4:00pm, Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Battle Creek Community Foundation Boardroom
4:03pm / Adjourn