October 13 & 14, 2012
The Willows and SDHA Office, Saskatoon
Council Members Present:
Stephanie Canfield, Chris Gordon, Leanne Huvenaars, Janel Parkinson, Devona Saul, Gerrard Weinberger, Liz Domm, Bev Peel, Sheila Torrance
Staff/Guests Present: Kellie Hildebrandt, Susan Rogers
Regrets: Diane Moore
1 Call to Order and Appointment of Parliamentarian
Chris Gordon, President, called the meeting to order at 9:33am. No Parliamentarian was appointed
2 Adoption of Agenda
Motion to receive agenda: Devona Saul; seconded by Stephanie Canfield; carried.
3 Adoption of Minutes of Council meeting dated April 14, 2012
Motion to accept minutes as received: Gerrard Weinberger; seconded by Stephanie Canfield; carried.
4 Election of Officers
Because a May/June meeting was not held in 2012, in which the Election of Officers would have been performed, it is included on this agenda. The Election of Officers for the 2013/14 will be required at the May 26, 2013 Council meeting as well.
Be it resolved that:
1) Chris Gordon be acclaimed as President of the SDHA Council till May 2013.
2) Leanne Huvenaars be acclaimed as Vice-President of the SDHA Council till May 2013.
3) Leanne Huvenaars assume the responsibility of minutes in January 2013.
Motion to accept these Officers for the current term: Devona Saul; seconded by Stephanie Canfield; carried.
5 Council Education
a. Orientation to our Organization: Kellie Hildebrandt provided an orientation presentation detailing the history of the SDHA, its legislation and guidelines.
b. Orientation to our Governance Model: Susan Rogers provided a presentation on the Policy Governance Model and how it relates to the SDHA Policies.
6 Monitoring
a. Executive Director/Registrar Performance:
- Monitoring Reports: Included in Parking Lot for next meeting
- Operational Budget: Included in Parking Lot for next meeting
- Auditor’s Report: The SDHA Auditor, Kirby Drury attended this portion of the meeting and explained the financial reports to Council. An in-camera session was held to allow Council an opportunity to ask questions. In order to minimize risk, it was advised that no cheques be signed prior to both signatories reviewing the corresponding invoice. With both the President and Vice-President not being within Saskatoon and easily accessible to do that, it was suggested that a Saskatoon Council member be added as a signatory.
Motion to add Devona Saul as a signatory to the SDHA account: Janel Parkinson; seconded Liz Domm; carried.
b. Council Performance: Included in Parking Lot for next meeting
7 Policy Review
In preparation of the Council meeting, Susan Rogers reviewed the SDHA Council’s GP policies and provided policy revisions/additions. The GP policies were reviewed by Council. Susan will make further revisions and present for Council review/approval at the January 2013 Council meeting.
When discussing GP 6, there was a discussion to include a travel time allowance for those councilors attending meetings from out of Saskatoon. As well, an allowance for those who stay with family/friends, rather than enduring a hotel expense, should be included.
Motion to make the following additions to GP 6:
· Add a per diem for travel time at a rate of $20.00 per hour for travel to and from Council meetings.
· Add a reimbursement amount of $50.00 per night for those claiming private accommodation (friends/family)
Bev Peel; seconded by Sheila Torrance; carried.
8 Other Council Jobs
a. CDHA Fees and their impact on bylaws
Kellie Hildebrandt provided a briefing note to describe the impact the CDHA fee increase had on the SDHA. As a result, it was discussed that no change could be made for this immediate licensing year, but in future SDHA licensing fees and CDHA fees be separated for members to see. Increases in fees may occur annually, but members would be able to identify what/where the increase pertains to. Additionally, because the bylaws specifically detail the fee amounts, and the notion of CDHA membership being mandatory for membership is not described in the bylaws, it is prudent to do a full bylaw review. Council felt it appropriate for Susan Rogers to do this. Mandatory CDHA membership will be brought to the membership at the May 2013 AGM.
b. Approve new Code of Ethics
In error, the CDHA Code of Ethics was not included in the Council documents to review prior to the meeting. Kellie Hildebrandt will include this document for review prior to the next Council meeting in January and it will be added to that agenda for discussion.
c. CDHA Representative
Chris Gordon, recently appointed as SDHA’s delegate to the CDHA Board of Directors described her situation in regards to her time spent in BC and SK. Because Chris has maintained a residence in SK and is still considered an active SDHA member, Council supports her continuing as our CDHA Delegate. As such, travel costs will not be reimbursed from BC for her to attend SDHA meetings and functions. If required, reimbursement would be calculated from her home in Saskatoon.
d. Office Renovation
Kellie Hildebrandt provided a briefing note relating to a possible office renovation. With the growth of Council, and the preference of Council to move away from paper to electronic documents, additional space is needed to comfortably accommodate Council for quarterly meetings.
Motion to approve the expenditure for office renovation up to a maximum of $15,000: Janel Parkinson; seconded by Devona Saul; carried.
e. Performance Review of the Executive Director (in-camera)
At a past meeting of Council, a working group was struck to review the current performance review policies of the SDHA and to establish ones to move forward. Christine Gordon presented information to Council.
Motion to provide a cost of living adjustment to Kellie Hildebrandt’s salary, retroactive to June 2012, and in accordance with a Council approved rate. Leanne to research current rates and report to Council: Sheila Torrance; seconded by Devona Saul; carried.
f. Review Governance Plan
a. Confirm meeting dates for 2012-13
· January 26 & 27, 2013 - Council
· March 16, 2013 - Council
· May 4, 2013 – AGM
· May 25 & 26, 2013 - Council
b. Timing & Strategies to accomplish jobs in GP 1.2
Susan Rogers presented a sample Governance Plan to accomplish jobs established in GP 1.2. Susan will prepare the Governance Plan for presentation to Council at the next meeting.
9 Required Approvals and/or the Consent Agenda
Discussion and education occurred around the difference in agenda types.
10 Information
a. Registrar’s report: as circulated
b. President’s report: as circulated
c. SIAST reports: as circulated
d. Other: CDHA report as circulated
11 Meeting Monitor
Meeting was monitored with no problems identified.
Parking Lot
AgendaItem # / Topic / Action
6a / Monitoring Registrar-ED performance and Operational Budget / Tabled to next meeting
6b / Monitoring Council Performance / Tabled to next meeting
7a / GP Policies review and approve / Susan will make revisions to GP’s based on discussions at the October meeting and bring back revised policies to next meeting.
8a / Bylaw review / Susan to review bylaws and propose revisions/additions.
8b / Code of Ethics / Kellie to send new CDHA Code of Ethics to Council prior to the next meeting and item added to next meeting’s agenda.
8e / ED Performance Review / Develop action plan (see CE #5)
8f / Governance Plan / Susan to draft plan for presentation to Council at next meeting.
12 Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 1:02 pm, Sunday, October 14, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Hildebrandt