Important Sign-Up Changes for Men’s Niners – EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY
Note: The following VERY IMPORTANT Men’s 9er item relates to 12:30 Winter Season play and does not, at this time, pertain to 3:00 play or Summer Season play.
SCG Golf Operations is tasked with ensuring that our golf courses are utilized to the fullest extent possible. In this regard, the Men’s 9ers want to do everything possible to assist SCG Golf Operations while at the same time preserving our Club and accommodating it’s members as best we can.
Considering this background, the sign-up closing time will now be 2:00 PM on the Tuesday before the following Monday of play. By doing this we will be helping Golf Operations by providing them with the opportunity to fill holes with outside players upon the immediate opening of Chelsea rather than, as it is now, having Golf Operations wait until the Men’s 9ers unblock unused holes 2 ½ days after Chelsea opens.
There is GOOD NEWS in all of this:
(1) Sign-up for play will now open earlier than it currently does - on Thursday, 11
days before the Monday of play.
(2) Immediately after the Sign-Up Sheet closes on the Tuesday before Monday
play, a Standby Sheet will open to enhance playing opportunities for those
members who missed signing up earlier. The closing time for the Standby Sheet
will be 6:00PM on Sunday, 2 ½ days later than the current closing time.
(1) Pairings will be made from the Sign-Up Sheet and posted on our Website as
(A) The only guarantee of playing each week is to use the Sign-Up Sheet and
report to the Registration Table by 11:55 AM.
(2) Members on the Standby Sheet (followed by Walk-Ons) will, when they report to
the Registration Table on Monday morning, replace Monday cancellations or be
placed on unused holes returned to the Men’s 9ers on Monday morning by Golf
Operations. It appears, at this time, that members on the Standby Sheet will
most likely have the opportunity to play except for the busiest weeks of the
Winter Season. However, there is no guarantee of play as there is in # 1 above.
Please take time to review the SIGN-UP POLICY on our Website so that you are familiar with it when Winter play starts on November 6. In this instance, Sign-Up will open on Thursday, October 26, at 7:00 AM.
If you have any questions regarding this new Policy when Winter play begins, please feel free to contact Morgan McEnaney, Pairings Director at: .
The Men’s 9ers are a fun loving and happy go lucky group of players with mulligans and gimme putts allowed. At the same time we have a responsibility to each other. Therefore, if you signed-up on either the Sign-Up Sheet or Standby Sheet and you are not going to play, then NOT CANCELING IS UNFAIR TO YOUR FELLOW 9ERS.