
Heidi Fuller


Wisdom and consciousness define the seasonal spirit

at two Bay Area holiday events

Petaluma, Calif. November 17, 2010 – Creating spaces of wisdom, spirit, and festivity where people can celebrate the season with the Bay Area’s growing consciousness community, theInstitute of Noetic Sciences(IONS) will offer two events December 5th and 6th. The global non-profit consciousness research center will conduct its annual open house in Petaluma on Sunday, and on Monday, IONS’ CEO will join a talk and reception at Integral Transformative Practice (ITP) International’s Seekers and Sages evening program in Belvedere.

IONS Annual Holiday Open House, December 5

During its holiday open house, IONS and its retreat center,EarthRise at IONS, will open its campus to the public from 4 to 7 p.m. The EarthRise kitchen will serve wine, hors d’hoeuvres, hot cider, and desserts in the community center where music will play throughout the evening. Revelers can take self-guided walking tours of the organic gardens and do some holiday shopping at the new EarthRise Books and Gift Shop. Throughout the afternoon, IONS scientists will present brief talks on current research that has helped advance consciousness science in mainstream fields.

A raffle will support IONS’ research and education programs. For more information, directions and parking information, go toEarthRise at IONS' website. RSVP to Rose Welch at 707-779-8214.

Seekers & Sages Evening, December 6

During “A Conversation with Michael Murphy and Marilyn Schlitz,” the leaders in consciousness research and learning will present new insights on breakthroughs in human development and the powerful intersection of evolutionary theory and transformative practice. The event takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Church in Belvedere.

Mr. Murphy will discuss the emergence of hidden divinity in his vision of evolutionary panentheism. Dr. Schlitz will describe The Worldview Literacy Project™, an inner exploration of consciousness for people of all ages, as a real and hopeful glimpse of our future.

The event will feature live music and light refreshments. Admission is $20.Purchase tickets here. For more information including map and directions, go to theITP International website( or , 415-924-4256.

About the speakers

A renowned medical anthropologist and licensed psychologist,Dr. Marilyn Schlitzis president and chief executive officer at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which she has served for 15 years. Previously she was vice president of research and senior scientist. Dr. Schlitz’s work focuses on cross-cultural healing, consciousness studies and psychophysiology. She has been described as “an unusual combination of grounded empiricist, big-hearted humanist, and far-seeing visionary” by EnlightenNext Magazine.

An author and lecturer, Dr. Schlitz has delivered talks and workshops to a broad spectrum of audiences from secondary school classrooms to conferences in Asia, New Zealand, and Europe. She has given lectures at the United Nations, the Smithsonian, and the Explorers’ Club and taught at colleges all around the country, including Harvard Medical School, The University of Mexico School of Medicine, and California Pacific Medical Center. She has published some 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Michael Murphyis co-founder of Integral Transformative Practice©and co-founder and chairman of the board of Esalen Institute, the center of the human potential movement. He is author of four novels and several nonfiction works. Murphy was born in Salinas, California, graduated from Stanford University and lived for a year at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India. In 1980, he helped initiate Esalen’s Soviet-American Exchange Program, which was a premiere diplomacy vehicle for citizen-to-citizen relations. In 1990, Boris Yeltsin’s first visit to the U.S. was initiated by the Institute. Shortly after this visit, Yeltsin catalyzed the end of communism in Russia.

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About IONS

The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a non-profit science center researching the relationship between consciousness and the physical world in threeprogram areas that offer potential for positive change in the world: consciousness and healing, worldview transformation, and extended human capacities.IONS hosts a global community where people connect, learn, and transform through live and online programs, on-line media, noetic science resources, and a biennialconference. IONS introductory membership is now free at the new Noetic.Org. Funded by members, donors, and grants, IONS also operates a 120-bed conference centeron its 200-acre campus in Petaluma, CA.