SASA Board Meeting Agenda

August 14, 2016

6:00 pm

Present: Dan E, Dan M, Dustin, Shane, Andy, Scooter, Pete, Jason, Joe, Andrea, Casey

Absent: Coralee, Travis, Tania, Corey

Meeting commenced:18:11 pm

Guests: Kevin Smith at 19:05 pm – apparel and products for tournaments

  1. Review and approve minutes from June, 2016 – Move to accept minutes 1st by Andy, 2nd by Joe. Reviewed unofficial July minutes (not enough members at last meeting). No motion, as the July minutes were unofficial.
  1. Registrar

•New website has created minor issues with registration and Jason has been answering questions and dealing with issues. Items that needed to be added to website: contact number for Dan E. needs to be his cellular telephone number, SASA PO Box (PO Box 855) needs to be on website so checks can be mail for registration, Tournament Directors and dates need to be listed (problem remedied) and the correct years of birth for Mite registration.

• A check needs to be conducted of registrants for SASA for the following: home addresses and school attended to verify they are able to register.

• Motion to go into executive session by Dan E. at 18:20 pm

• Motion to come out of executive session by Dan E. at 18:26 pm

• MAHA has two female players who inquired to play with SASA because of number issues at that age with MAHA. SASA agrees we will accept both players and both players have already completed their volunteer commitments for MAHA. SASA will receive ice credit from MAHA.

• Player numbers discussed with Shane and inquiry with Andrea if last year’s MAHA Saturday ice slot will still be needed this year to facilitate adequate ice time for SASA between 08:00 am and 13:00 pm on Saturday’s. Based on SASA numbers the slot will be needed and an inquiry will be made with MAHA to determine how much time is needed to return ice slots so SASA is not penalized if ice time is not used any given week.

• Discussion in relation to the amount of numbers currently at the Mite Major and Mite Minor levels and whether teams should be assembled based on skill levels. Currently waiting on a decision from the state in reference to the division of skill based Mite teams; will need more ice slots to facilitate large Mite numbers.

• Discussion of ice time availability for the scheduling of practices and games. Due to Bantam merger with Milton should be an extra ice slot available due to the Gutterson slot that Milton is providing for home games on Sunday’s.

  1. Head Coach

• Shane sent out an email to the entire body solicitingfor people interested in coaching and provided the listed requirements needed to coach with SASA / USA Hockey.A coaches meeting will be held for all interested coaches and Shane is currently awaiting a date from the Elks for the meeting. Discussion surrounding all coaches completing a profile with their previous experience and background to post on SASA team pages online.

• Shane inquiring on the availability of funds for purchases of shooter tutors for practice; one fabric and one solid material. Also for the purchase of stop watches and the ordering of two Mite sized nets; approved at June meeting. Funding needs to be checked with Treasurer.

• Discussion of instituting Report Card Rubrics (Minnesota style pre and post evaluations) for all players in the program at the beginning of the season (October) and end of the season (February). Purpose of Rubrics would be able to provide each member with a snapshot of improvement during the course of the season, providing positive and constructive feedback.

•Discussion on the challenges this upcoming year with practice times due to the availability of ice because of high membership numbers; good problem to have. Discussion also included the availability of ice time prior to the state tournaments so teams can adequately prepare for their state tournaments.

•Discussion on changing the dates of evaluations and clinics. Suggestions included having one solid week of a clinic earlier in October and have the evaluation the following week. Purpose would be to facilitate the earlier choosing of coaches and teams, which would allow practices prior to the immediate start of the season. Discussion needs to be had with Treasurer to discuss the financial implications if there is only one clinic to make sure this would not result in financial loss for the association. Proposed change the clinic would cost $100 and run from October 3rd to the 9th; evaluations would begin on October 10th.

  1. Guest – Kevin Smith (TOURNAMENTS)

• Kevin discussed current website and inquired what has worked and what did not work during our previous tournaments / apparel purchases. Due to new website and onsite equipment more availability of products: tournaments clothing, banners, pucks, frisbies, totes, mugs, fingers, etc, for possible tournament bags for players. If we have idea of budget Kevin can provide expected items available.

• Questions whether doing a pre-sell on website and if that would alleviate items being undersold at tournaments (shirts during tourney last year). Kevin discussed younger tournaments being more marketable. Casey suggested a tournament package and Shane spoke about sending out information to all teams in the tournament and they could put in orders prior to the tournament and would be available for pickup once tournament starts. Casey doesn’t want to get away from having items at the rink to sell too for impulse purchases and with new equipment Kevin is able to produce shirts quicker than past.

• Discussion on printing for the tournament programs and which companies are affordable and provide good product; ie) WB Mason – contact Ed Sargent. Discussed trophies through different vendors including, Dinn Brothers and Crown Trophies. Discussion on possibility of doing photo packages with Cold Hollow in conjunction with apparel purchases as possible tournament packages.

• Discussed using Kevin Smith’s if pricing is competitive with other vendors.

  1. Equipment / Pro Shop

• Storage locker needs to be checked for all of the available Jersey’s to check condition and sizes for each age level so they can be divided up for each team. Discussion had on whether to start having Jersey’s purchased by members as they are going to have to start being replaced in the near future and will be costly expenditure.

• Inventory needs to be done on the existing goalie equipment for Mites due to Mite numbers and more goalie equipment will be needed. Discussion had in reference to obtaining additional USA Hockey equipment bags. Pinnies need to be inventoried prior to evaluations.

  1. Treasurer – Nothing at this time (not present)
  1. State Representative

• Face Off meeting to be held at the Double Tree Hotel in South Burlington, VT on August 21st from 08:00 am to 14:00 pm. Dan E, Dan M. Andrea, and Shane will be attending. Discussion that SASA will remain to file AA, A, and B levels for Squirt and Pee Wee teams. Discussions surrounding having SASA teams play at their assigned levels regardless of state placement.

  1. Snack Bar – Nothing at this time.
  1. Grow the game – Nothing at this time. Waiting on schedule for possibility of Mite Masters.
  1. Head Referee

• Andy advised the dates have been published for the seminars being conducted by USA Hockey for officiating in the state and need to be placed on SASA website. The seminars this year are as follows: October 2nd – St. Michaels College Colchester, VT; October 22nd – Hartford High School Hartford, VT; November 6th – Rutland High School Rutland, VT. Jason is going to establish link on the website.

• Discussed the need to recruit new officials because of current decline in Officials; possibly Pee Wee, Bantams and Midget players. Have another officiating event and recruit players to possibly assist with Mite Tournament.

  1. Master Scheduler

• Currently waiting to receive the ice time schedule from the complex so it will be available for scheduler’s meeting in Waterbury, VT during the meeting in the last week of August. Andrea has already established a list of contacts for various organizations in Vermont and Quebec for potential scheduling partners.

  1. Fundraising

• Golf Tournament (Shane) – went well and everyone seemed to have positive experience. Tournament made in excess of $13,000 dollars; little less than last year due to not as many corporate sponsorships. Shane is currently looking for someone to grow the event and take over the responsibility of running it.

• Calcutta (Joe) – Planning is ongoing and there will physical tickets for the Calcutta this year. Shane advised there should be items leftover from the golf tournament that can be used for prizes. Discussion regarding having prizes for the best costumes, with Halloween themed event.

• Street Hockey Tournament – Dan E. volunteered to run the event. Dustin volunteered to assist with the social media advertising of the tournament, Casey volunteered to assist and Jason will help with website aspect of event. Tournament to be held on September 18th with a $125 per team entry fee.

  1. New Business – Nothing at this time
  1. Old Business

• Ongoing discussions with CPSC for possible proposals.

Meeting adjourned at 20:35 pm; 1st by Dustin, 2nd by Casey, all in favor, passed unanimously.