Green Feet and Roll Model of the month

Award Certificates

Guidelines on how to implement

Safe Routes to Schools’ monthly awardsat your school

Sample: Roll Model of the Month

Note: The exact same implementation guidelines described below can be substituted for the Green Feet award.

  1. Select one child every month that has been successful at making biking to school a habit. You can make the selection yourself or with your team, or you can also ask for nominations from others at the school. Asking for nominations will bring more attention. Print out the Roll Model of the Month award certificate. Please date and sign it.
  1. Present the award to the child either in person, or in front of their class, or have your Principal recognize the student at a school assembly! (You might want to contact their parents before presenting the award so that they can be present and perhaps take a photograph). Your presentation can be casual (a simple handshake from you) or more formal in front of their classmates. It’s up to you.

ClifBar has supplied a spiral notebook and a pencil for you to give to each award recipient. In addition, Safe Routes to Schools can supply you with additional goodies upon request.

  1. Obtain a photograph of the child, either on their bike wearing their helmet, or possibly receiving their award from you.
  1. Interview the child and write one paragraph (you can simply editthe attached sample). This task should take you about 15 minutes to complete. Don’t sweat it!
  1. Email your completed newsletter paragraph and your photo to your school newsletter editor to publish. You can also email it to Laura Kelly @ .

Sample school newsletter article

Roll Model of the Month!

Safe Routes to Schools would like to recognize Landon Smith as our September Roll Model of the Month at ManorElementary School. Landon bikes to school twice a week and sets his alarm clock 20 minutes early on the days he rides. Landon says he likes biking to school fast and the feeling of cool air on his face. He also likes to stop at the Scoop for an ice cream on the way home. Landon has done a great job of helping to decrease traffic and pollution in our community. Keep on biking Landon!