AP Language

Sample Outline for How to motivate SFHS students to do better in school (Proposals Section)

Transition: a much better idea for motivating SFHS students to take their educational opportunities more seriously is one based on the idea that members of a community tend to be more motivated to succeed if other members of the group they associate with are successful

Support (expert opinion): who says that this is actually something that can happen?

Selling Point: we have a resource we can take advantage of – some successful students!

The problem is that their success isn’t adequately publicized

Counterargument: successful students are seen in negative terms by their less successful peers

Refutation: survey/anecdotes

Transition: having established that successful students are seen in positive terms by their less successful peers, specific proposals for publicizing their success will now be presented

Proposal 1: Wall of Fame

Description: plaques with name of graduate and school he/she is accepted to in the main buildings on campus

What would they look like?

What would they be made of?

How much would they cost?

Could we get people in the community to make them for free? (huge selling point, if so)

What if we provided an advertising space for them?

Naming rights a la sports arenas (the “George Lopez Memorial Hall of Fame”)

If not, would they be inexpensive enough for students to be able to order?

Or could the money be obtained through fundraisers?

Comment on how much money is typically raised through such efforts

Who would be in charge of installing and maintaining them?


another company that is, again, provided with advertising space

art classes



Counterargument: won’t be long before there’s no more room


need to calculate how much wall space there is and how many plaques could fit on it and how many students graduate every year: will hopefully result in this plan being effective for many years

Could be used for another purpose – to motivate SFHS grads to graduate from college (selling point – more bang for the buck (addressing two issues at the same time)

Plaques stay on the wall for 6 years – they stay there upon verification of college graduation

Selling point: not a one-shot-deal – they’d be there forever; sons and daughters could point with pride …

Selling point: it’s worked elsewhere - it exists at other high schools with a record of success (Santa Barbara HS)

Selling point: it’s based on verified popular support

Survey students on how they feel about 736 Wall of Fame

Anecdotes: Martin’s seen a lot of students take a photo of their “plaque” (often with themselves); Martin’s been told by many that they wanted to be on the wall for the longest

Another idea

PA announcement: (CONCESSION) cool that athletes are acknowledged every morning, and it’s possible that that’s made more students want to participate in athletics; attention to athletics likely has a lot to do with SFHS athletic success (list all of our titles);

BUT, successful students deserve recognition too – it’s reasonable to predict that getting their names out there would increase student focus on academics and motivate them to want to excel

Web Page: same thing here (describe what it currently looks like – preponderance of athletic-oriented photos)

Assemblies: that honor athletes (especially the one for Chris Soreno a couple of years ago)

Criticism: may give students the idea that to be successful, one must excel at athletics. Provide some statistics on the percentage of high school athletes that go on to successful sports careers/graduate from college

Selling point: both of these resources already exist – no additional monies need to be spent

Another idea: speaking of assemblies – finally had one that honored academic accomplishments (first time in Martin’s 16 years at SFHS); ask PUENTE students for details

MC’d by former SFHS students who called names from the stage; certificates; pictures; etc

Need to do it again – make it a tradition. Ms. Mukasa shouldn’t have to pay for the whole thing.

Selling point: we have one of the largest, best-built auditoriums in the district

Another idea: marquee out front: usually announces athletic contests, runs school start times, etc

Everybody wants to see their name in lights! (selling point)

(another selling point): marquee is located on one of the most heavily trafficked streets in SF/P

Imagine families driving past and telling their kids about how they look forward to seeing their names in lights